350 rub
Journal №11 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Immunomodulating properties of orthilia secunda (L.)house dry extract
V.B. Khobrakova, S.S. Lomboeva
Immunomodulating activity of Orthilia secunda (L.) House dry extract has been established in experiments on СВА and F1 (СВАxC57Bl/6) mice. The influence of the dry extract from O. secunda on the humoral and cellular chains of the immune response was studied in intact mice and immunodepressive animals. The control group of animals received azathioprin, a well-known immunodepressant, in the dose of 50 mg/kg each administrated orally every day during 5 days. The first experimental group of immunodepressive animals was treated by the dry extract in experimental-therapeutic dose of 200 mg/kg orally daily during 14 days. The second experimental group of intact animals received the dry extract in experimental-therapeutic dose of 200 mg/kg orally daily during 14 days The intact and control groups of mice received distilled water. Based on the data obtained it is found that the studied remedy in experimental therapeutic dose 200 mg/kg relax supressive action of azatioprin on indices of cellular and humoral chains of immune response, that resulted to increasing of antibodyforming cells number and index of slow type hypersensitivity reaction. The extract does not change parameters of immunity at intact mice. This property of an investigated remedy is important, because it is observed just for true immunomodulators having activity only in conditions of immunity damage. Efficiency of the extract is likely to be stimulated by a high variety of biologically active substances available in this extract, mainly flavonoids quercetin, kaempferol, triterpene glycosides and tannins, which possess expressed immunomodulating properties. Thus Orthilia secunda (L.) Nouse dry extract is effective immunocorrecting remedy that allows to recommend it for further studing as new effective plant immunomodulator.
Pages: 57-60
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