350 rub
Journal №10 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
The method for the quantitative stepharin determination in the cell culture Stephania glabra
N.S. Cybul-ko
The method for the quantitative stepharin determination in the cell culture Stephania glabra is developed. The technique includes: extraction of the key target component with diethyl after addin alkaline; TLC of an extract got on plates «Sorbfil» in the solvents system: chloroform - ethyl alcohol - ammonia 5 : 10 : 0,1; spectrophotometric evaluation of optical density of stepharine with the use on the specific absorption index of the standard sample of stephaglabrin sulphate. The relative error in determination of the alkaloid content using the proposed method is not exceed ±6,8%.
Pages: 10-13
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