350 rub
Journal №12 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Working out of the liquid medicinal form on the basis of copper derivatives of a chlorophyll from Laminaria saccharina
E.I. Sakanjan, E.I. Pasko, K.E. Kabishev
Working out of technology is spent and the estimation of quality of the standard sample - copper salt pheophytin «a» is spent, the technology is developed and methods of the analysis with use of the given standard sample a substance of Copper Derivatives of a Chlorophyll from Laminaria Saccharina and the liquid medicinal form on the basis of Copper Derivatives of a Chlorophyll from laminaria saccharina are developed. In connection with the small maintenance of a chlorophyll in a laminaria for reception of the standard sample the vegetative raw materials rich with a chlorophyll were used. The analysis of the data of the literature has shown that such vegetative object is the nettle grass. For definition of optimum conditions of extraction of a complex of a chlorophyll from leaves of a nettle had been studied influence of various factors on extraction process. In all cases, being based on the results spent above, spirit ethyl has been used as an extragent. At a stage of allocation of a mix pheophityns «a» and «b» acknowledgement of their authenticity would be spent. Further allocation of pheophytin-s «a» copper salt spent from copper mixes pheophytins «a» and «b» by thin-layer chromatography. Working out of technology of a medicinal substance ? «copper chlorophyll pastes» and its standardization was a following stage of work. Initial vegetative raw materials for reception of a developed preparation is the brown sea alga of laminarian family a laminaria sugary (Laminaria saccharina). The Final stage was working out of technology of the liquid medicinal on the basis Copper Chlorophyll derivatives and its standardization.
Pages: 8-14
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