Articles by keyword PER
Orotron on 1 mm Wavelength on Second Space Harmonic of the Two Row Periodic Structure
Ye. A Myasin, A.N. Solovyov
Method of Jitter Measurement and Analysis in Received of Georadars
© A.V. Doudnik
Radiation of Elementary Sources Nearby a Perfectly Conducting Cylinder in a Chiral Coating
© Е.А. Shorokhova
Method Singular Spectrum Analysis with Temporary Numbers for Assessment of Organism Adaptation Capability During Cosmonauts Extra-Vehicular Activity (EVA)
Nosovskiy A.M., Savina N.V., Osipov Yu.Yu., Filipenkov S.N.
Dual-Band Feeds for Parabolic Reflector Antennas with High Cros-Polar Isolation
A.E. Kazaryan, Yu.B. Korchemkin, A.V. Majorov, N.D. Nasledov, A.K. Tobolev
Language of Schemes of Radicals in Problem Questions of Redesign Researches, Equipment and Support of Complex Systems and Experimental Problems of Introduction of Critical High Technologies
Comparative Estimation of Blood and Pericardial Liquid Investigations at Testing Donor Tissnes
Savelev V.I., Bort G.S., Ivanov I.N., Lekishvili M.V., Rykov U.A., Reznik A.G.
Nfatc4 gene polymorphism and aerobic performance in athletes
I.I. Ahmetov, D.V. Popov, Yu.V. Shikhova, S.S. Missina, O.A. Sarayev, O.L. Vinogradova, V.A. Rogozkin
Way of Expansion of a Zone of Unequivocal Measurement of Distance to the Purpose Radar Stations with High Frequency of Repetition of Impulses
V.D. Anokhin, Е.V. Anokhin, V.V. Matushkin
Analysis to Efficiency of the Twin-Position Passive System of the Aiming on Sources Radiation
A.M. Kuimov, V.I .Merkulov, A.I. Shuklin
Two Strategies for the Determination of Soil Permittivity by GPR Data
F. Soldovieri, R. Persico, M.M. Golovko, G.P. Pochanin
The Dispersion Characteristics of Periodical System of X-Ray Waveguides and 2-D Photonic Crystals
E.I. Gribnikova, A.M. Lerer, M.I. Mazuritskiy
Methodological Specialties of IT Analysis of the Information about Dynamic of Plants or Process
E.V. Yurkevich, E.L. Ivanilov
V.V. Belousov
V.V. Belousov
Challenges of Regulatory and Legal Framework for UAVs creation and application
Glagolev V. A., Lesnichiy G. N.
Pilot-less vehicle terrestrial control console mono-pulse antenna system
Petrov A. S., Pechurin V. A., Tegel S. A.
Fractal Property Investigation of Unintentional Active Interference in the Operating HF Radar Channels
A. L. Dzvonkovskaya
Investigation of Structural-phase Transformations and Optical Properties of Composites on the Basis of Silicon Nanoclusters Embedded in Silicon Oxide Matrix
Circular Dielectric Waveguide with a Periodically Changing Surface Dielectric Permittivity
E. A. Popov, L. G. Rudoyasova
Dopler Spectrums Probabilistic Models of Man-s Breathings and Methods of Its Processing
O. V. Sytnik, I. A. Vyazmitinov, Ye. I. Myroshnichenko
Analytical Regularization of the Problem of Wave Diffraction by a Strip Grating Upon Ferromagnetic Medium Interface
А. V. Brovenko, P. N. Melezhik, A. Ye. Poyedinchuk, and А. S. Troschylo
Measurement of Electromagnetic Characteristics of Materials by Resonator Method with the Help of the Vector Network Analyzer
V. N. Apletalin, Yu. N. Kazantsev, A. N. Kozyr-kov, V. S. Solosin
The Influence of Electro-Magnetic Radiation on the Frequency of Atmospheric Oxygen Absorption and Radiation Molecular Spectrum on the Activity of Bacteria Antioxidase Protection Enzymes
E.A. Pronina, G.M. Shub, A.P. Krenitskij, A.V. Majborodin, O.V. Betskij, Ju.V. Gulyaev
Difference of Dielectric Behavior of Leaving and Dead Yeast Cells
A.N. Romanov
Change in Motor Activity of Spirostomum Ambiguum after Low-Intensity Electromagnetic Radiation as a Bioassay
J.V.Igolkina, E.I Sarapultseva, V.A.Litovchenko
Working Out of Projects of Techniques of Testing and Tests for Definition of Professional Competence (Suitability) of Military People with Reference to Various Categories and Groups of Posts of Military Service
G.I. Semikin, G.A. Mysina, A.D. Suhodrovsky
J.Kh. Nurligareev
V. A. Vasiljev, D. S. Seregin, K. A. Vorotilov
Informatics department of public health ministry russian leading research institute of public health and health informatics
O.V. Simakov, G.S. Lebedev
A.V. Vavaev, E.G. Tischenko, V.P. Mokh, A.V. Maksimenko
A.G. Gamburtsev, O.I. Aptikaeva
Infinite Sets of the Phase-Coded Sequences with the One-Level Periodic Autocorrelation Function
A.N. Leukhin, N.V. Parsaev
Intruder Detection and Recognition in Optoelectronic Observation Systems
Zwierzynsky S.S., Parfentsev I.V.
Construction of Binary ZCZ Sequence Families with Mismatched Filtering on the Basis of Perfect and Almost-Perfect Ternary Sequences
E.I. Krengel
On the description of internal impedance per unit length for multi-walled carbon nanotubes
L.A. Apresyan, D.V. Vlasov
Electromagnetic Wave Scattering by a Circular PEC Plate of Finite Thickness
I.O. Sukharevsky, G.S. Zalevsky, S.V. Nechitaylo, O.I. Sukharevsky
Analysis of Photopletismogram with Use of Code Messages
A.F. Rybochkin, S.V. Saveliev, L.V. Pleskanos
The Prediction Models of Coronary Heart Desease for Female Respondents on Basis of the Analysis of Psychological and Behavioural Qualities of the Person
O.V. Shatalova, E.A. Shashkova, A.B. Kraskovsky
Models of «adaptive recognition cells» for a formalized description of psychological human reactions
V.G. Yakhno
The model of visual system multilevel presetting for three-dimensional object recognition
M.V. Petrushan
Inverstigation on linear subsystems of nonlinear equation systems for gamma generators
V.M. Fomichev, N.V. Fomichev
Spiral structures at parametric excitation of capillary ripples in a layer with periodically inhomogeneous deph
S.V. Kiyashko, A.V. Nazarovsky
Channel Interleaving Method for Fast Fading Suppression
Shneps-Shneppe, D.M.
Analysis and Synthesis of Optimal Control of First Order Object in Presence of Random Perturbations
Gribkov, A.N., Artemova S.V.
Wavelet Optimization Method for Perceptual Audio Coding
G. Rogozinsky
Singularities of Making of a Databank of Radar Standard Portraits of the Signals Reflected from Air Targets
Vasiljev, O.V., Zhukov, M.N., Potapov, R.A., Sytnikov, A.S.
The Analysis of Guidance Laws for Moving Objects Equipped Satellite Radio Navigation Systems
Zamolodchikov, V.N.
Intermodulation Effect in Amplifiers with Various Dynamic Characteristics
O.B. Goncharuk, E.G. Skorobogatov, V.V. Yudin
To the Problem of Providing the Electromagnetic Safety in the Branch «Svyaz»
Y.I. Kolchugin
Aperture Synthesizing Taking Account of Forward and Circular Antenna Phase Center Movement
B.G. Tatarsky, E.V. Maystrenko
Diffraction of Electromagnetic Waves on the Combinated Periodical Structure of Waveguide and Sawtooth Type
S.Ye. Shaldaev
Numerical solution of a radio-waves diffraction problem over irregular terrain
V.V. Akhiyarov
Parabolic Equation Method in the Diffraction Theory
V.V. Akhiyarov
Using of a Method of Superficial Magnetic Permeability for Reception of Dispersive Parities in Layered Structures Containing Ferrite
A.L. Khvalin
The Comparison of Efficient Magnetic Permeability of Cylindrical Covers from Spiral and Straightforward Magnetic Conductors
U. S. Valeev
Estimation of Electromagnetic Wave Energy Losses in Biological Environments
R.N. Nikulin, D.A. Baryshev, A.S. Penskoy, D.E. Radchenko, A.G. Shein
Radiometric UHF-Methods of Diagnostic of New Growths in Diary Glant
O.R. Nikitin, V.A. Yakovlev, A.N. Danilov
Complex Chronomagnetotherapy - Method Activation of the Highest Achievements in Sport
S.G. Gurzhin, E.M. Grigorev, V.I. Zhulev, V.G. Krjakov, E.M. Proshin, G.P. Stupakov
The Nature of Fluctuations Own Electromagnetic Radiation of the Brain
V.S. Kublanov, Ju.E. Sedelnikov, A.L. Azin, A.M. Syskov
The Electrogastrogram Signal Fractal Analysis
O.I. Antipov, M.Yu. Nagornaya
Analysis of the football performance: from classical methods to neural network
Yu. Yu. Petrunin
A method for study of speech signal informative cues
A.S. Kolokolov, V.M. Krol, A.Yu. Mestcherakov, I.A. Lubinski, V.P. Yachno
Designing Features and Some Problem of Mastering of Mass Production Phased-Array Antennas-(ESA) for Air Defense Missile System «Buk-M2Э»
A.E. Chalykh
Changing the Functional State of the Endothelium and Peripheral Perfusion under the Influence of Electromagnetic Waves in the Terahertz Range of Frequencies Nitric Oxide White Rats in a State of Acute Immobilization Stress
V.F. Kirichuck, A.N. Ivanov , T.S.Kiriyazi, A.P. Krenickiy, A.V. Mayborodin
Dielectric Properties and Microwave Conductivity of the Porous Radioabsorbing Materials
S.B. Bibikov, O.N. Smolnikova, M.V. Prokof-ef
Modular neural network classifier for air target recognition
A. V. Bobin, O. A. Mishulina, A. V. Slatin
Study of genetic algorithms for multilayer perceptron training
L. G. Komartsova, D. S. Kadnikov
The question of ecology and occupational safety and health in radio-electronic production
V.P. Gatsenko, T.A. Kuznetsova, A.V. Sidorova, V.O. Feodorov
Modeling of multilayer ferroelectrics
V.N. Nechaev and A.V. Shuba
The two-channel registrar of sources of ultra-violet and infra-red radiation
M. M. Bokov, S. L. Kagala
Correct periodic solutions in control systems with monotonous hysteresis nonlinearities
M.E. Semenov, O.I. Kanishcheva, D.M. Prohorov, A.N. Gulin
Priority directions of health informatics on 2010 - 2012
O. V. Simakov, G. S. Lebedev
Stages and prospects of integration information systems for clinical data
B.A. Kobrinskiy
Utilization of medical information system in optimization of hemodialysis care management
M. B. Shamanskiy, N. B. Naygovzina, V. Yu. Shilo
S.V. Kraevsky, D. A. Rogatkin
N.V. Savina, A.G. Goncharova, L. Kh. Bragin, A.M. Nosovsky, A.E. Severin
R.S. Prosvetov, V.I.Torshin, N.P. Antonova, E.N. Arkhipova, I.B. Alchinova
A.V. Vavaev, V.L. Lakomkin, E.G. Tischenko, V.I. Kapelko, A.V. Maksimenko
Biological effectiveness of X-ray irradiation at low doses under changing dose rate
M.A. Klimovich, K.F. Sergeichev, D.M. Karfidov, N.A. Lukina, L.N. Shishkina
Experimental Check of Design Procedures of Performance and Availability Objectives for Digital Radio Relay Routes
G.O. Vasilenko
Preventing Disorders of Peripheral Perfusion in White Rats in a State of Acute Stress by Electromagnetic Radiation at Terahertz Frequencies Nitric Oxide 150.176...150.664 GHz
V.F. Kirichuk, A.N. Ivanov, T.S. Kiriyazi, O.N. Antipovа, N.E. Babichenko, A.P. Krenitsky
Methods of Debugging and Testing of External Devices Emulators
M. V. Zibul
Productive development of generalising ability of multilayer perceptron
P. E. Khrustalyov
Mathematical modelling of electrolytic plasma treatment process using neural networks
E. V. Parfenov, A. R. Fatkullin, D. M. Lazarev, A. L. Yerokhin
Analysis of Persistent and Antipersistent Correlations in Biomedical Signals
S.A. Demin, B.N. Galimzyanov, O.Yu. Panischev
Electrodynamic Analysis of Nano-Antennas of Millimeter and Optic Range
A. L. Lerer, G. P. Sinyavski
Symptoms correction of chronic generalized periodontitis women in different phases
I.V. Radysh, A.M. Avanesov, A.A. Sutormina
Effective technique of classification flying objects
P. E. Khrustalyov
Multi-agent network control of the group of unmanned aerial vehicle
K. S. Amelin, O. N. Granichin
Increase of stability of functioning of the automated system at the expense of perfection of system of detection information-technical influences
B.S. Ryzhov
Variations of amplitude-phase responces of HF radiowaves on slightly tilted tracks, accompanied heating of ionosphere with powerful periodic radio emission and passage through the solar terminator
K. P. Garmash, S. G. Leus, S. V. Panasenko, L. F. Chernogor
Generation of radiochannel for bandwidth-efficient and noise-immune transmission of telemetry signals
A. M. Annenkov, V. N. Yudin
Principles of Formation Individual Standard Physiological Person-s Parameters at Periodic Inspections by the Method of Functional Biofeedback Control
N.A. Sadykova, Yu.I. Senkevich, N.B. Suvorov
Choice of Performance Criteria Telemedicine System of Extreme Geographical Zones
M.A. Al-Rumaima
A Technique of Performance Evaluation of Onboard Military Communications Complex During Electronic Warfare
A.V. Vasilyev, V.P. Svintsov, V.A. Machalin, A.A. Vyazmikin
S.A. Demin, B.N. Galimzyanov
T.P. Alexeeva, A.A. Rakhmetova, O.A Bogoslovskaja, I.P. Olkhovskaya, A.V. Ilyina, V.P. Varlamov, N.N. Gluschenko
A Modification of the Kummer's Method for Efficient Computation of Two-Dimensional and Three-Dimensional Green's Functions for One-Dimensional Periodic Structures
S. P. Skobelev
The role of NO-Synthase in the Reaction of the Endothelium and Changes in Peripheral Perfusion under the Influence of Electromagnetic Terahertz Waves at Frequencies of Nitric Oxide in Albino Rats in a State of Acute Stress
V.F. Kirichuk, A.N. Ivanov, T.S. Kiriyazi, E.V. Andronov, N.E. Babichenko, I.V. Smyshlyaeva, M.A. Sakhan
Роль синтазы оксида азота в реакции эндотелия и изменении периферической перфузии под влиянием электромагнитных волн терагерцевого диапазона на частотах оксида азота у белых крыс при остром стрессе
Вячеслав Фёдорович Киричук - д.м.н., профессор, академик МАНВШ, РАМТН, РАВН, зав. кафедрой нормальной физиологии им. И.А. Чуевского, CГМУ им. В.И. Разумовского. Е-mail: Алексей Николаевич Иванов - к.м.н., доцент, кафедра нормальной физиологии им. И.А. Чуевского, CГМУ им. В.И. Разумовского. E-mail: Татьяна Святославовна Кириязи - ассистент, кафедра нормальной физиологии им. И.А. Чуевского, CГМУ им. В.И. Разумовского. Е-mail: Евгений Викторович Андронов - д.м.н., профессор, кафедра нормальной физиологии им. И.А. Чуевского, СГМУ им. В.И. Разумовского. E-mail: Наталия Евгеньевна Бабиченко - к.м.н., доцент, кафедра нормальной физиологии им. И.А. Чуевского, CГМУ им. В.И. Разумовского Ирина Валентиновна Смышляева - к.м.н., доцент, кафедра нормальной физиологии им. И.А. Чуевского, CГМУ им. В.И. Разумовского Максим Алексеевич Сахань - студент 3-го курса лечебного факультета, CГМУ им. В.И. Разумовского
Studying the Dielectric Properties of Water in Microwave Range
A.S. Penskoy, A.G. Shein
Gastrointestinal Manometry with Medical Device «Gastroscan-D»

N.V. Karasikov, A.G. Mikheev, L.E. Mishulin, B.V. Rakitin, M.M. Trifonov, S.I. Schookin

Detection of Periods in the Dynamics of Radiation Conditions and Heliogeophysical Factors in the Area of the Mir Station Orbit
V.A. Bondarenko, V.G. Mitrikas, A.M. Nosovskij, V.V. Tsetlin, V.I. Kuzmin, A.F. Gadzaov, D. L. Tytik
Optoelectronic devices for phased-array signal forming based on periodic structures
N. M. Ushakov, R. V. Bykov
Modal Antipodes of Flat Three-Wire Cables
I.G. Bevzenko, T.R. Gazizov, A.M. Zabolotsky
Solving problem of movement distribution based on Riccatti equation proportions
V. I. Kuzmin, A. F. Gadzaov
Integration of successive events into the whole image: mechanisms and models
A. V. Vartanov, I. E. Monakhova
«Virtual binocular visual image» as a characteristic of sensor integration in the system of perception of visual information by both eyes
I. E. Rabichev
Solvability of the formalized description vitasystems through the use of categorical variables
A. I. Ayupov, S. I. Plyaskota
Diffraction of Electromagnetic Waves of Optical Frequency on the Nanovibrator Lying at the Boundary Between Dielectrics
E. V. Golovacheva, A. M. Lerer, P. V. Makhno, G. P. Sinyavskiy
Electrodynamics Analysis of Multilayer Periodical Multistrip and Multislot Waveguide Structures
I. V. Donets, S. M. Tsvetkovskaya
Nuclear reactor-s neutron flux modeling application in case of technological characteristics random perturbations
A. M. Zagrebayev, V. A. Nasonova
Person identification based on face recognition by tree-structured representations of images
D. Yu. Stepanov
Engineering the methods of maintenance activities for network connection in regional distribution grid companies
M. Yu. Ryazantseva, S. V. Degtyarev
Expert component of individual combined pharmacotherapy as element of medical expert support system
N. G. Preferansky
Using of clinical information system "INTERIS" for syndromal evaluation of hemodynamic disorders during early postoperative period in cancer patient group
E. G. Belyaev, M. V. Petrova, S. L. Shvyrev, T. V. Zarubina
Principles of formation of the telematic platform for intellectual transport systems
V. N. Efanov, L. R. Sayapova
About experience of measurement of dielectric permeability of a tree on a root
A.Yu. Kakovkina, A.A. Kalinkevich
Perioperative neuromonitoring technoque for estimation of the functional state of the brain in patients with cardiovascular diseases
E.F. Dutikova, B.V. Arshinov, R.A. Maraguei
Fundus-microperimeter in diabetic macular edema diagnostics in diabetes mellitus type 2 patients
I. V. Vorobieva, D. A. Merkushenkova, L. G. Estrin
Specific characteristics of fluorescein angiography in diabetes mellitus type 2 patients
I. V. Vorobieva, D. A. Merkushenkova, L. G. Estrin
Antioxidant therapy of an experimental rheumatoid arthritis
S. V. Belova
Effect of N-Propionyl-S-Isopropyl-Isothiourea on the Production of Biogenic Nitric Oxide (NO) and Haemodynamic Parameters in Animal Endotoxic Shock
M.V. Filimonova, L.I. Shevchenko, V.I. Surinova, S.P. Orlenko, V.M. Makarchuk, S.Y. Proskuriakov
Stress Protective Properties of Synthetic and Vegetative Antioxidants
V.E. Novikov, N.O. Krjukova, A.V. Krikova, S.D. Leonov
Metal Ions and Neutrophile Oхydative Activity
V.M. Mushtakovа, V.A. Fomina, V.V. Rogovin
Моделирование в системе Квартус-2 конфигурируемого логического блока на основе ДНФ ? представления систем логических функций с использованием функционально-полных толерантных элементов
S.F. Tyurin, A.A. Baydarov, A.M. Morozov, A.V. Nabatov
Diagnostics of nanosized ferroelectric films on semiconductor and dielectric substrates using RBS-spectroscopy method
M.S. Afanas-ev, V.K. Egorov, G.V. Chucheva, P.A. Lychnikov, A.V. Byrov
A study of speech signal informative cues
A.S. Kolokolov, I.A. Lubinski, A.Yu. Mestcherakov, V.P. Yachno
Biometric neural network depersonalization when primarily anonymously addressing a medical clinic
A.A. Bukhanik, S.B. Rybalkin, M.V. Secretov
Calculations lead and functional units of modern vacuum technology unit complexes in static and dynamic modes
V.A. Vasin, E.N. Ivashov, S.V. Stepanchikov
Diffraction of the plane or cylindrical wave by two perfect conducting strips
V.I. Stasevich
A study of speech signal informative cues
A.S. Kolokolov, I.A. Lubinski, A.Yu. Mestcherakov, V.P. Yachno
Formation of innovative system of cooperative corporate governance
V.V. Kalmykov
Efficient Synthesized Antenna Aperture in Case of Combined Phase Center Movement Trajectory
B.G. Tatarsky, E.V. Maystrenko
Particular qualities of technological compatibility of the layered heterostructures deposition on the basis of nano sized carbon and perovskite films
M.S. Afanasev, P.A. Luchnikov, A.Yu. Mityagin, А.А. Nazarenсo, G.V. Chucheva
Neural network training in conditions of information deficiency using model data
Yu.V. Koltsov, E.V. Boboshko
Eye diseases diagnosis by perimeter data research using complex-valued neural networks
A.A. Rozhentsov, A.S. Naumov, A.A. Bayev
Influence estimation of traffic multifractality on queuing performance
A.S. Bugaev, O.I. Sheluhin
Influence of information packets reception errors on quality of streaming video at the transmission in wireless networks
S.S. Zwezhinskii, Yu.A. Ivanov, M.A. Smichek, A.N. Rudnev
Estimation of kinematic parameters of parcels load automated complexes in containers
I.V. Barsuk
Method of Detection of a Broadband Signal by Results of the Parallel Frequency Analysis in the Conditions of Uncertainty
N.J. Muzychenko
Electromagnetic waves at a frequency of atmospheric oxygen in the correction of intraorganic blood flow disturbances in a state of acute stress
V.F. Kirichuk, I.O. Bugaeva, M.O. Kurtukova, A.N. Ivanov
Using various devices in the diaguosis of changes visual field in patients with diabetes type 2
I.V. Vorobyova, S.A. Kochergiin, E.A. Neshkova, D.N. Gigineishvili
Arrhythmia recognition using artificial neural networks
N.A. Al-khulaidi, R.V. Isakov, L.T. Sushkova
Automation of medical images processing for diagnose of pathology
О.R. Nikitin, А.S. Pasechnik, Salem Al Saidi
Visual perception and categorization of objects with divergent forms
A.V. Vartanov, E.A. Malyasova
The comparison analysis of neural architectures and learning algorithms for electrical energy losses forecasting
Y.V. Koltsov, E.V. Boboshko
Results of neural networks research in the tasks of heart rate variability recognition
N.A. Al-Khulaidi, R.V. Isakov, L.T. Sushkova
Management of socialandeconomic system
K.V. Khartanovich
Technological control of element structure perovskite layer of planar nano structures deposited in HF-plasma
M.S. Afanas-ev, V.K. Egorov, P.A. Lychnikov, A.V. Byrov, G.V. Chucheva
Features of the oral health among students from different regions of the world
V.I. Torshin, R.S. Prosvetov, I.B. Alchinova
Features of nonspecific adaptable reactions in healthy women
V.B. Brunin, S.S. Kraushkin
Peculiarities of psycho-emotional status in climacteric period in dependence on chronophysiological and stereofunctional features of women - organism
O.P. Zavodnov, M.A. Zakrujnaya, T.L. Botasheva, O.I. Rudova, E.V. Pligina, E.M. Alexandrova
Features of Development of the Heart-Shaped Macleya (Macleya cordata (Willd.) R.Br.) at Autumn and Spring Terms of Landing
N.I. Sidelnikov, O.A. Bykova
Analytical model of the performance assessment of the transport networks
G.I. Lines
Solution of problems of analysis by selection under radio monitoring without complete information about the preferences
S.A. Kornienko
Mathematical simulation of the adaptive transmitting antenna arrays
D.D. Ganzii, P.V. Rusakov, G.I. Troshin
Personal components of self-regulation of educational activity of students of correspondence form of education: system approach
E.S. Galeeva
Features of physical development of children - orphans and children without parental support in postnatal ontogenesis
N.O. Davydova
Technique of estimation of the condition of patients with cardiological pathology on the basis of immuno - the biochemical analysis of blood taking into account the ecological background of the region
N.J. Kelina, V.V. Pikulin, T.J. Mamelina, O.A. Kulikova
The Questions of the Rational using of Hypericum Herb
V.A. Kurkin, O.E. Pravdivtseva
Oxygen, NADPH Oxydase, Antibacterial Activity of Neutrophils
R.A. Muravieff, V.V. Rogovin
Application the Internet of technologies for transfer of video content
A.A. Kondrashin, V.V. Sleptsov, A.N. Lyaminv
Technological control of element structure perovskite layer of planar nano structures deposited in HF-plasma
M.S. Afanas-ev V.K Egorov, P.A.Lychnikov, A.V.Byrov, G.V. Chucheva
Diffraction of cylindrical H polarized waves on finite periodic structure with hexagonal packing
V.I. Stasevich
Directional diagram formed by aerial array adaptive interference canceller
О.V. Saltykov
Forecasting of incidence by adaptive and fuzzy models
V.V. Kotin, T.A. Yarynkin
Neurobiological mechanisms of subjective perception
A.V. Sergin, V.Ya. Sergin
Signal amplification in a TWTM in the presence of the periodical the inhomogeneity of the electric field
S.S. Bulantsev, V.V. Zhoga, A.G. Shein
The theorem of samples for signals with infinite spectrum
B.A. Mikhailov
Solving diffraction problems by parabolic equation method
V.V. Akhiyarov
The effect of electro-impulse impact on bio-radical processes and the state of pro- and antioxidant systems at the condition of oxidative stress, causeв by acute hypoxia
E.M. Vechkanov, I.A. Sorokina, I.M. Paribek, I.A. Aliluev, V.V. Trigub, A.I. Lukash
Correlations between individual features of electrodermal response during joint viewing of video films
V.I. Mirgorodsky, V.V. Dementienko, V.V. Gerasimov, S.V. Peshin, V.B. Dorokhov
Capon algorithm of direction finding with super resolution: decrease of peak and background of space spectrum under limited volume of training sample data
M.V. Ratynsky, A.A. Komov
Perfect allocation of spectrumzonal images from polyсhromatic
B.A. Mikhailov
Determination of the longitudinal profile of the working chamber conveyor microwave waveguide-type devices that provide uniform heating of the dielectric material
V.A. Kolomejcev, A.E. Semenov, D.N. Nikuiko, A.F. Hamidyllin
The role of acute and chronic stress in the manifestation of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation
I.I. Yurovskaya, M.S. Artemieva, Y.V. Tarichko
Aspects of pathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy in patients with diabetes of the second type
I.V. Vorobievа
Dynamics of kinks of the modified sine-Gordon equation in the presence of stepped spatial modulation of the periodic potential
E.G. Ekomasov, R.R. Murtazin, O.B. Bogomazova
Autonomy in surgery and related areas - needs: requests and expectations
M. Kranzfelder - Department of Surgery, Workgroup MITI (Minimally-invasive Interdisciplinary Therapeutical Intervention), Klinikum rechts der Isar, Technische Universität München
A. Schneider - Department of Surgery, Workgroup MITI (Minimally-invasive Interdisciplinary Therapeutical Intervention), Klinikum rechts der Isar, Technische Universität München
H. Friess - Dr. Ing. Workgroup MITI (Minimally-invasive Interdisciplinary Therapeutical Intervention), Klinikum rechts der Isar, Technische Universität München
H. Feussner - Prof. Dr. Department of Surgery, Workgroup MITI (Minimally-invasive Interdisciplinary Therapeutical Intervention), Klinikum rechts der Isar, Technische Universität München. E-mail:
Влияние нестабильности диэлектрических характеристик стеклопластика на радиотехнические параметры радиопрозрачного укрытия. Исследование зависимости коэффициента прохождения электромагнитной энергии от ε, tgδ и угла падения
A.K. Kabayev
Calculation of admissible bit error probability in a wireless channel of communication with controled objects
A.B. Zazulina, A.N. Lutkov
The 31.82 GHz complex permittivity measurement of water solutions of grape wine ingredients
V.N. Skresanov, Z.E. Eremenko, V.V.Glamazdin, A.I. Shubnyj
Technique of creation of the visual interface of the human-machine control system of object in real time
V.M. Кrol, A.K. Krasnikov, O.N. Andreeva
Neurobiological mechanisms of subjective perception-II
A.V. Sergin, V.Ya. Sergin
Three-phased and five-phased sequences constructed from difference sets with zinger parameters
A.N. Leukhin, N.V. Parsaev, L.G. Kornilova
Modelling in Quartus-II system of configurable logical block on the basis of disjunctive normal forms-representation of logical functions - systems with the use of function-total tolerant elements
S.F. Tyurin, A.M. Morozov, A.V. Nabatov
Asymptomatic and limiting behavior of dynamic system of double hypercycle
M.V. Safro
Separation and time series quasi gapping
V.V. Abramenkov, Y.I. Savinov
Statistics of mixtures of non-Gaussian radar signal and non-Gaussian disturbance
A.V. Boldin, A.A. Bortnikov, R.P. Bistrov, A.V. Khomyakov
Activity of lipid peroxidation and state of the antioxidant defense system in patients with type 2 diabetes
N.P. Mikaelian, I.O. Kulaeva, A.E. Gurina, A.A. Terenev, R.E. Saifullin, K.A. Mikaelian
Investigation of antioxidant status of a patients which using omegalicin as a medicine for correction in the treatment of psoriasis
R.N. Pavlova, L.A. Karyakina, Tch.R. Beyshebaeva, V.A. Dadali
Principles of quasiperfect systems
B.A. Mikhailov
Analysis of the parameters of microwave dielectric materials
A.I. Pikyl, N.А. Trefilov, Е.V. Egorova, А.V. Shpak, А.А. Markin, А.S. Avetisov, М.М. Krytov
Analysis and optimization of periodic dielectric structures for blooming of lenses in radio and optical bands
S.P. Skobelev, O.N. Smolnikova
Neural nano-physical nature of the distributed molecular-cellular nano-acceptor of result action - analitic neurosimulation
A.V. Savelyev
Research of periodic fluctuations in control systems with fuzzy regulators
I.M. Makarov, V.M. Lokhin., S.V. Maňko, M.P. Romanov, M.S. Sitnikov
Nuclear reactor-s neutron flux modeling application in case of technological characteristics random perturbations
A.M. Zagrebayev
Control of the clinical efficacy of magnetic therapy in the treatment of periimplantitis using hardware and software monitoring electrodermal activity
V.I. Zhulev, M.B. Kaplan, E.V. Moskvina, L.P. Nabatchikova, N.N. Strelkov, E.S. Perminov
The ways for realization of human lymphocyte apoptosis, induced by hydrogen peroxide
V.G. Artyukhov, M.S. Trubitsyna, M.A. Nakvasina, O.V. Lidokhova, S.V. Ryazantsev
Nitric oxide (II) in the oxidation-reduction of heme iron oxyhemoglobin
M.K. Ruban, G.A. Vashanov, I.A.Lavrinenko
Formation of the personal qualities influencing the process of self-control of educational activity of students of tuition by correspondence
E.S. Galeeva
On the introduction of posts in the criminal-executive system
S.N. Ushakov, A.V. Kalyashin
Estimation of the visual susceptibility images operator workstation in real-time systems
O.N. Andreeva, A.V. Brunova
Increase of accuracy of estimation of angular coordinates two-channel peak direction finder in the conditions of uncertainty
N.Ju. Muzychenko, D.A. Tyurin
Distributed automated health monitoring system
А.E. Pikhlak, W.A. Sarukhanov, A.M. Nosovsky, V.A. Logachev, I.A. Lisenkov, A.V. Shuvalov, N.A. Mutyeva
The structure of the water-containing environment of tissues - a fundamental factor in the development of new principles of biomedical nanotechnology extremely high frequency and terahertz of range's
N.I. Sinitsyn, V.A. Elkin, O.V. Betskii
On the evaluation of adaptive spatial filtering efficiency
M.V. Ratynsky
Oil exit from Euonymus Europaeus L. fruits (Short communication)
N.A. Trusov - Ph.D. (Biol), Chief Botanical Garden. E-mail:
Development of extraction and purification procedure for inulinase from helianthus tuberosus tubers and analysis of its physicochemical and kinetical properties
M.G. Holyavka - Ph.D. (Biol.), The Research Associate of Biophysics and Biotechnology Department, The Voronezh State University, Voronezh, Russia. E-mail: T.A. Kovaleva - Dr. Sc. (Biol.), The Voronezh State University, Professor of Biophysics and Biotechnology Department, Voronezh, Russia. E-mail: E.A. Hrupina - Student, The Voronezh State University, Voronezh,Russia V.G. Artyukhov - Dr. Sc. (Biol.), Professor, The Head of Biophysics and Biotechnology Department, The Voronezh State University, Voronezh, Russia. E-mail: V.N. Kalaev - Dr. Sc. (Biol.), Professor, The Voronezh State University, Voronezh, Russia
Electrodynamic analysis of nanoarrays
A.M. Lerer - D.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Southern Federal University
E.V. Golovacheva - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Southern Federal University
I.N. Ivanova - Post-graduent Student, Southern Federal University
I.A. Kazmin - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Southern Federal University
Cloudy technologies in clinical and scientific activity of scientific medical institutions
B.A. Kobrinskiy - M.D., Ph.D., Professor, Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Chairman of Scientific Center to New Information Technology of Moscow Research Institute of Pediatrics and Children-s Surgery, Professor of the Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov
Role of the medical staff register in formation of the personnel resources of the Moscow Regional Public Health Care
V.N. Lobanova - Head of the Medical Information-and-Analysis Center (МIАC), Vladimirsky Moscow Regional Clinical and Research Institute (MONIKI)
A.N. Gurov - Dr. Sci., Professor, Assistant Director in Research Organization, Head of the Board of Public Health Care Organization, the Faculty of Postgraduate medical Training (MONIKI). E-mail:
A.N. Plutnitsky - Ph. D., Assistant Professor, the Board of Public Health Care Organization, the Faculty of Postgraduate medical Training, MONIKI
Throughput of quasiperfect systems. comparison with shannon systems
B.A. Mikhailov  Ph.D. (Eng.), Senior Research Scientist, MTUCI
Designing of the mobile equipment for estimation of adaptation of human organism to changing environment conditions
M. S. Krivolapov - The Head of Development Department, Technical Systems and Technologies, LTD (Saint Petersburg). E-mail:
A.Z. Yafarov - Post-Graduate Student, Department of Biotechnical Systems, Saint-Petersburg State Electrotechnical University «LETI» n. a. V. I. Ulyanov (Lenin). E-mail:
The automated complex of psychophysiological state of athletes rehabilitation
E. V. Sadykova - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department of Biotechnical Systems, Saint-Petersburg State Electrotechnical University «LETI» n. a. V. I. Ulyanov (Lenin). E-mail:
N. A. Sadykova - Ph.D. (Eng), Assistant, Department of Biotechnical Systems, Saint-Petersburg State Electrotechnical University «LETI» n. a. V. I. Ulyanov (Lenin)
Personal cloud technology for building scientific problem-oriented environment
T.N. Churov - Junior Research Scientist, National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics
D.A. Nasonov - Junior Research Scientist, National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics
E.V. Bolgova - Junior Research Scientist, National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics
Methods for development and usage of cloud services performance models
S.V. Kovalchuk - Ph.D. (Eng.), Senior Research Scientist, National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics
A.M. Chirkin - Student, National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics
K.V. Knyazkov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Senior Research Scientist, National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics
Neural nano-physical nature of the distributed molecular-cellular nano-acceptor of result action - analitic neurosimulation
A. V. Savelyev
Electrodynamic analysis of nanoarrays
A.M. Lerer, E.V. Golovacheva, I.N. Ivanova, I.A. Kazmin
Decryption permutation cipher
A. Babash - Dr. Sc. (Phis.-Math.), Professor, Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics (MESI)
E. Romanova - Associate Professor, Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics (MESI)
A. Aleksandrov Student, Russian State Social University (RSSU)
I. Larionov - Student, Russian State Social University (RSSU)
A. Tarelina - Student, Russian State Social University (RSSU)
E. Tashchilin - Student, Russian State Social University (RSSU)
On approach for analytical model development of neuron chips based LonWorks network
S. A. Dadenkov - Assistant, Perm National Research Polytechnic University
E. L. Kon - Ph.D. (Eng.), Professor, Perm National Research Polytechnic University
The effect of external energy sources to the creep and properties of metals
A.A. Klypin - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor of the Dept. «Material Sciences», Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)
Transient process in synthesizers with elements switching in phase-locked loop system
S.K. Romanov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Head researcher, JSC "Sozvezdie" Concern?. E-mail:
N.M. Tikhomirov - Dr.Sci. (Eng.), Head of scientific and technical department, JSC "Sozvezdie" Concern?. E-mail:
A.V. Lenshin - Dr.Sci. (Eng.), Professor of chair, Military Aviation Engineers University. E-mail:
V.N. Tikhomirov - Post-graduate student, designer, JSC "Sozvezdie" Concern?. E-mail:
The functional state of erythrocyte membranes and liver in experimental diabetes mellitus and duodenal ulcer in rats
A.E. Gurina - Ph.D. (Med.), Department of Biological Chemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Russian National Research Medical University them. Pirogov, Moscow
N.P. Mikaelyan - Dr.Sc. (Biol.), Professor, Department of Biological Chemistry, Faculty of Therapeutics, Russian National Research Medical University them. Pirogov, Moscow. E-mail:
A.A. Terentev - Corresponding Member, RAMS, Professor, Head of Department of Biological Chemistry, Russian National Research Medical University them. Pirogov, Moscow
I.O. Kulaeva - Post-graduate Student, Medical Faculty, Russian National Research Medical University them. Pirogov, Moscow
S.D. Mikhailova - Dr.Sc. (Med.), Professor, Head of Laboratory RL Pathology of the Cardiovascular System, Russian National Research Medical University them. Pirogov, Moscow. E-mail:
Effect of topical corticosteroids on antioxidant enzymes activity and level of oxidative stress markers in patients with psoriasis
R.N. Belonogov - Ph.D. (Biol.), Krasnoyarsk State Medical University. E-mail:
T.G. Ruksha - Dr.Sc. (Med.), Krasnoyarsk State Medical University
A.S. Malyshev - Assistent, Krasnoyarsk State Medical University
A using of products of National Instruments Company for the implementation data transfer through the SPI interface
A.I. Maksimkin - Post-graduate Student, National research nuclear university «MIFI». E-mail:
A.N. Semenenko - Post-graduate Student, Moscow institute of electronics and mathematics of National research university «Economy Higher School». E-mail:
Analysis of features of application of the inertial navigation guidance by the instantaneous miss on the launching phase for aircraft and spacecraft with unstable flight performance
S. M. Dunaev - Engineer of the 2nd categoric level, JSC «GSKB Almaz-Antey named after A.A. Raspletin», Moscow. E-mail:
RF monitoring system with digital oscilloscope for wide-band radiation measurements
I. D. Smolin - Student, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University). E-mail:
М. А. Konovalyuk - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University). E-mail:
А. B. Baev - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University). E-mail:
Investigation of the characteristics of high-precision absolute positioning mode when working in real time
S. V. Chapligin - Student, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University). E-mail:
D. P. Nikitin - Ph.D. (Eng.), Senior Lecturer, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University). E-mail:
Formation of electron bunch in extended stream in crossed fields
E.A. Shamov - Post-graduate Students, Volgograd State Technical University. E-mail:
A.G. Shein - Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Volgograd State Technical University. E-mail:
Features formation of noise in electron streams in crossed fields
E. A. Shamov - Post-graduate Student, Volgograd State Technical University. E-mail:
A. G. Shein - Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Volgograd State Technical University. E-mail:
Metabolic related diseases: modern look at the problem and new opportunities in therapy
A.M. Shilov - Dr. Sc. (Med.), Professor, Head of Department «Emergencies in internal medicine» 1 MGMU I.M. Sechenov (Moscow). E-mail:
A.A. Maryanovsky - Dr. Sc. (Med.), Professor, Pediatrics Hospital number 2, Pediatric Faculty, RNIMU n.a. N.I. Pirogov (Moscow). E-mail:
N.B. Petrukhina - Ph.D. (Med.), Assistant, Department of Dentistry 1 MGMU I.M. Sechenov. E-mail:
Biotechnological aspects of enzymesand immunoglobulinsimmobilization on niosomes
L.V. Lyapustina - Head of Laboratory Training of FGHI Stavropol Antiplague Institute of Rospotrebnadsor. E-mail:
I.V. Zharnikova - Dr. Sc. (Boil.), Leading Research Scientist, FGHI Stavropol Antiplague Institute of Rospotrebnadsor. E-mail:
T.V. Zharnikova - Senior Research Scientist, FGHI Stavropol Antiplague Institute of Rospotrebnadsor. E-mail:
M.E. Mikhailova - Research Scientist, FGHI Stavropol Antiplague Institute of Rospotrebnadsor. E-mail:
D.A. Kovalev - Leading Research Scientist, FGHI Stavropol Antiplague Institute of Rospotrebnadsor. E-mail:
E.V. Zhdanova - Ph.D. (Biol.), Senior Research Scientist, FGHI Stavropol Antiplague Institute of Rospotrebnadsor. E-mail:
Hurst parameter and fractal dimension of series cardio intervals
M.S. Zakharov - Head of Department of CJSC «Sberbank - Technology»
S.M. Zakharov - Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Head Research Scientist, OAO Institute of Electronic Control Computers of the I.S. Brooke's (INEUM)
Development of advanced nanostructured ferromagnetic materials on the basis of iron powders
A.A. Shepelev - Ph. D. (Eng.), Head of Laboratory, JSC «EMC of «VEGA» Concern». E-mail:
A.V. Bocharov - Ph. D. (Eng.), Head of Laboratory, JSC «EMC of «VEGA» Concern». E-mail:
E.A. Vlasenko - Research Scientist, JSC «EMC of «VEGA» Concern». E-mail:
A.L. Pomadchik - Research Scientist, National University of Science and Technology «MISIS»; JSC «EMC of «VEGA» Concern». E-mail:
A.A. Semenov - Ph. D. (Eng.), Head of Department, JSC «EMC of «VEGA» Concern». E-mail:
Heat-resistant polymers - promising materials for high-speed aircraft radomes
S.R. Lebedev - Dr. Sc. (Chem.), Chief Research Scientist, JSC «EMC of «Vega» Concern». Е-mail:
A.A. Semenov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Head of Department, JSC «EMC of «Vega» Concern». Е-mail:
Theoretical and experimental research on plane wave diffraction by a perfectly conducting circular cylinder with holographic subsurface radar RASCAN
I.A. Vasiliev - Ph. D. (Eng.), Leading Research Scientist, Bauman Moscow State Technical University. E-mail:
A.V. Zhuravlev - Ph. D. (Phys.-Math.), Senior Research Scientist, Bauman Moscow State Technical University. E-mail:
S.I. Ivashov - Ph. D. (Eng.), Head of Laboratory, Bauman Moscow State Technical University. E-mail:
V.V. Razevig - Senior Research Scientist, Bauman Moscow State Technical University. E-mail:
M.A. Chizh - student, Trainee-researcher, Bauman Moscow State Technical University. E-mail:
Automatic class recognition of aerial objects in shipborne optical-electronic systems
V.V. Smirnov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Leading Programming Engineer, JSC "MSDB "Almaz-Antey?. E-mail:
Nociceptive reactions in rats upon a change in the immune status due to antigenic stimulation with lipopolysaccharide
A. Yu. Abramova - Ph.D. (Med.), Senior Research Scientist, P.K. Anokhin Institute of Normal Physiology (Moscow). E-mail:
Minimality as «credo» of the brain
I. A. Bugakov - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Honored Inventor of Russia, Inter-regional non-governmental institution «Institute for Engineering Physics», SEI HPE «Institute of Information Technology and Management» (Serpukhov). E-mail:
Effect of afobazol on the postnatal development of the offspring of rats exposed to prenatally exposure combustion of peat smoke in vivo
D. M. Gorbatova - Junior Research Scientist, Toxicology Laboratory, V.V. Zakusov-s Institute of Pharmacology, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (Moscow). E-mail:
S. A. Litvinova - Ph.D. (Biol.), Senior Research Scientist, Laboratory of Psychopharmacology, V.V. Zakusov-s Institute of Pharmacology, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (Moscow)
Effect of melatonin on the nociceptive sensitivity of rats during antigenic stimulation with lipopolysaccharide
A. Yu. Kozlov - Ph.D. (Biol.), Senior Research Scientist, P.K. Anokhin Institute of Normal Physiology (Moscow). E-mail:
A. Yu. Abramova - Ph.D. (Мed.), Senior Research Scientist, P.K. Anokhin Institute of Normal Physiology (Moscow). E-mail:
A. S. Pertsov - Student, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Moscow). E-mail:
Capillaroscopic measurements of microcirculation and capillars of newborns of the first 6 days of their life and their mothers
E. N. Martynova - Research Scientist, Moscow Scientific Research Institute for Pediatry and Pediatric Seurgery. E-mail:
V. V. Baranov - Research Scientist, Center «Analysis of substance» (Moscow)
Newest neural computer opthalmic communication analogy in the function anathomy of an eye as brain similarity
N. A. Novoselova-Savelyevа - Ophthalmologist, Bashkir State Medical University, clinic № 40, Ufa
A. V. Savelyev - Senior Research Scientist, Editor of the Journal «Neurocomputers: development, application», patent agency «©Uniquely honest patenting», E-mail:
Age features of psycho-physiological indicators of female-skiers
L. A. Girenko - Ph.D. (Biol.), Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy, Physiology and safe life FGBOU HPE «Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University», Novosibirsk, Russia. E-mail:
A. B. Kolmogorov - Senior Lecturer in Physical Education, FGBOU HPE «Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University», Novosibirsk, Russia
Solving of functional vision neuroanatomy paradox, and its medical applications
N. A. Novoselova-Savelyevа - Ophthalmologist, Bashkir State Medical University, clinic № 40, Ufa
A. V. Savelyev - Senior Research Scientist, Editor of the Journal «Neurocomputers: development, application», patent agency «©Uniquely honest patenting», E-mail:
Patterns and mechanisms of the physiological effects of terahertz waves at frequencies of active cellular metabolites
V.F. Kirichuk - Dr.Sc. (Med.), Professor, Head of Department of Normal Physiology named after I.A. Chuevsky, Saratov State Medical University named after V.I. Razumovsky. E-mail:
A.A. Tsymbal - Ph.D. (Med.), Associate Professor, Department of Normal Physiology named after I.A. Chuevsky, Saratov State Medical University named after V.I. Razumovsky
Finding the period of employment data network measuring complex polygon
V.P. Koryachko - Dr. Sc. (Eng), Professor, Head of Department "Systems of automated design of computing facilities", Ryazan State Radio Engineering University. E-mail:
O.V. Lukyanov - Post-graduate Student, Department of "Systems of automated design of computing facilities", Ryazan State Radio Engineering University, Head of the Department of FGUP "Space Rocket Centre "TsSKB - Progress" - "OKB Spektr". E-mail:
A.P. Shibanov - Dr. Sc. (Eng), Professor, Department of "Systems of automated design of computing facilities", Ryazan State Radio Engineering University. E-mail:
Contactless measurement of a thickness of ice
I.V. Baranov - Ph. D. (Eng.), Leading Engineer of Open Company Enterprise "KONTAKT-1". E-mail:
V.A. Bolonin - Leading Engineer of Open Company Enterprise " KONTAKT -1". E-mail:
V.M. Davidochkin - Ph. D. (Eng.), Chief of Department of the Microwave Oven of Devices and Aerials of Open Company Enterprise " KONTAKT -1". E-mail:
V.V. Ezerskiy - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Chair of Radio Management and Communication, Ryazan State Radio Engineering University. E-mail:
Optimization of the turbine engine multi-stage compressor for flight vehicles in the collective salvation system
G. M. Popov - Engineer Department of Aircraft Engines, Samara State Aerospace University named after academician S. P. Korolyov (National Research University). E-mail:
D. A. Kolmakova - Graduate Department of Aircraft Engines, Samara State Aerospace University, S. P. Korolyov (National Research University). E-mail:
M. Yu. Kuprikov - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Vice-Rector on Educational Work, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)
D. N. Artemyev - Graduate Department of Aircraft Engines, Samara State Aerospace University, S. P. Korolyov (National Research University)
S. N. Vahneev - Deputy Dean of the Faculty № 9, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)
N. M. Kuprikov - Junior Research Scientist, SEC «FNMST» of Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University). E-mail:
Essential Microelements and Lipid Peroxidation Indicators Levels in Rat Organs as a Result of Treatment with Medicines
M.Ya. Ibragimova, A.V. Skalny, I.Kh. Valeeva, L.Ya. Sabirova, R.I. Zhdanov
The problem to explain of «brain between consciousness explanatory gap»
A. V. Savelyev - Senior Researcher, Editor of the Journal «Neurocomputers: development, application», «Radio Engineering» Publisher, Moscow, Russia, patent agency «©Uniquely honest patenting», E-mail:
Capillaroscopy of mothers and newborns in the first six days after birth
E. N. Martynova - Research Scientist, Moscow Institute of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery, Ministry of Health, RF
A. E. Arkhipov - Ph.D. (Med.), Research Scientist, JSC Center «Analysis of Substances», Moscow
V. V. Baranov - Research Scientist, JSC Center «Analysis of Substances», Moscow
The content of the concepts used to describe the professional development of students - future civil servants
L. E. Petrova - Expert, Russian Public Service Academy (Vladimir branch). E-mail:
Planning variants groups of performers to ensure execution of project stages
V.V. Shipilov - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Leading Research, Dorodnicyn Computing Centre of RAS. E-mail:
O.V. Saharov - Employee of Main Department of Advanced Technologies Research and Technology Support of the RF (Moscow). E-mail:
Theoretical principles of the calculation of control indices of radio-electronic equipment state
G.S. Sadykhov - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Senior Research Scientist, Bauman Moscow State Technical University named after Bauman. E-mail:
V.P. Savchenko - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, General Director, JSC «Radiotechnical Institute named after Academician A.L. Mintz». E-mail:
I.A. Babaev - Post-Graduate Student, Bauman Moscow State Technical University. E-mail:
Mathematical model of oxygen consumption for healthy man during physical work
A.V. Demin - Research Scientist, State Scientific Center of Russian Federation - Institute of Biomedical Problems of Russian Academy of Sciences (SSC RF IBMP RAS, Moscow). E-mail:
A.I. Ivanov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor of St. Petersburg Branch of the National Research University «Higher School of Economics». E-mail:
A.V. Suvorov - Dr.Sc. (Med.), Head of the Laboratory of Physiology and Biomechanics of Cardi-orespiratory System (SSC RF IBMP RAS, Moscow). E-mail:
Hardware-software complexes for passive mechanotherapy
A.G. Gudkov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Professor, MSTU N.A. Bauman
G.E. Roitberg - Ph.D. (Med.), Professor, Academician of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, President of Medicina jsc.
Ellipsoid of anisotropic dielectric mateial disposed in constant electric field
A.S. Cherepanov - Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University. E-mail:
Optimization of the envelope of spectrally efficient multifrequency signals
S.B. Makarov - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of Institute of Physics, Nanotechnology and Telecommunications, St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University. E-mail:
S.V. Zavyalov - Post-graduate Student, St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University. E-mail:
Generation and reception of SEFDM-signals based on reduced size FFT/IFFT
A.B. Kislitsyn - Post-graduate Student, Assistant, St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University. E-mail:
A.V. Rashich - Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University. E-mail:
Differentiation of facial expressions and Russian vowel sounds in the visual-auditory perception: the emotional space of facial expressions
S. G. Korshunova - Senior Research Scientist, Department of Psychology, Lomonosov Moscow State University. E-mail:
O. B. Stepanova - Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Lomonosov Moscow State University. E-mail:
Analysis from positions of spin electronics of the nonlinear phenomenons and processes in 2 D thing films ferromagnetic structures under the influence of external magnetic fields of various intensity
G.P. Sinyavsky - Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Academician of RANS, Head of Department of Applied Electrodynamics and Computer Simulation, Faculty of Physics, Southern Federal University (Rostov-on-Don). E-mail:;
L.V. Cherkesova - Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics and Informatics, Faculty of Informatics and Computer Engineering, Don State Technical University. E-mail:;
G.N. Shalamov - Leading Engineer, Rostov-na-Donu Research Institute of Radiocommunication, Candidate for a Degree, Department of Applied Electrodynamics and Computer Simulation, Faculty of Physics, Southern Federal University (Rostov-on-Don). E-mail:;
Perspectives of perfection systems radio wave control of radio physical characteristics coverings and materials
V.V. Mikhailov - Chief Engineer of Electronic Warfare Armies V.A. Ponkin - Dr.Sci. (Eng.), Senior Scientific Employee of The Electronic Warfare Research Test Centre of Military Education-Research Center of Military air forces «Military aviation academy named for prof. N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin» (Voronezh)
Network signal transmission division traffic profiles
V.P. Koryachko - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of Department «Computer-Aided Design Computational Tools», Ryazan State Radio Engineering University. E-mail:
O.V. Lukyanov - Post-graduate Student, Department «Computer-Aided Design Computational Tools», Ryazan State Radio Engineering University. E-mail:
A.P. Shibanov - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department «Computer-Aided Design Computational Tools», Ryazan State Radio Engineering University. E-mail:
Neuronetwork converters of time-and-frequency signals parameters in a digital code of two variables on the perсeptrons basis
S.V. Chelebaev - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department «Biomedical and Semiconductor Electronics», Ryazan State Radio Engineering University. E-mail:
Y.A. Chelebaeva - Student, Department «Biomedical and Semiconductor Electronics», Ryazan State Radio Engineering University. E-mail:
The solution of the classification problem it professionals based on the model of the socio-personal competences
A.I. Guseva - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow). E-mail:
V.S. Kireev - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow). E-mail:
A.N. Silenko - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow). E-mail:
Determination of eigen electrodynamic parameters of a rectangular resonator with double layer dielectric filling
V.A. Kolomeitsev - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department "Radioengineering", Saratov State Technical University named after Gagarin Yu.A.
D.A. Barinov - Deputy General Director, JSC - RPC Almaz-Fazotron -
V.N. Posadskii - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, General Director, JSC - RPC Almaz-Fazotron -
A.E. Semenov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Deputy Director, JSC - RPC Almaz-Fazotron?
Dielectric spectroscopy methods for control of parameters of transformer oil
K.I. Nikiforov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Chair of Electric and Electronic Equipment, Chuvash state University (Cheboksaru, Russia). E-mail:
T.A. Ayupov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Chair Nanotechnology in electronics, Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N.Tupolev (KNRTU-KAI). E-mail:
R.R. Faizullin - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of Chair Nanotechnology in electronics, Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N.Tupolev (KNRTU-KAI). E-mail:
Y.K. Evdokimov - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of Chair Radioelectronics and Information Measurement Equipment, Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N.Tupolev (KNRTU-KAI).
A Poly-Gaussian quasi-optimal algorithm for multiuser resolution problem
R.R. Faizullin - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of Chair Nanotechnology in Electronics, Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N.Tupolev (KNRTU-KAI). E-mail:
V.V. Kadushkin - applicant for a Ph.D., Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev (KNRTU-KAI). E-mail:
M.S. Vorobev - applicant for a Ph.D., Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev (KNRTU-KAI); Head of Network Design section JSC «SMARTS-Kazan». E-mail:
Quantitative image analysis of bone scintigraphy for predicting the chemotherapy effectiveness
N.А. Nikolov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department of Physical and Biomedical Electronics, National Technical University of Ukraine «Kiev Polytechnic Institute», Kiev, Ukraine; Associate Professor, Department of Telecommunication Technologiesof, State University of Telecommunications, Kiev, Ukraine
A.L. Kaminskaya - Ph.D. (Eng.), Head of Department of Nuclear Medicine, Kiev City Clinical Hospital, Kiev, Ukraine
M.V. Satir - Radiologist, Department Nuclear Medicine of «Institute Heart» of the Ministry of Health Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine
O.Yu. Yaroshenko - Post-graduate Student, Department of Physical and Biomedical Electronics, National Technical University of Ukraine «Kiev Polytechnic Institute», Kiev, Ukraine; Engineer-Radiologist, Department Nuclear Medicine of «Institute Heart» of the Ministry of Health Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine
I.V. Buhenskaya - Student, Department of Physical and Biomedical Electronics, National Technical University of Ukraine «Kiev Polytechnic Institute», Kiev, Ukraine
Approach to pathogenesis of Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Leonora Grinio - Dr. Sc. (Med.), The Russian Republic Reabilitation Centre «Childhood», Department of Neurology (Russia, Moscow). E-mail:
Application of Adobe Flash platform in visual perception tachistoscopic studies: Hardware  software system
I. Yu. Zherdev - Centre of experimental psychology, MCUPE; Institute of psychology, RAS, Moscow. E-mail:
Segmentation method of sound signal based on ton/noise in condition of a priori uncertainty
V. Е. Gai - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Nizhniy Novgorod State Technical University n.a. R.E. Alekseev. E-mail: <> D. Т. Ainullin - Nizhniy Novgorod State Technical University n.a. R.E. Alekseev. E-mail:
Method of the air objects identification by their information portraits
V. I. Moskalenko - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Leading Scientific Collaborator of «46 Central Research Institute (46 CRI)» of the Defense Ministry of Russia, Branch of the Federal State Budget Institute (FCBI)
Directions of development of special purpose multi-channel radio communication means and complexes
M.A. Sazonov - Ph.D. (Military), Associate Professor, Head of Department, Military Telecommunications Academy, St. Petersburg. E-mail:
The detection method of signal with noise hindrances using giant-pulse radar
A. L. Priorov - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor, P.G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University. E-mail:
E. E. Tsubanov - Lecturer, Department of Radio Engineering systems, a branch of the Mozhajskij Military Space Academy (Yaroslavl). E-mail: tzubаnoff.еvgeny@уа
Calculating of blocking probability of mobile communication system CDMA-cell, taking into account the traffic structure
V.M. Artyushenko - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of Department, Financial and Technological Academy (Korolyov, Moscow region) E-mail: T.S. Abbasova - Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Financial and Technological Academy (Korolyov, Moscow region) E-mail:
Dynamicity problems of radars for airborne complexes destined to intercept air targets
V.I. Merkulov - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Deputy General Product Engineer of JSC «Corporation «Vega» (Moscow)
Detection of clustered air target according to angle noise
S.B. Makarov - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Director, St.Petersburg State Polytechnic University, Institute of Physics, Nanotechnology and Telecommunications E-mail: S.V. Zavyalov - Post-graduate, Department «Radio engineering for securing information», St.Petersburg State Polytechnic University, Institute of Physics, Nanotechnology and Telecommunications E-mail:
Spectrophotometric analysis of phenolic compounds in alcohol infusion from fresh leaves of Hypericum perforatum L
Yu.V. Zagurskaya - Ph.D. (Biol.), Researcher, Institute of Human Ecology, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IHE SB RAS) (Kemerovo). E-mail: I.I. Bayandina - Ph.D. (Biol.), Associate Professor, Novosibirsk State Agrarian University (NGAU). E-mail:
Reflection of TE-polarization electromagnetic waves from the model of a random inhomogeneous Epstein layer
A.V. Denisov - Ph. D. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Department «Radioengineering and telecommunications», St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University. E-mail: M.A. Belyansky - Post-graduate Student, Deputy Head of Department, JSC «SRC «Leninetz Plant» (SPb). E-mail:
Almost periodic functions in the methods of processing the results of measurements
V.I. Kuzmin - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, MIREA (Moscow). E-mail: A.F. Gadzaov - Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, MIREA (Moscow). E-mail:
The development of personnel training complex, what is intended for the crews of fighting vehicles of the self-propelled medium-range anti-aircraft surface-to-air missile system
A.V. Scheulin - Head of Sector, JSK NIIP. E-mail:
Nano-effects in molecular hinges of ionic channels of neuronic cellular membrane and neurocomputing simulation of threshold waves nature
A.V. Savelyev - Senior Research Scientist, Deputy Editor in Chiefof the Journal «Neurocomputers: development, application», «Radio Engineering» Publisher (Moscow). E-mail:
Research identity of built-in type laser system shooting and hit simulation to system of tank armament
V.V. Lapochkina - Post-graduate Student, Television and Multimedia System Department, Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev. E-mail: G.I. Ilyin - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of Radio-electronic and Quantum Department, Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev. E-mail:
Study of quasi-wave ionospheric disturbances using amplitude maps
V.I. Kurkin - Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Deputy Director, Solar-Terrestrial Physics Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (ISTP SB RAS) (Irkutsk). E-mail: О.А. Laryunin - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Research Scientist, Solar-Terrestrial Physics Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (ISTP SB RAS) (Irkutsk) А.V. Podlesny - Research Scientist, Solar-Terrestrial Physics Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (ISTP SB RAS) (Irkutsk) D.S. Lukin - Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT). E-mail: Ya.М. Chernyak - Student, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT). E-mail: А.S. Kryukovsky - Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Russian New University (RNU) (Moscow). E-mail: D.V. Rastyagaev - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Russian New University (RNU) (Moscow). E-mail:
Identification of rolling bearing defects with the use of features based on the theory of active perception
V.V. Kondrat\'ev - Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University n.a. R.E. Alekseev. E-mail: V.A. Utrobin - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University n.a. R.E. Alekseev. E-mail: N.N. Makarov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University n.a. R.E. Alekseev. E-mail: V.E. Gai- Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University n.a. R.E. Alekseev. E-mail:
Permanent magnet synchronous motor at generator mode
A.A. Bogdanov - Post-graduate Student, Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation. E-mail:
The automated system radio wave electrophysical control of characteristics of solid materials
S.A. Dmitriev - Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Military Educational and Scientific Center «Zhukovsky-Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh). E-mail: A.V. Ponomarev - Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Head of Department, Military Educational and Scientific Center «Zhukovsky-Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh). E-mail: A.V. Nagalin - Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Deputy Head of Military Educational and Scientific Center «Zhukovsky-Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh) V.P. Vasiliev - Post-graduate Student, Military Educational and Scientific Center «Zhukovsky-Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh). E-mail:
Mathematical model of multipath adaptive routing with heterogeneous load balancing in the course of nodes and communication links dynamic connections in telecommunication networks
D.A. Perepelkin - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Ryazan State Radio Engineering University. E-mail:
Rejection of clutter by the wobbulation of the repetition period
D.I. Popov - Dr.Sci. (Eng.), Professor, Ryazan state Radio Engineering University. E-mail:
Mathematical models of automated banking systems of the remote customer service
V. А. Krasnikova - Assistant, Base of Department «Computing systems real-time», Technical University MIREA. E-mail:
The role of fine-needle aspiration under control of transesophageal endosonography regarding patients with inoperable lung cancer in planning forthcoming chemotherapy
М.S. Burdyukov - Ph.D. (Med.) Russian Cancer Research Center of N.N. Blokhin (Mosсow). E-mail: I.N. Yurichev - An endoscopist, Russian Cancer Research Center of N.N. Blokhin (Mosсow) A.M. Nechipay - Dr. Sc. (Med.), Professor, Head of Endoscopy Chair, Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education (Moscow) D.I. Yudin - Ph.D. (Med.), Russian Cancer Research Center of N.N. Blokhin (Mosсow) O.V. Chistyakova - Ph.D. (Med.), Russian Cancer Research Center of N.N. Blokhin (Mosсow) K.K. Lactionov - Dr.Sc. (Med.), Head of Department of Clinical Biotechnology, Russian Cancer Research Center of N.N. Blokhin (Mosсow) B.I. Dolgushin - Dr.Sc. (Med.), Professor, Head of X-ray Department, Russian Cancer Research Center of N.N. Blokhin (Mosсow) D.T. Marinov - Researcher, Russian Cancer Research Center of N.N. Blokhin (Mosсow) G.V. Ungiadzhe - Dr.Sc. (Med.), Head of Endoscopy Department, Russian Cancer Research Center of N.N. Blokhin (Mosсow)
Psychophysiological circumstances of patients with the chronic vascular encephalopathy
N.G. Kataeva - Ph.D. (Med.), Professor, Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, Siberian State Medical University (Tomsk). T.A. Zamoshchina - Ph.D. (Med.), Professor, Department of Human and Animal Physiology, Tomsk State University (Tomsk). N.S. Hoch - Ph.D. (Biol.), Associate Professor, Department of General and Differential Psychology, Siberian State Medical University (Tomsk) O.G. Berestneva - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department of General and Differential Psychology, Siberian State Medical University (Tomsk) M.B. Arzhanik - Ph.D. (Psyhol.), Associate Professor, Department of Medical Informatics, Siberian State Medical University (Tomsk)
Research of psychophysiological indicators of human beings in exposure to electromagnetic fields GSM-range
N.Yu. Trifonova - Researcher, P.K. Anokhin Institute of Normal Physiology, Post-graduate National (Moscow). E-mail: E.P. Murtazina - Ph.D. (Med.), Leading Research Scientist, P.K. Anochin Institute of Normal Physiology (Moscow). E-mail: B.V. Zhuravlev - Dr.Sc. (Med.), Professor, Head of Laboratory, P.K. Anokhin Institute of Normal Physiology (Moscow). E-mail: N.A. Gridneva - Researcher, P.K. Anokhin Institute of Normal Physiology (Moscow). E-mail: B.V. Gurkovsky - Junior Research Scientist, P.K. Anokhin Institute of Normal Physiology; Post-graduate Student, National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI» (Moscow). E-mail: A.B. Simakov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Head of Laboratory, National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI» (Moscow). E-mail:
Determining the level of human resources development in the automated a control system engineering company
A.V. Kostrov - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department of Information Systems and Program Engineering, Vladimir State University named after A.&N. Stoletovs. E-mail: E.A. Golovina - Post-graduate Student, Department of Information Systems and Program Engineering, Vladimir State University named after A.&N. Stoletovs. E-mail:
Percolation investigation in the discrete space filled with regular structures
M.Yu. Zvjagin - Ph. D. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Department of functional analysis and its applications, Vladimir State University named after A.&N. Stoletovs. E-mail: P.Yu. Shamin - Ph. D. (Eng.), Part-programming engineer, Vladimir State University named after A.&N. Stoletovs. E-mail: V.G. Prokoshev - Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Department of Physics and Applied Mathematics, Vladimir State University named after A.&N. Stoletovs. E-mail: V.A. Jakovlev - Post-graduate Student, Department of Physics and Applied Mathematics, Vladimir State University named after A.&N. Stoletovs. E-mail:
Analytical evaluation of samples of military robotic systems developed on its own initiative
S.P. Hripunov - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Federal Budgetary Institution «The Main Scientific Research Center of Robotics» Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (Moscow) I.V. Blagodaryashchev - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Federal Budgetary Institution «The Main Scientific Research Center of Robotics» Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (Moscow)
Determination of the spectrum of eigen resonance frequencies and the structure of the electromagnetic field of a rectangular resonator with partial dielectric filling
V.A. Kolomejcev - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department «Electronics and telecommunications», Gagarin Saratov State Technical University. E-mail: P.V. Kovryakov - Post-graduate Student, Department «Electronics and telecommunications», Gagarin Saratov State Technical University. E-mail: V.A. Loyko - Post-graduate Student, Department «Electronics and telecommunications», Gagarin Saratov State Technical University. E-mail: I.I. Salimov - Ph.D. (Eng.), General Director of LLC «Companies ALSITEK», Saratov. E-mail:
Domain nanotechnology in single crystals of lithium niobate and lithium tantalate family
V.Ya. Shur - Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Ural Federal University. E-mail:
Creation of terahertz narrow-band filter on the basis of nanocomposit materials and frequency-selective conductive surfaces
S.Yu. Molchanov - Post-graduate Student, Department «Radio Engineering», Yuri Gagarin State Technical University (Saratov). E-mail: N.M. Ushakov - Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Head of Laboratory of Submicron Electronics, Saratov branch of Kotel'nikov IRE of RAS, Professor, Department «Radio Engineering», Yuri Gagarin State Technical University (Saratov). E-mail:
Little-known mysterious phenomenon in vision: description and attempt analysis
G.S. Voronkov - Dr.Sc. (Biol.), Leading Research Scientist, Biological Faculty, М.V. Lomonosov\'s Moscow State University, Moscow. E-mail:
Investigation of the effect of the choice of activation functions of the performance of the multi-layer perceptron
W.A. Al-Haidri - Post-graduate Student, Department of Biomedical and Electronic Systems and Technology, Vladimir State University. E-mail: R.V. Isakov - Ph.D.(Eng.), Associate Professor, Department of Biomedical and Electronic Systems and Technology, Vladimir State University. E-mail: L.T. Sushkova - Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, The Head of Biomedical and Electronic Systems and Technology Department, Vladimir State University. E-mail:
Determining the relative permittivity of the medium and the targets depth with the holographic radar
I.A. Vasiliev - Ph.D. (Emg.), Leading Research Scientist, Bauman Moscow State Technical University. E-mail: A.V. Zhuravlev - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Senior Research Scientist, Bauman Moscow State Technical University. E-mail: S.I. Ivashov  Ph.D. (Emg.), Head of Laboratory, Bauman Moscow State Technical University E-mail: V.V. Razevig - Senior Research Scientist, Bauman Moscow State Technical University. E-mail: M.A. Chizh - Trainee-Researcher, Student, Bauman Moscow State Technical University. E-mail:
Noise performance of digital communication system based on continuously noise signals with spectrum modulation
V.I. Kalinin - Ph. D. (Phys.-Math.), Senior Research Scientist, Head of Laboratory, Frayzino branch of Kotel\'nikov IRE of RAS. E-mail: D.E. Radchenko - Post-graduate Student, Research Scientist, Frayzino branch of Kotel\'nikov IRE of RAS. E-mail: V.A. Cherepenin - Corresponding Member of RAS, Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Deputy Director Kotel\'nikov IRE of RAS (Moscow). E-mail:
Estimation of possibility of use of existing objectives for video image displaying on photoregistering devices
D.I. Klimov - Post-graduate Student, Research Engineer, Open Society «Russian space systems». E-mail: V.A. Blagodyryov - Ph. D. (Eng.), Senior Research Scientist, Head of Sector, Open Society «Russian space sys-tems». E-mail:
The solution of the classification problem it professionals based on the model of the socio-personal competences
A.I. Guseva - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow). E-mail: V.S. Kireev - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow). E-mail: A.N. Silenko - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow). E-mail:
Automation of the selection and control of individual combined pharmacotherapy in medical-pharmaceutical information system
N.G. Preferansky - Dr.Sc. (Pharm.), Professor, Department of Telemedicine and Medical Informatics, PFUR; Head of Department of development of medical and pharmaceutical information systems NP MIAC RAMS. E-mail: T.L. Guscina - Programmer, Department of Development of Medical and Pharmaceutical Information Systems, NP MIAC RAMS. E-mail: N.G. Preferanskaya - Ph.D. (Pharm.), Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Pharmacy, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow Medical State University. E-mail:
Data security at their processing within the information system of preferential medicinal maintenance Krasnodar region
A.A. Koshkarov - Post-graduate Student, Kuban State University, Krasnodar city, Russia. E-mail: S.V. Lyskov - Head of information security, Medical Centre for Information and Analysis of the Ministry of Health Care of Krasnodar Region, Krasnodar city, Russia. E-mail: A.A. Khalafyan - Ph.D. (Eng.), Professor, Department of computer technology and applied mathematics faculty, Kuban State University, Krasnodar city. E-mail:
The impact of signal clipping and nonlinear power amplifier on SEFDM system
A.V. Rashich - Ph. D. (Eng.), Department «Radioelectronic Means of Information Protection», Peter The Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University. E-mail: D.K. Fadeev - Assistant, Department «Radioelectronic Means of Information Protection», Peter The Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University. E-mail:
Analysis of peak-to-average power ratio of random sequences of optimal spectrally efficient multifrequency signals
S.B. Makarov - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Director of of Institute of Physics, Nanotechnology and Telecommunications, Peter The Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University. E-mail: S.V. Zavjalov - Assistant, Department РСЗИ, Institute of Physics, Nanotechnology and Telecommunications, Pe-ter The Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University. E-mail:
Indicators of autonomic regulation in women depending on the solid geometry of the body under the influence of a standard physical load
T.G. Kirillova - Ph. D. (Biol.), Associate Professor, Southern Federal University (Rostov-on-Don). E-mail: T.L. Botasheva - Dr. Sc. (Med.), Professor, Chief Researcher, Obstetrical and Gynecological Department Rostov Research Institute of Obstetrics and Pediatrics (Rostov-on-Don). E-mail: R.L. Gurbanova - Junior Research Scientist, Obstetrical and Gynecological Department, Rostov Research Institute of Obstetrics and Pediatrics (Rostov-on-Don). E-mail: A.V. Lysenko -Dr. Sc. (Biol.), Professor, Southern Federal University (Rostov-on-Don). E-mail: O.A. Lushpaeva - Ph. D. (Biol.), Associate Professor, Southern Federal University (Rostov-on-Don). E-mail: о
Dynamic neural network model for the process of electrolytic plasma stripping of aluminide coating from nickel superalloy
M.V. Gorbatkov - Post-graduate Student, Department of Theoretical Basis of Electrical Engineering, Ufa State Aviation Technical University. E-mail: E.V. Parfenov - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department of Theoretical Basis of Electrical Engineering, Ufa State Aviation Technical University. E-mail: S.V. Zhernakov - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of the Department of Electronics and Biomedical Technologies, Ufa State Aviation Technical University E-mail: R.R. Nevyantseva - Ph.D. (Chem.), Associate Professor, Department of General Chemistry, Ufa State Aviation Technical University E-mail:
Treatment of metabolic syndrome in persons of extreme professions in rela-tion to the problems of aerospace medicine
A. G. Goncharova - Dr. Sc. (Med.), Institute of Niomedical Problems, the State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation and Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science, Moscow. E-mail: Yu. I. Voronkov - Dr. Sc. (Med.), Professor, Institute of Niomedical Problems, the State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation and Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science I. E. Zykova - Dr. Sc. (Med.), Director, Autonomous Nonprofit Organization Center Medicoecology Problem Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Moscow. E-mail: L. Kh. Bragin - Dr. Sc. (Med.), Institute of Niomedical Problems, the State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation and Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science. E-mail: G. A. Tikhonova - Ph.D. (Med.), Institute of Niomedical Problems, the State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation and Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science D. L. Bragin - Research Scientist, Institute of Niomedical Problems, the State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation and Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science. E-mail:
Long-term consequences of stress impacts during early age on adaptive behavior
I.P. Butkevich - Dr. Sc. (Biol.), Leading Research Scientist, I.P. Pavlov Institute of Physiology, RAS (St.-Petersburg). E-mail:; V.A. Mikhailenko - Ph.D. (Biol.), Senior Research Scientist, I.P. Pavlov Institute of Physiology, RAS (St.-Petersburg). E-mail:
Quasi-likelihood radio signal detection algorithms with the unknown appearance and disappearance moments
A.P. Trifonov - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Honored Scientist of RF, Head of Department of Radiophysics, Voronez State University; National Researcher University «МEI». E-mail: Yu.E. Korchagin - Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Department of Radiophysics, Voronez State University; National Researcher University «МEI». E-mail: S.V. Korolkov - Post-graduate Student, Department of Radiophysics, Voronez State University. E-mail:
Patient personal cabinet on the base of regional integration platform
G.Y. Ilushin - Ph. D. (Eng.), Head of Laboratory, Institute of Informatics Problems of RAS (Moscow). E-mail: V.I. Limansky - Ph. D. (Eng.), Senior Research Scientist, Institute of Informatics Problems of RAS (Moscow). E-mail:
Method of calculating the number of nodes-rivals per channel in a neurochips network with random multiple access
S.A. Dadenkov - Assistant, Department of Automation and Telemechanics, Perm National Research Polytechnic University E.L. Kon - Ph.D. (Eng.), Professor, Department of Automation and Telemechanics, Perm National Research Polytechnic University
Modeling of neural networks for time series prediction
A.N. Kolesenkov - Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, RGRTU. E-mail: Y.V. Konkin - Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, RGRTU. E-mail:
The analysis of methods of performance\'s increasing in information support of radio technical system\'s CAD
S.N. Kuznetsov - Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department «Конструирование и технология РЭС», Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University). E-mail: A.S. Kuznetsov - Head of Department of Information Technologies, Pushkin State Museum. E-mail:
The substantiation methodics of the staff development plan in a machine-building enterprise computer aided management system
A.V. Kostrov - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department of Information Systems and Program Engineering, Vladimir State University named after A.&N. Stoletovs E-mail: E.A. Golovina - Post-graduate Student, Department of Information Systems and Program Engineering, Vladimir State University named after A.&N. Stoletovs E-mail:
Radar-absorbing properties of matrix polymer composite nanomaterials at microwave frequencies
N.M. Ushakov - Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Head of Laboratory of Submicron Electronics, Saratov branch of Kotel\'nikov IRE of RAS, Professor, Department «Radio Engineering», Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov. E-mail: S.Yu. Molchanov - Post-graduate Student, Department «Radio Engineering», Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov. E-mail:
Model of fault-tolerant multipath adaptive routing with load balancing of heterogeneous traffic in communication networks
D.A. Perepelkin - Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department of Computer-Aided Design Systems, Ryazan State Radio Engineering University. E-mail:
A comparative study of the denoising algorithms-s effectiveness for mri brain images
A.R.A. Abdulraqeb - Post-graduate Student, Department Biomedical and Electronic systems and technology, Vladimir State University named after A.&N. Stoletovs. E-mail: L.T. Sushkova - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of Department Biomedical and Electronic systems and technology, Vladimir State University named after A.&N. Stoletovs. E-mail: K.V. Chirkov - Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, к Biomedical and Electronic systems and technology, Vladimir State University named after A.&N. Stoletovs. E-mail:
Radar-absorbing properties of matrix polymer composite nanomaterials at microwave frequencies
N.M. Ushakov - Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Head of Laboratory of Submicron Electronics, Saratov branch of Kotel\'nikov IRE of RAS, Professor, Department «Radio Engineering», Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov E-mail: S.Yu. Molchanov - Post-graduate Student, Department «Radio Engineering», Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov E-mail:
Semantic space of auditory perception of intonation of speech utterances
S.G. Korshunova - Ph.D. (Psyhol.), Senior Research Scientist, Lomonosov Moscow State University. E-mail: O.B. Stepanova - Ph.D. (Psyhol.), Associate Professor, Lomonosov Moscow State University. E-mail:
Mean of increase of the permission the optical plotting
A.Yu. Koziratsky - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of Department of Radio Engineering and Antenna-Feeder Devices, MESC «Zhukovsky-Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh). E-mail: A.I. Grevtsev - Ph. D. (Eng.), Lecturer, Department of Radio Engineering and Antenna-Feeder Devices, MESC «Zhukovsky-Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh). E-mail: M.M. Frolov - Post-graduate Student, MESC «Zhukovsky-Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh)
The use of <sup>19</sup>F NMR and MRI in the study of the drug Perftoranum® in the body of laboratory animal
N.V. Anisimov - Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Senior Research Scientist, Faculty of Fundamental Medicine, Lomonosov Moscow State University. E-mail: L.L. Gervits - Senior Research Scientist, A.N. Nesmeyanov Institute of Organoelement Compounds of RAS (Moscow). E-mail: M.V. Gulyaev - Ph. D. (Phys.-Math.), Research Scientist, Faculty of Fundamental Medicine, Lomonosov Moscow State University. E-mail: D.N. Silachev - Ph. D. (Biol.), Senior Research Scientist, Lomonosov Moscow State University, A.N. Belozersky Institute Of Physico-Chemical Biology. E-mail: D.V. Volkov - Student, Faculty of Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University. E-mail: O.S. Pavlova - Student, Faculty of Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University. E-mail: G.M. Yusubalieva - Ph. D. (Med.), Senior Research Scientist, Federal medical research center of psychiatry and narcology of Ministry of Health of RF (Moscow). E-mail: E.A. Shalamova - Student, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University. E-mail: Yu.A. Pirogov - Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Faculty of Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University. E-mail: A.R. Khokhlov - Academic, Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Pro-rector, Lomonosov Moscow State University. E-mail:
Development software methodical complex design of heterogeneous computer systems
B.I. Borde - Ph.D. (Eng.), Professor, Institute of space and information technologies, Siberian Federal University (Krasnoyarsk). E-mail:
Applying the Lagrange multipliers method to the calculation of DC magnetic field
I.N. Aliev - Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Department «Physics», Bauman Moscow State Technical University I.S. Kopylov - student, Bauman Moscow State Technical University
Simulation modeling of «Smart home-s» actions using data of men-s posture
S.P. Fomin - Post-graduate Student, Department «Physics and Applied Mathematics», Murom branch Vladimir State University named after A.&N. Stoletovs. E-mail: A.A. Orlov - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Head of Department «Physics and Applied Mathematics», Murom branch Vladimir State University named after A.&N. Stoletovs. E-mail:
Distribution of electric field of own types of fluctuations of the rectangular resonator with two-layer dielectric filling
V.A. Kolomeitsev - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department «Electronics and telecommunications», Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov Yu.A. Kuzmin - Head of Department, JSC «SIC Almaz-Fazotron» (Saratov) M.A. Lukyanov - Student 4 курса, Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov A.E. Semenov - Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Deputy Director, JSC «SIC Almaz-Fazotron» (Saratov)
Multi-stage filter systems for automatic tracking
V.I. Merkulov - D. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Deputy Designer General, Radio Engineering Corporation «Vega» Joint Stock Company (Moscow). E-mail: D.A. Sokolov - Engineer, Radio Engineering Corporation «Vega» Joint Stock Company (Moscow)
Correcting for measurable perturbations in locally optimized control systems
V.I. Merkulov - D.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Deputy Designer General, Radio Engineering Corporation «Vega» Joint Stock Company (Moscow). E-mail:
Formation of two-way shape memory effect in rapidly quenched TiNiCu alloys under impact of periodic high-voltage discharge in a liquid flow
K.A. Borodako - Post-graduate Student, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow). Е-mail: A.V. Shelyakov - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow) D.V. Sheyfer - Post-graduate Student, Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY N.N. Sitnikov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Senior Research Scientist, FSUE Keldysh Research Center (Moscow) V.V. Koledov - Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Leading Research Scientist, Kotelnikov IRE RAS (Moscow)
Comparative study of iterative and direct neural network short term electricity load forecasting of a city
I.E. Shepelev - Ph.D. (Eng.), Senior Research Scientist, A.B. Kogan Research Institute for Neurocybernetics, Academy of biology and biotechnology, Southern Federal University (Rostov-on-Don). E-mail: I.I. Nadtoka - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of the Department, Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI) (Novocherkassk). E-mail: S.A. Vialkova - Engineer, Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI) (Novocherkassk). E-mail: S.O. Gubski - Ph.D. (Eng.), Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI) (Novocherkassk). E-mail:
The study of artifical neural networks in the problem personal identification by electrocardiosignals, registered CardioQVARK devices
R.V. Isakov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Vladimir State University O.V. Suntsova - Project Coordinator, Hedical Profect CordioQvqrk (Moscow)
There is a connectionist model in building mathematics at hight school
V.V Goncharov - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of Mathematical Department, Peter the Great Strategic Rocket Forces Academy (Moscow). E-mail: O.V. Mishenina - Ph.D. (Ped.), Professor, Department of Mathematics, Peter the Great Strategic Rocket Forces Academy (Moscow). E-mail:
Electrodynamic properties own wave parameter rectangular cavity with three-layer dielectric filling
D.A. Barinov - Deputy General Director, JSC «SIC Almaz-Fazotron» (Saratov) P.V. Kovryakov - Post-graduate Student, Department «Electronics and telecommunications», Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov V.A. Kolomeytsev - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Honored Scientist of RF, Professor, Department «Electronics and telecommunications», Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov E.A. Morozov - Student, Department «Electronics and telecommunications», Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov
The effects of superoxide dismutase-chondroitin sulphate-catalase bienzyme conjugate against endotoxin shock in rats after per oral administration of derivative
A.V. Maksimenko - Dr. Sc. (Biol.), Professor, Head of Biochemical Engineering Laboratory, Institute of Experimental Car-diology, Russian Cardiology Research-and-Production Complex, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: A.V. Vavaeva - Junior Research Scientist, Biochemical Engineering Laboratory, Institute of Experimental Cardiology, Russian Cardiology Research-and-Production Complex, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: M.A. Zvyagintseva - Ph. D. (Biol.), Senior Research Scientist, Stem Cell Laboratory, Institute of Experimental Cardiology, Russian Cardiology Research-and-Production Complex, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: A.A. Abramov - Junior Research Scientist, Experimental Myocardial Pathology Laboratory, Institute of Experimental Car-diology, Russian Cardiology Research-and-Production Complex, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: A.V. Vavaev - Ph.D. (Biol.), Research Scientist, Biochemical Engineering Laboratory, Institute of Experimental Cardiology, Russian Cardiology Research-and-Production Complex, Moscow, Russia. E-mail address: V.L. Lakomkin - Ph.D. (Med.), Leading Research Scientist, Experimental Myocardial Pathology Laboratory, Institute of Experimental Cardiology, Russian Cardiology Research-and-Production Complex, Moscow, Russia. E-mail address:
Variation of amplitude R-wave of the electrocardiogram under influence by the chamber test
N.V. Savina - Senior Research Scientist, State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation and Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science, Moscow. E-mail: A.M. Nosovsky - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Leading Research Scientist, State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation and Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science, Moscow. E-mail: L.Kh. Bragin - Dr. Sc. (Med.), State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation and Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science, Moscow. E-mail: A.E. Severin - Dr. Sc. (Med.), Professor, Russian University of People Friendship, Moscow
Calculation of electronic density of carbon nanotubes in an external electromagnetic field
O.S. Erkovich - Associate Professor, Bauman Moscow State Technical University. E-mail: P.A. Ivliev - Post-graduate Student, Bauman Moscow State Technical University. E-mail:
The application of principle electrodynamic similarity and special materials for reducing the size emitter
A.S. Godin - Engineer, JSC «RPC «LEMZ» (Moscow). E-mail: M.S. Matsayan - Engineer, JSC «RPC «LEMZ» (Moscow). E-mail: D.S. Gezha - Head of Department, LLC «Metriktest» (Moscow). E-mail: K.N. Klimov - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Leading Research Scientist, JSC «RPC «LEMZ» (Moscow), Professor, MIEM HSE (Moscow). E-mail:
Multiple feed per beam antenna based on disk-on-rod elements
Yu.V. Krivosheev - Ph. D. (Eng.), Senior Research Scientist, PJSC «Radiofizika» (Moscow), Lecturer, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University) A.V. Shishlov - Ph. D. (Eng.), Head of Department, PJSC «Radiofizika» (Moscow), Deputy Head of Department, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University) S.A. Ganin - Head of Sector, PJSC «Radiofizika» (Moscow) I.V. Yom - Ph. D., Team Leader, ETRI (Republic of Korea) M.S. Om - Ph. D., Principal Researcher, ETRI (Republic of Korea) S.Kh. Yun - Ph. D., Principal Researcher, ETRI (Republic of Korea)
The effect of alternating magnetic field on electrophysical parameters of water solution of copper (II) sulphate
A.D. Usanov Ph.D. (Phis.-Math.), Associate Professor, Saratov State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky. E-mail: A.E. Postelga Ph.D. (Phis.-Math.), Associate Professor, Saratov State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky. E-mail: D.G. Verkhov Post-graduate Student, Saratov State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky. E-mail: V.G. Rebrov Ph.D. (Biol.), Associate Professor, Saratov State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky. E-mail:
Universality of intellectualization technology of natural and artificial systems
I.A. Bugakov - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Honored Inventor of Russia, Inter-regional non-governmental institution «Institute for Engineering Physics»; Institute of Information Technology and Management (Serpukhov). E-mail:
Application of artificial neural networks to the diagnosis of cognitive impairment
M.V. Vyucheiskaia - Post-graduate Student, Department of Applied Mathematics and High Performance Computing, Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lovonosov (Arkhangelsk). E-mail: I.S. Biriukov - Junior Researcher Scientist, Laboratory of Neurophysiology and Higher Nervous Activity, Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lovonosov (Arkhangelsk). E-mail:
Dynamics of indicators of spatial synchronization of girls brain potentials on the perception of images
N.V. Zvyagina - Ph.D. (Biol.), Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Physiology and Morphology Human, Institute of Natural Science and Technologies, Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov (Archangelsk). E-mail: D.S. Potutkin - Post-graduate Student, Junior Research Scientist, Research Laboratory of Neurophysiology and Higher Nervous Activity, Institute of Medical and Biological Research, Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov (Archangelsk). E-mail: L.V. Sokolova - D.Sc. (Biol.), Professor, Department of Physiology and Morphology Human, Institute of Natural Science and Technologies, Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov (Archangelsk). E-mail:
Program complex for processes modeling control and modeling results analysis
S.V. Banevich - Leading Engineer, Sector 521, Department 520, SKB-5 , JSC «MNITI» (Moscow) A.P. Nedostupov - Head of Department 520, Deputy Commander SKB-5, JSC «MNITI» (Moscow) S.V. Khramtsevich - Head of Sector 522, Department 520, SKB-5, JSC «MNITI» (Moscow)
Method of calculation of probability characteristics, based on the discrete representation of the probability density
S.A. Chupeev - Ph. D. (Eng.), Head of Department, JSC «Concern «Sozvezdie» (Voronez). E-mail:
Jamming reduction of spread spectrum noise communication system on the basis of spectrum modulation
V.I. Kalinin - Ph. D. (Phys.-Math.), Senior Research Scientist, Head of Laboratory, Fryazino branch of Kotel\'nikov IRE of RAS. E-mail: D.E. Radchenko - Post-graduate Student, Kotel\'nikov IRE of RAS (Moscow). E-mail: V.A. Cherepenin - Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Corresponding Member, Professor, Deputy Director, Head of Laboratory, Kotel\'nikov IRE of RAS (Moscow). E-mail:
Element markers the stress-the hormonal status at health workers of mobile teams of ambulance of G. of Khanty-Mansiysk
T.Ya. Korchina - Dr.Sc. (Мed.), Professor, Department of Anesthesiology-Reanimatology, Emergency and Clinical Toxicology, Khanty-Mansiysk State Medical Academy. E-mail: V.I. Korchin - Dr.Sc. (Мed.), Professor, Head of Department of Normal and Pathological Physiology, Khanty-Mansiysk State Medical Academy. E-mail:
Mobile unit as a threat to privacy
Neskorodov V.B.
The mechanisms of adaptive reactions in schoolchildren during puberty
N.B. Dikopolskaya - Ph.D. (Biol), Associate Professor, Department of Human Health, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Kazan, Tatarstan. E-mail: M.V. Shaykhelislamova - Dr.Sc. (Biol.), Professor, Department of Human Health, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Kazan, Tatarstan. E-mail: F.G. Sitdikov - Dr.Sc. (Biol.), Professor, Department of Human Health, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Kazan, Tatarstan. E-mail: G.A. Bilalova - Ph.D. (Biol), Associate Professor, Department of Human Health, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Kazan, Tatarstan. E-mail: T.L. Zefirov - Dr.Sc. (Med.), Professor, Department of Human Health, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Kazan, Tatarstan. E-mail: Ju.D. Firsova - Post-graduate Student, Department of Human Health, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Kazan, Tatarstan. E-mail:
Modification of the method of dynamic condensations in the problems of constructing a system of aircraft of optimal typization
Nguen Kuang Thyong - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Institute of UMIM and MB State University of management. E-mail: Nguyen Thanh Long - Post-graduate Student, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University). E-mail:
Transformation of biological and social feedback in the conditions of neuro-technology development
L.V. Poskotinova - Dr.Sc. (Biol.), Ph.D. (Med.), Associat Professor, Head of Biorhythmology Laboratory, Federal Centre for Integrated Arctic Research, The Institute of Environmental Physiology, Russian Academy of Sciences; Professor of Northern (Arctic) Federal University named by M.V. Lomonosov, Arkhangelsk, Russia. E-mail: D.B. Demin - Ph.D. (Biol.), Senior Research Scientist, Laboratory of Biorhythmology, Federal Centre for Integrated Arctic Research, The Institute of Environmental Physiology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Arkhangelsk, Russia. E-mail:
About one the method for monitoring the quality of functioning complex technical systems during their operation
N.A. Severtsev - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of Department , FRC «Computer Science and Control» RAS (Moscow). E-mail: V.V. Shipilov - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department of Russian Defence Ministry. E-mail:
Dynamics of readaptation psychophisiological indicators of menagers after vacation period
I.N. Shurygina - Assistant, Department of Gerontology, Faculty of Continuing Medical Education, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (Moscow) A.V. Kutenev - Ph.D. (Med.), Associate Professor, Department of Gerontology, Faculty of Continuing Medi-cal Education, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (Moscow) . E-mail: B.B. Radysh - Dr.Sc. (Med.), Head Department of Gerontology, Peoples - Friendship University of Russia (Moscow). E-mail: A.P. Volyanskaya - Assistant, Department of Gerontology, Faculty of Continuing Medical Education, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (Moscow). E-mail: P.U. Goytemirova - Assistant, Department of Gerontology, Faculty of Continuing Medical Education, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (Moscow). E-mail: Z.V. Boyko - Ph.D. (Psych.), Associate Professor, Department of Management of Nursing Activities, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (Moscow). E-mail: N.V. Ermakova - Dr.Sc. (Med.), Professor, Academician REA, Department of Normal Physiology, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (Moscow). E-mail:
Analysis neurophysiological characteristics during studying instruction of subsequent visual-motor activities
N.Y. Trifonova - Magister, Higher School of Economics - National Research University; Junior Research Scientist, P.K. Anokhin\'s institute of normal physiology, Moscow, Russia, E-mail: E.P. Murtazina - Ph.D. (Med.), Leading Research Scientist, P.K. Anochin\'s Institute of Normal Physiology, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: B.V. Zhuravlev - Dr.Sc. (Med.), Professor, Head of Laboratory, P.K. Anokhin\'s Institute of Normal Physiology, Moscow, Russia. E-mail:
Synthesis Method of Focusing Systems with Converging Sheet Electron Beams
Yu.G. Gamayunov - Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Saratov State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky. E-mail: E.V. Patrusheva - Ph. D. (Phys.-Math.), Research Scientist, Saratov State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky. E-mail: Yu.A. Grigoriev - Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Leading Research Scientist, Saratov branch of Kotel\'nikov IRE of RAS. E-mail: A.A. Burtsev - Ph. D. (Eng.), Head of Laboratory «», JSC «SPE «Almaz» (Saratov), Associate Professor, Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov. E-mail:
Electrodynamic properties own wave parameter rectangular cavity with three-layer dielectric filling
D.A. Barinov - Deputy General Director JSC «SIC Almaz-Fazotron» (Saratov) E.I. Beloborodova - Student, Department «Electronics and telecommunications», Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov V.A. Kolomeitsev - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department «Electronics and telecommunications», Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov N.V. Stepanov - Student, Department «Electronics and telecommunications», Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov
Development of model for detection of computer attacks based on the neural network
A.S. Shaburov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department of Automation and Telemechanics, Perm National Research Polytechnic University. E-mail:
Nanodeteсtor based on a new graphene 1D composite
O.E. Glukhova - Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Associated Professor, Head of the Department of Radio-Technique and Electrodynamics, Physical Faculty, Saratov State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky. E-mail: V.V. Mitrofanov - Post-graduate Student, the Department of Radio-Technique and Electrodynamics, Physical Faculty, Saratov State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky. E-mail:
Analysis of adaptive clutter rejection algorithms
D.I. Popov - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Ryazan State Radio Engineering University. E-mail:
Design and numerical simulation of the miniature electron gun
D.Yu. Tarabrin - Ph. D. (Eng.), Senior Research Scientist, Ryazan State Radio Engineering University. E-mail: A.A. Trubitsyn - Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Ryazan State Radio Engineering University. E-mail: S.B. Bimurzaev - Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Almaty University of Power Engineering & Telecommunications. E-mail:
«Volga» radar receiver station modernization
B.Ya. Kuzminov - Head of Research Department, JSC «RPC «NIIDAR». E-mail: D.А. Fofanov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Deputy Head of Research Department, JSC «RPC «NIIDAR». E-mail:
Calculation method of cylindrical linear ac electronic motor magneticcircuit by an equivalent circuit
A.T. Klyuchnikov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department «Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics», Perm National Research Polytechnic University. E-mail: A.D. Korotaev - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department of «Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics», Perm National Research Polytechnic University. E-mail: D.A. Chirkov - Assistant, Department «Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics», Perm National Research Polytechnic University. E-mail:
Problems and solutions in optimizing the procurement management of industrial enterprises
V.V. Savchenko - Head of Department for Public Procurement, Department for competition policy and public procurement of Eurasian Economic Commission. E-mail:
Operationalization in the field of social advertising
S.B. Kalmykov - Ph. D. (Soc.), Head of Research Center for Social and Labor Problems, Deputy General Director of Open Company «Optima». E-mail: N.P. Pashin - Dr. Sc. (Econ.), Professor, First Deputy Director of ANO «Educational and Consulting Center «Trud». E-mail:
Chemiluminescent study of biologically active of substances of animal ori-gin
A.G. Rusia - Junior Research Scientist, FGBI «Research Center of Balneology and Rehabilitation of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency» (Sochi) E-mail:
Cination procedures program control optimization
V.V. Kotin - Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Bauman Moscow State Technical University E-mail: A.S. Sychugina - Bachelor, Bauman Moscow State Technical University E-mail:
Stochastic criteria for detection of signals
Yu.N. Gorbunov - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department No. 333 MSTU MIREA; Senior Research Scientist, Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics n.a. V.A. Kotelnikov RAS. E-mail:
Comparative effectiveness of ozonized perfluorane at purulent peritonitis
D.R. Ragimova - Student, Medical Faculty, Dagestan State Medical University, Makhachkala, Russian Federation. E-mail: R.M. Ragimov - Dr.Sc. (Med.), Professor, Dean of the Medical Faculty, Dagestan State Medical University, Makhachkala, Russian Federation.
Analysis of operational properties of constructional materials based on iron
A.K. Gorbunov - Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Kaluga branch of the Bauman MSTU E-mail: M.V. Mousokhranov - Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Kaluga branch of the Bauman MSTU E-mail:
Aspects of the formation of the production system of the technological complex for the production of APAA receive-transmit modules
P.A. Tushnov - Main Technologist, PJSC «Radiofizika» (Moscow) A.N. Kostromov - Ph. D. (Eng.), Head of Sector, PJSC «Radiofizika» (Moscow) E.A. Borodina - Head of Department, PJSC «Radiofizika» (Moscow) D.Yu. Kostin - Main Specialist, PJSC «Radiofizika» (Moscow)
A modification of the Kummer\'s method for computation of the three-dimensional Green\'s function for one-dimensional periodic structures
S.P. Skobelev - Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Leading Research Scientist, PJSC «Radiofizika» (Moscow); Associate Professor, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University) E-mail:
Method of repeated increase in resolution of video systems
A.V. Bogoslovsky - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Honored Scientist of RF, Professor, Department of Mathematics, MESC «Zhukovsky-Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh) E-mail: I.V. Zhigulina - Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Professor, Department of Mathematics, MESC «Zhukovsky-Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh) E-mail: A.V. Ponomarev - Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Head of Department, MESC «Zhukovsky-Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh) E-mail:
Mathematical model of tuning MPFS by the method of magnets rearrangement
A.A. Shvachko - Post-graduate Student, Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov E-mail: A.A. Zaharov - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of Department «Electronic Devises and Equipment», Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov E-mail: I.N. Afonin - Post-graduate Student, Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov E-mail: Ya.V. Turkin - Post-graduate Student, Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov E-mail:
Analysis of adaptive detection systems signals against clutter
D.I. Popov - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Ryazan State Radio Engineering University E-mail:
Feature of multi-agent systems scaling on an example of centralized and decentralized group management of small-sized mobile robots
R.A. Prokopovich - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Heading Research Scientist, E-mail:
Improving individual self as a result of education in the third age
E.V. Belovol - Ph.D. (Psych.), Professor, Developmental Psychology Chair, MSPU, Moscow, Russia E-mail: Z.V. Boyko - Ph.D. (Psych.), Associate Professor, Department of Management of Nursing Activities, Peoples′ Friendship University of Russia, Moscow E-mail: I.V. Radysh - Dr.Sc. (Med.), Professor, Academician REA, Head of Department of Management of Nursing Activities, Peoples′ Friendship University of Russia, Moscow E-mail: E.Y. Shurupova - Practical Psychologist, Director, Psychological-and-Pedagogical Centre for Children and Adolescents «Merry steps», Moscow E-mail:
Motivational and need states in teachers with different levels of psychoemotional burnout
O.В. Mikhailova - Ph.D. (Ped.), Associate Professor, Chair of Social and Differential Psychology, Peoples - Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia E-mail: A.S. Kulikova - Master, Department of Social and Differential Psychology, Peoples - Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia E-mail:
Use of inter-satellite measurements for identification of parameters of the perturbed orbits of navigation satellites
А.S. Mit-kin - Head of Department, Rostov-on-Don research Institute of Radio Communication E-mail: V.А. Pogorelov - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Leading Research Scientist, Rostov-on-Don research Institute of Radio Communication E-mail: S.V. Sokolov - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Rostov State Transport University E-mail:
Designing information models objects at different levels of the hierarchy
B.I. Borde - Ph.D. (Eng.), Professor, Institut of Space and Information Technology, Siberian Federal University (Krasnoyarsk) E-mail:
Periodogramm method for estimating the central frequency like-noise a signal
А.А. Grabarchuk - Engineer, FGUP Rostov - on - Don Radio Communication Scientific Research Institute E-mail: N.Yu. Muzychenko - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Leading Research Scientist, FGUP Rostov - on - Don Radio Communication Scientific Research Institute E-mail:
The formation of the energy state of the surfaces of structural materials based on iron
A.K. Gorbunov - Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Kaluga branch, Bauman MSTU E-mail: M.V. Mousokhranov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Kaluga branch, Bauman MSTU E-mail:
On a Predictive Model of Intelligence
M.A. Sushchin - Ph.D. (Phil.), Senior Research Scientist, Department of Philosophy and Sociology of Southwest State University (Kursk); Institute of Scientific Information of Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow) E-mail:
Psychophysiological study of neuroreabilitative programs for patients with the chronic cerebral ischemia
N.G. Kataeva - Ph.D. (Med.), Professor, Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, Siberian State Medical University (Tomsk) T.A. Zamoshchina - Dr.Sc. (Biol.), Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Siberian State Medical University; Department of Human and Animal Physiology, Tomsk State University E-mail: N.S Hoch - Ph.D. (Biol.), Associate Professor, Department of General and Differential Psychology, Siberian State Medical University (Tomsk) O.G. Berestneva - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department of Software Engineering, Tomsk Politechnic University, M.B. Arzhanik - Ph.D. (Ped.), Associate Professor, Department of Medical Informatics, Siberian State Medical University (Tomsk)
Method of synthesis of strategy for settlement of the social and economic conflicts
L.E. Mistrov - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Professor, MESC «Zhukovsky-Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh) E-mail:
Information security of electronic trading platforms. Part 1. The role of human factors
G.P. Akimova - Ph. D. (Eng.), Leading Research Scientist, Institute for Systems Analysis of FRC CSC RAS (Moscow) E-mail: A.Yu. Danilenko - Ph. D. (Phys.-Math.), Head of Laboratory, Institute for Systems Analysis of FRC CSC RAS (Moscow) E-mail: M.A. Pashkin - Research Scientist, Institute for Systems Analysis of FRC CSC RAS (Moscow) E-mail: E.V. Pashkina - Research Scientist, Institute for Systems Analysis of FRC CSC RAS (Moscow) E-mail: A.A. Podrabinovich - Research Scientist, Institute for Systems Analysis of FRC CSC RAS (Moscow) E-mail:
About realization of interaction of doctors with patients within patient personal cabinet
G.Y. Ilushin - Ph. D. (Eng.), Head of Laboratory, Institute of Informatics Problems of FRC CSC RAS (Moscow) E-mail: V.I. Limansky - Ph. D. (Eng.), Senior Research Scientist, Institute of Informatics Problems of FRC CSC RAS (Moscow) E-mail: V.F. Chimpoesh - Engineer, Institute of Informatics Problems of FRC CSC RAS (Moscow) E-mail:
Realization of programs services of the private patient cabinet within the integration platform
G.Y. Ilushin - Ph. D. (Eng.), Head of Laboratory, Institute of Informatics Problems of FRC CSC RAS (Moscow) E-mail: V.I. Limansky - Ph. D. (Eng.), Senior Research Scientist, Institute of Informatics Problems of FRC CSC RAS (Moscow) E-mail:
A new method for detection performance calculation by noncoherent processing
A.V. Sokolov - Ph. D. (Eng.), Heading Research Scientist, Joint-Stock Company «Radio Engineering Corporation «Vega» (Moscow) E-mail:
The doppler scattering model with variable blood volume in laser doppler flowmetry
Lapitan D.G. - Research Scientist, Laboratory of Medical Physics Research, Moscow Regional Scientific and Research Clinical Institute named after M.F. Vladimirsky (MONIKI) E-mail:
A poly-Gaussian algorithm for multielement signals discernment-decoding
R.R. Faizullin - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department of Radioelectronics and Telecommunications Systems, Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev E-mail: G.I. Shcherbakov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Professor, Department of Radioelectronics and Telecommunications Systems, Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev E-mail: M.M. Fatykhov - Post-graduate Student, Department of Nanotechnologies in Electronics, Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev E-mail: A.Y. Insarov - Applicant for a Ph.D., Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev; Head of Network Planning Department, «Intis - Telecom» LLC E-mail:
Methods of building multiprocessor control system taking into account the special requirements of the ship
K.Y. Lavrov - Deputy Director of STC-1, JSC «Concern «Morinsys-Agat» (Moscow) E-mail:
Disclosure risk model in information networks
V.V. Knyazev - Post-graduate Student, Expert on the Interaction with the Structures of the ETC, JSC «Concern «Morinsys-Agat» (Moscow) E-mail: A.A. Borisov - Ph. D. (Eng.), Leading Specialist, JSC «Concern «Morinsys-Agat» (Moscow) E-mail:
Method of measurement of characteristics of radio materials at superhigh frequencies
A.N. Borcov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Deputy Head of Department, Joint-Stock Company The Engineering and Marketing Center of the Vega Corporation (The EMC of the VEGA Corporation) Е-mail: I.V. Ilushin - Ph.D. (Eng.) Е-mail: E.A. Devina - Head of sector, Joint-Stock Company The Engineering and Marketing Center of the Vega Corporation (The EMC of the VEGA Corporation) Е-mail: K.L. Devin - Ph.D. (Eng.), Deputy Head of Laboratory, Joint-Stock Company The Engineering and Marketing Center of the Vega Corporation (The EMC of the VEGA Corporation) Е-mail:
Identifying mechanisms for the effective sanitation of the human organism under the influence of mineral water «Svetla» activated by fullerens
E.V. Strukova - Research Scientist, Research and Production Biomedical Center «INDIVID», Moscow E-mail: A.A. Nazarov - General Director, «Stelmas-D», Moscow E-mail: G.P. Gulidova - Dr.Sc. (Boil.), General Director, Head of Laboratory of Endogenous Regulation, Research and Production Biomedical Center «INDIVID», Moscow E-mail:
Stability conditions of nonstationary systems of differential equations
O.V. Druzhinina - Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Chief Research Scientist, FRC «Computer Science and Control» of RAS, V.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences of RAS (Moscow) E-mail: E.V. Lisovsky - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Kaluga Branch of the Bauman MSTU E-mail:
Comparison of some modifications in method of auxiliary sources
A.V. Korobkina - Student, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University) E-mail: S.P. Skobelev - Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Leading Research Scientist, PJSC «Radiofizika» (Moscow), Associate Professor, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University) E-mail:
Sanitary and epidemiological regulation of EMF RF generated by cellular radio communication elements
O.A. Grigorev - Ph. D. (Biol.), Head of Laboratory, Director of Electromagnetic Safety Center Yu.B. Zubarev - Corresponding Member of RAS, Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Adviser General Director, JSC «MNITI» (Moscow) E-mail:
Application of artificial neural networks in vehicle systems, special robotic systems
D.S. Chirov - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Deputy Chief of the General Research and Testing Center of Robotics of the Ministry of Defense (Moscow) E-mail: A.N. Stetsuk - Chief of Research Department, General Research and Testing Center of Robotics of the Ministry of Defense (Moscow) E-mail:
Research and development of methods for adjustment the number of neurons in the hidden layer of fully connected neural network
V.I. Terekhov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department - Information Processing and Control Systems?, Bauman Moscow State Technical University E-mail: I.M. Chernenkiy - Post-graduate Student, Department - Information Processing and Control Systems?, Bauman Moscow State Technical University E-mail: S.V. Minakova - magister, Department - Information Processing and Control Systems?, Bauman Moscow State Technical University E-mail:
Implementation mechanisms of biological effects of terahertz waves at frequencies of active cellular metabolites at the molecular level of organization of biosystems
A.A. Tsymbal Dr.Sc. (Med.), Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Pathophysiology, Medical Faculty, Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow E-mail: V. F. Kirichuk Dr. Sc. (Med.), Honored Worker of Science, Professor, Head of the Department of Normal Physiology n. a. I.A. Chuevsky, Saratov State Medical University n. a. V.I. Razumovsky Russian Ministry of Health E-mail: O. N. Antipova Dr. Sc. (Med.), Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Normal Physiology n. a. I.A. Chuevsky, Saratov State Medical University n.a. V.I. Razumovsky Russian Ministry of Health E-mail:
The modern view of the humidity conditions of building envelopes with a high level of energy saving
K.P. Zubarev Post-graduate Student, National Research University Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, Moscow E-mail:
Method for synthesis of information-learning systems (simulator) troubleshooting in radio-electronic objects

L.E. Mistrov¹

1 VUNC VVS "VVA", Central branch of RGUP (Voronezh, Russia)

Techniques for investigating the electromagnetic sensitivity of biological systems

K.D. Kazarinov – Ph.D. (Biol.), Senior Research Scientist, Leading Research Scientist,  Kotelnikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics of RAS, 

Fryazino Branch (FIRE RAS) (Fryazino, Moscow region)


Application of the analysis of variance in the investigation of periodontal tissues under the experimental conditions of the "dry" immersion

A.M. Nosovskii – Dr.Sc. (Biol.), Leading Research Scientist, Russian Federation State Research Center  Institute of Biomedical Problems RAS (Moscow)

Z.O. Solovieva – Ph.D. (Biol.), Senior Research Scientist, Russian Federation State Research Center  Institute of Biomedical Problems RAS (Moscow)


K.V. Gordienko – Junior Research Scientist, Russian Federation State Research Center Institute  of Biomedical Problems RAS (Moscow)


V.K. Ilyin – Dr.Sc. (Med.), Professor, Russian Federation State Research Center  Institute of Biomedical Problems RAS (Moscow)

Development of an autonomous artificial life support system for patients with chronic renal failure

N.A. Bazaev – Ph.D. (Eng.), Senior Research Scientist, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University;

Senior Lecturer, Biomedical Systems Institute, National Research University of Electronic Technology (Moscow)


Remote physical rehabilitation system for adolescents suffered from spinal injuries within the late period based on a smartphone

A.V. Alpatov – Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department «Micro- and Nanoelectronics», 

Ryazan State Radio Engineering University n.a. acad. V.F. Utkin; Engineer, LLC “BIOTECHPRODAKTS” (Ryazan)


M.S. Ashapkina – Assistant, Department «Automation and Information Technologies in Management», 

Ryazan State Radio Engineering University n.a. acad. V.F. Utkin; Head of LLC “BIOTECHPRODAKTS” (Ryazan)


S.A. Valiullina – Dr. Sc. (Med.), Professor, Chief External Pediatric Specialist of Medical Rehabilitation  and Sanatorium-Resort Therapy; Head of the Rehabilitation Department; Deputy Director of Medical  and Economical Issues in the State Budgetary Healthcare Institution “Clinical and Research Institute  of Emergency Pediatric Surgery and Traumatology – Moscow Health Department” (Moscow) 


I.N. Novoselova – Ph. D. (Med.), Neurologist, Head of Motor Rehabilitation Department, State Budgetary Healthcare Institution “Clinical and Research Institute of Emergency Pediatric Surgery and Traumatology –  Moscow Health Department” (Moscow)


Hybrid Braille

B.S. Goryachkin − Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, 

Department of Information Processing and Management Systems, Bauman Moscow State Technical University


N.D. Todosiev Undergraduate Student,  

Department of Information Processing and Management Systems, Bauman Moscow State Technical University E-mail:

Security multi-position radar systems: model, topology, structure

V.S. Maryukhnenko, D.S. Kireev, V.M. Orlovskiy

Branch of Peter The Great Military Academy of Strategic Rocket Forces (Serpukhov, Russian)

The method of calculating the heat capacity critical exponent in the bond problem for one-dimensional percolation through non-nearest neighbors without building a covering lattice and adjacency matrix

T.V. Yakunina – Senior Lecturer, Department of Fundamental Training, Sayan-Shushenskiy Branch  of Siberian Federal University (Sayanogorsk)


V.N. Udodov – Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, 

Engineering and Technology Institute, N.F. Katanov Khakas State University (Abakan)


Prospects for the implementation of neural network technologies in radar information processing systems

E.V. Egorova¹, A.N. Rybakov², M.H. Aksyaitov³

1 MIREA – Moscow Technological University (Moscow, Russia)

2 FSUE «All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Automation n. a. N.L. Dukhov» (Moscow, Russia)

3 JSC «Concern «Granit-Electron» (St.-Petersburg, Russia)

Nondestructive method of measurement of laminated plates dielectric parameters

Yu. G. Belov¹, V. V. Biryukov², I. A. Egorov³

1,2 Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University n.a. R.E. Alekseev (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia)

3  JSC “Scientific and Production Enterprise “Polyot” (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia)

Adaptation of notch filters with real weights

D.I. Popov – Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Ryazan State Radio Engineering University


The method of calculation of the filtering devices based on the use of own waves of periodic structures

R. V. Budaragin – Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department of General and Nuclear Physics, Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University n.a. R.E. Alekseev


M. M. Vodolazhsky – Undergraduate Student, Department of General and Nuclear Physics, Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University n.a. R.E. Alekseev


A. A. Radionov – Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of Department of General and Nuclear Physics, Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University n.a. R.E. Alekseev

K1986BE92QI and STM32F103C8 microcontrollers as signal processing devices: comparative analysis

G.A. Osipov, T.V. Kudinova

 RTU MIREA (Moscow, Russia)

Quantitative assessment of a body recovery during sleeping healthy men under «dry» immersion conditions

A.V. Demin – Research Scientist, Laboratory of Cardiorespiratory System Physiology and Baromedicine, State Research Center RF – Institute of Biomedical Problems of RAS (Moscow)  E-mail:

Yu.A. Popova – Ph.D. (Med.), Leading Research Scientist, Laboratory of Cardiorespiratory System Physiology and Baromedicine, State Research Center RF – Institute of Biomedical Problems of RAS (Moscow) E-mail:

A.V. Suvorov – Dr. Sc. (Med.), Corresponding Member of Tsiolkovsky Russian Academy of Cosmonautics, 

Head of the Department of Physiology and Biomechanics of Cardiorespiratory System in Extreme Conditions,

State Research Center RF – Institute of Biomedical Problems of RAS (Moscow),


Organizational theory of the distribution of the elements of consciousness formed by information and technical immunity of a system of martial arts of the East

N.V. Panov¹, I.B. Komkov², A.V. Savelyev³, N.A. Loginova4

1,4 Institute of Highest Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology of RAS (Moscow, Russia); 

2 Sports Club «KANKU» (Troitsk, Moscow Region, Russia);

3 Patent agency «©Uniquely honest patenting» (Moscow, Russia); 

Life-long education: why do we need it?

E.V. Belovol – 

Ph.D. (Psychol.), Professor, Department of Psychology of Personal Development, V.I. Lenin Moscow 

Pedagogical State University; Leader Research Scientist, Laboratory of Neurocognitive Communications,  A.S. Pushkin State Institute of Russian (Moscow) E-mail:  Z.V. Boyko – 

Ph.D. (Psychol.), Associate Professor, Department of Management of Nursing Activities, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (Moscow)

E-mail: I.V. Radysh – 

Dr. Sc. (Med.), Professor, Аcademician REA, Head of the Department of Management of Nursing Activities, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (Moscow)


E.Yu. Shurupova – 

Lecturer, Department of Psychology of Personality Development, 

V.I. Lenin Moscow Pedagogical State University 


Physiological penalty and succes of the goal-directed behavior during endosurgical training in subjects with various levels of anxiety

A.V. Klimenko – assistant, Department of common surgery, Moscow State University of Medicine  and Dentistry n.a. I.A. Evdokimov E-mail: S.S. Pertsov

Corresponding Member of RAS, D.Sc. (Med.), Professor, Head of the Department of Normal Physiology  and Medical Physics, Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry n.a. I.A. Evdokimov; 

Deputy Director for Science, Head of the Laboratory of System Mechanisms for Emotional Stress,  P.K. Anokhin Research Institute of Normal Physiology (Moscow) E-mail:

I.Yu. Yakovenko – 

D.Sc. (Med.), Professor, Head of the Department of Common Surgery, Moscow State University  of Medicine and Dentistry n.a. I.A. Evdokimov E-mail:

Substantiation of the innocuous dosage of ribose in the absence of its influence on the level of pentoses and phosphopentoses in the liver

P.P. Zolin¹, V.D. Conway², E.A. Chigrinski³

1–3 Omsk State Medical University (Omsk, Russia)

2 Omsk State Agricultural University named after P.A. Stolypin (Omsk, Russia)     

Enlarged functional and information models of the information extraction tool complex with built in privacy elements and integration of extracted data

V.I. Budzko – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Deputy Director, 

Institute of Informatics Problems of FRC CSC RAS (Moscow);

Member of Russian Cryptography Academy;


National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI» (Moscow)


V.I. Korolev – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Leading Research Scientist, 

Institute of Informatics Problems of FRC CSC RAS (Moscow); 


Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation


V.G. Belenkov – Ph.D.(Eng.), Leading Research Scientist, 

Institute of Informatics Problems of FRC CSC RAS (Moscow) E-mail:

Analysis of personality traits of social media users by automatic profile processing

M.A. Stankevich – Engineer, FRC «Computer Science and Control» of RAS (Moscow)


I.V. Smirnov – Ph.D.(Phys.-Math.), Head of Department, FRC «Computer Science and Control» of RAS (Moscow) E-mail:

N.A. Ignatiev – Student, RUDN Univercity (Moscow)


N.V. Kiselnikova – Ph.D.(Psych.), Head of Laboratory, Psychological Institute of Russian Academy of Education (Moscow) E-mail:

M.M. Danina – Ph.D.(Psych.), Senior Research Scientist, Psychological Institute of Russian Academy of Education (Moscow) E-mail:

Development of methods for automatic analysis of social networks to ensure the security of the organization

S.S. Migalin – Assistant, HSE (Moscow)


M.A. Kovrizhnykh – Assistant, HSE (Moscow)


A.B. Los – Ph.D.(Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, HSE (Moscow)


Frequency selective antenna radome based on metal-dielectric gratings and perforated screens

A. O. Kasyanov

Southern Federal University (Rostov-on-Don, Russia)

Microwave hologram reconstruction for cylindrical geometry

V.V. Razevig1, A.I. Ivashov2, A.S. Bugaev3

1,2 Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Moscow, Russia)

3  Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (Moscow region, Russia)

Resonant properties of a multilayer strip-slot transition and its application for microwave measurements of dielectric properties of materials

D.G. Fomin, N.V. Dudarev, S.N. Darovskikh, D.S. Klygach, M.G. Vakhitov

South Ural State University (National Research University) (Chelyabinsk, Russia)

Overview of methods for controlling the parameters of the tracking mode of a multifunctional radar station

P.V. Pustozerov, A.L. Priorov

Yaroslavl Higher Military School of Air Defence (Yaroslavl, Russia)

Modelling of structure of material for the description of frequency dispersion of dielectric permeability of quartz glass

V.P. Krylov

AO “ONPP “Technology”” named after A.G. Romashina”(Moscow, Russia)

Portable device equipped with the vibrotactile feedback to support the home physical rehabilitation

A.V. Alpatov1, M.S. Ashapkina2

1,2 Ryazan State Radio Engineering University n. a. akad. V.F. Utkin (Ryazan, Russia)

1,2 IIP BIOTEPRODACTS LLC (Ryazan, Russia)

Detection performance characteristics of the digital undersampling receiver

A.V. Smolyakov1, A.S. Podstrigaev2

1,2 Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University "LETI" (Saint Petersburg, Russia)

The Arctic soils dielectric characteristics

K.N. Suslov1, A.S. Yashchenko2, S.V. Krivaltsevich3

1−3 Omsk Scientific Center SB RAS (Institute of Radiophysics and Physical Electronics)

Identification of the most informative metabolic parameters in adolescents of two ethnic groups with exogenous constitutional obesity

M.A. Darenskaya1, L.V. Rychkova2, N.V. Semyonova3, S.I. Kolesnikov4, L.I. Kolesnikova5

1–5 Federal State Public Scientific Institution 

“Scientific Centre for Family Health and Human Reproduction Problems” (Irkutsk, Russia)

Correcting for measurable perturbations in locally optimized control systems

V.I. Merkulov - D.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Deputy Designer General, Radio Engineering Corporation «Vega» Joint Stock Company (Moscow)

The loudness perception in the cochlear implant system

А.А. Yanovskaya1, Е.М. Glukhovskiy2, А.I. Egorov3

1-3 Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University) (Dolgoprudny, Russia)

Error-rate performance for signals with controlled intersymbol interference when applying detection algorithms of symbol-by-symbol processing with decision feedback

I.I. Lavrenyuk1, S.B. Makarov2, S.V. Zavjalov3

1−3 Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)

Study of the spherical Luneburg lens, consisting of a set of dielectric perforated disks with holes of different diameters

Yu. G. Pasternak1, V. A. Pendyurin2, R. E. Rogozin3, E. A. Rogozin4, S. M. Fedorov5

1, 3, 5 Voronezh State Technical University (Voronezh, Russia)

1, 4 Air Force Academy named after professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Y.A. Gagarin (Voronezh, Russia)

1, 2 JSC «Automated communication systems» (Voronezh, Russia)

Quantum photonic computer technology for solving complex computational problems of high availability systems

F.K. Aliyev1, E.G. Bukin2, A.V. Korolkov3, E.A. Matveev4

1 Department of Information Systems of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Russia)

2 Cryptosoft Scientific and Technical Enterprise (Penza, Russia)

3 FSBI VO Russian Technological University – MIREA (Moscow, Russia)

4 Cryptosoft Scientific and Technical Enterprise (Penza, Russia)

Application of the neural network model of Hopfield’s associative memory in the task of processing radar information

E.V. Egorova1, M.H. Aksayitov2, A.N. Ribakov3

1 MTU MIREA (Moscow, Russia)

2 JSC OKB Electroautomatics (Moscow, Russia)

3 FSUE VNIIA named after N.L. Dukhova (Moscow, Russia)

Method for optimizing the management of the tactical assignment of fighters in a group depending on the current target air situation

D.V. Zakomoldin1, A.V. Bogdanov2

1,2 Military Academy of Aerospace Defense named after Marshal of the Soviet Union G.K. Zhukov (Tver, Russia)

Comparison of the efficiency of interference suppression using the classical adaptation algorithms and using the Kalman filter

O. S. Litvinov1, A. N. Zabelin2
1, 2 Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Moscow, Russia)

Structural-parametric synthesis of the model of multi-criteria optimization of the solution of training problems with an aviation multifunctional simulator

L.Е. Mistrov1, E.М. Shepovalov2

1 VUNC VVS «VVA», Central branch of RGUP (Voronezh, Russia)
2 VUNC VVS «VVA» (Voronezh, Russia)

Investigation of metal polarization gratings with stepped lamels

V. V. Komarov – Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department of Radio Electronics and Telecommunications, Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov E-mail:

A. A. Nevsky – Postgraduate Student, Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov; Engineer, Mytishinskiy Scientific-Research Institute of Radio Measuring Instruments


Method for calculating mirror antennas with an irradiator in the form of a thin symmetrical vibrator with a flat sub-reflector

S. V. Zemlyansky – Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor,

Krasnodar Higher Military School n.a. General of the Army S.M. Shtemenko


D. S. Makhov – Ph.D. (Eng.), Senior Lecturer,

Krasnodar Higher Military School n.a. General of the Army S.M. Shtemenko


S. E. Mishchenko – Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Leading Research Scientist,

Federal Research and Production Center RNIIRS (Rostov-on-Don)


V. V. Shatsky – Ph.D. (Eng.), Head of Office,

Federal Research and Production Center RNIIRS (Rostov-on-Don) E-mail:

Methods for suppressing «anticorrelation» signals in two-dimensional correlation processing of information

M.H. Aksyaitov – Head of Research and Production Center, JSC Concern «Granite-Electron»

A.N. Rybakov – Leading Engineer, Dukhov Research Institute of Automatics

A.V. Koptelov – Head of Research Laboratory, Dukhov Research Institute of Automatics

E.V. Egorova – Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department of Telecommunication Systems RTU MIREA Е-mail:

Interference coherent compensation system in beamspace

А.К. Кiriakmasov – Leading Engineer, JSC «VNIIRT» (Moscow)


Performance characteristics of regression algorithms for signal detection and recognition paths by the relative bandwidth of the energy spectrum processing the intervals between the zeros of the input realizations

V.К. Khokhlov – Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor,

Department «Autonomous information and operating systems», Bauman Moscow State Technical University E-mail:

S.L. Sumin – Ph.D. (Eng.),

General Director, LLC «Ingenium»


А.К. Likhoedenko – Engineer,

Department «Autonomous information and operating systems», Bauman Moscow State Technical University E-mail:

Determination of imaginary part of complex magnetic permeability in thin films using resonant and non-resonant measuring systems

A.V. Burmitskikh – Post-graduate Student; Junior Research Scientist,

Siberian Federal University (Krasnoyarsk);

Institute of Physics L.V. Kirensky SB RAS (Krasnoyarsk, Akademgorodok)


B.A. Belyaev – Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor; Head of Laboratory,

Siberian Federal University (Krasnoyarsk);

Institute of Physics L.V. Kirensky SB RAS (Krasnoyarsk, Akademgorodok)


A.V. Izotov – Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor; Senior Research Scientist,

Siberian Federal University (Krasnoyarsk);

Institute of Physics L.V. Kirensky SB RAS (Krasnoyarsk, Akademgorodok)

N.M. Boev – Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Senior Lecturer; Research Scientist,

Siberian Federal University (Krasnoyarsk);

Institute of Physics L.V. Kirensky SB RAS (Krasnoyarsk, Akademgorodok)


S.A. Kleshnina – Post-graduate Student; Junior Research Scientist,

Siberian Federal University (Krasnoyarsk);

Institute of Physics L.V. Kirensky SB RAS (Krasnoyarsk, Akademgorodok)

A.A. Gorchakovskiy – Post-graduate Student; Junior Research Scientist,

Siberian Federal University (Krasnoyarsk);

Institute of Physics L.V. Kirensky SB RAS (Krasnoyarsk, Akademgorodok)

Determination of the permissible level of degradation of the multiprocessor matrix of the information and control system

A.F. Ulasen1, O.N. Andreeva2, S.Kh. Ekshembiev3, E.G. Berger4

1Vasilevsky Military Academy of Air Defense Forces RF (Smolensk, Russia)
2,3JSC «Concern «Morinsys-Agat» (Moscow, Russia)

4RTU MIREA (Moscow, Russia)

Estimation of perlite-class steel microstructure parameters using metallographic images

A.G. Tashlinskii – Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of Department «Radio Engineering», 

Ulyanovsk State Technical University E-mail:

R.G. Magdeev – Engineer of Communication, OJSC «Ulyanovskneft» E-mail:

Microwave dielectric properties of polymer composite nanomaterials based on CdS nanoparticles in low density polyethylene matrix

S.Yu. Molchanov – Post-graduate Student, Department «Electronics and telecommunications», Yuri Gagarin State

Technical University of Saratov


N.M. Ushakov – Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Head of Laboratory of Submicron Electronics, Saratov branch of Kotel'nikov



I.D. Kosobudsky – Dr. Sc. (Chem.), Leading Research Scientist, Laboratory of Submicron Electronics, Saratov branch of Kotel'nikov IRE of RAS; Professor, Department of Chemistry, Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov E-mail:

Experience in applying the technology management strategy in the production of transceiver modules of active phased array antenna

P.A. Tushnov – Main Technologist, PJSC «Radiofizika» (Moscow); Lecturer, Department of Mechanical Design of

Antenna-Feeder Systems of Radiotechnical Data Complexes, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)

A.N. Kostromov – Ph. D. (Eng.), Head of Office of Main Technologist, PJSC «Radiofizika» (Moscow)

Phase-temperature performances of optical fibers and cables while distributing reference radio signals over optical fiber link

T.N. Bakhvalova – Research Engineer, Moscow Technological University (MIREA)

M.E. Belkin – Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Director of STC, Moscow Technological University (MIREA) E-mail:

A.A. Emelyanov – Design Engineer of the 2nd category, JSC «Kaluga Scientific Research Radio Engineering Institute»

N.V. Toporkov – Ph. D. (Eng.), Head of Department, JSC «Kaluga Scientific Research Radio Engineering Institute» V.A. Masnoy – Ph. D. (Eng.), Main Specialist, JSC «KRET» E-mail:

Characteristics of healthy men hemodynamics in model martian hypomagnetic environment

A.V. Demin

State Research Center RF – Institute of Biomedical Problems of RAS (Moscow, Russia)

Application of artificial neural networks with interval input parameters in electromyography

N.T. Abdullayev1, N.Ya. Mammadov2, A.N. Jafarova3, G.E. Abdullayeva4

1,4 Azerbaijan Technical University (Baku, Azerbaijan)

2,3 Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry (Baku, Azerbaijan)

Method for ultrasonic treatment of infected wounds and the device for its implementation

V.V. Sabelnikov1, T.M. Sabelnikova2, V.N. Goryacheva3

1–3 Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Moscow, Russia)

Methodological approaches to strategic management of a telecommunications industry enterprise

A.N. Shevtsov

South-west State University (Kursk, Russia)

Phase-less algorithm for antenna array calibration, optimized with the required number of its output power measurements

V.I. Djigan

Institute for Design Problems in Microelectronics of RAS (Zelenograd, Moscow, Russia)

Research of the reflected wave from the dielectric plate in the field of zero effects

V.P. Krylov

AO “ONPP “Technology” named after A.G. Romashina” (Obninsk, Russia)

Analyzing the serial production of transceiver modules of APAA in the case of manufacturing with discrete mode of operation

P.A. Tushnov – Main Technologist, PJSC «Radiofizika» (Moscow)

A.N. Kostromov – Ph.D.(Eng.), Head of Office Main Technologist, PJSC «Radiofizika» (Moscow)

A.V. Nevokshenov – Head of Department, PJSC «Radiofizika» (Moscow)

Analysis of notch filters with real weights

D.I. Popov – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, Ryazan State Radio Engineering University E-mail:

Allocation of perlite grains on metallographic images of low-carbon steel

R.G. Magdeev – Leading Engineer, «» LLC (Ulyanovsk)


A.G. Tashlinsky – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, Head of Department «Radio Engineering», Ulyanovsk State Technical University E-mail:

Minimizing the memory capacity of the decoder's cognitive map in the search for equivalent codes

A.A. Gladkikh – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, Department «Telecommunications», Ulyanovsk State Technical University E-mail:,

N.A. Pchelin – Post-graduate Student, Department «Telecommunications», Ulyanovsk State Technical University E-mail:

S.V. Shakhtanov – Post-graduate Student, Department «Electronics and computer networks», 

Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University n.a. R.E. Alekseev; 

Senior Lecturer, Nizhny Novgorod state University of engineering and Economics E-mail:

Diagnostics of technical state of the equipment using aggregated classifiers

V.N. Klyachkin – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, Department «Applied Mathematics and Informatics»,  Ulyanovsk State Technical University


Yu.E. Kuvayskova – Ph.D.(Eng.), Associate Professor, Department «Applied Mathematics and Informatics», Ulyanovsk State Technical University


D.A. Zhukov – Post-graduate Student, Department «Applied Mathematics and Informatics»,  Ulyanovsk State Technical University


On the method of quasianalytical calculation wave resistance of rectangular waveguide with pillow-layer dielectric filling

A.A. Skvortsov – Ph.D.(Eng.), Associate Professor, Department «Radio Electronics and Telecommunications», Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov


Quasi-analitical calculation of broadband ratio of coaxial-sectorial waveguide with non-homogeneous dielectric filling

A.A. Skvortsov – Ph.D.(Eng.), Associate Professor, Department «Radio Electronics and Telecommunications», Yuri

Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov


The influence of the amplitude limitation of multi-frequency signals based on the IOTA function on the power efficiency of the signals reception

S.B. Makarov – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, Director of Institute of Physics, Nanotechnology and Telecommunications  of Peter The Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University


A.M. Markov – Leading Engineer, Institute of Physics, Nanotechnology and Telecommunications  of Peter The Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University E-mail:

Detection zone estimation method for magnetic intrusion sensor with split site primary unit for door aperture monitoring

E.I. Dukhan – Ph.D.(Eng.), Associate Professor

S.V. Voevodin – Ph.D.(Eng.)

V.Yu. Sazonov – Post-graduate Student

Mathematical model of signal formation in a single-cable detection device based on a leaky-wave ported coax

E.I. Dukhan – Ph.D.(Eng.), Associate Professor

K.A. Nagaev – Post-graduate Student

Symmetric and general forms of the two-dimensional and cyclic autocorrelation functions of non-stationary random processes

T.Ya. Shevgunov – Ph.D.(Eng.), Associate Professor, Department «Theoretical Radio Engineering»,  Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) E-mail:

New radar monitoring technologies of the land surface for helicopter carriers

V.S. Verba – Corresponding Member of RAS, Honored Scientist of RF, Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, 

General Product Engineer – First Deputy General Director of JSC «Corporation «Vega» (Moscow)


B.G. Tatarskiy – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, Director of Scientific and Educational Center, 

JSC «Corporation «Vega» (Moscow)


Personnel capacity development problems of the enterprises of the radio-electronic industry

V.S. Verba – Corresponding Member of RAS, Honored Scientist of RF, Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, 

General Product Engineer – First Deputy General Director of JSC «Corporation «Vega» (Moscow) E-mail:,

The formalized representation of the model of threats of information security of APCS

D.V. Chernov – Assistant, 

Department «Information Security», Tula State University; 

Head of Sector of Information Security, JSC ADC (Tula)


A.A. Sychugov – Ph.D.(Eng.), Associate Professor, 

Head of Department «Information Security», Tula State University; 

Director of Institute of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science of Tula State University E-mail:

Periodic magnetic focusing system with pole tips: mathematical model

A.A. Shvachko – Ph.D.(Eng.), 

Department «Electronic Devices and Systems Engineering», Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov E-mail:

A.A. Zakharov – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, 

Department «Electronic Devices and Systems Engineering», Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov E-mail:

Phase-temperature performance of optical fibers in the distribution of microwave signals in the negative temperature range

E.V. Kotmyshev – Design Engineer, 

JSC «SRI «Ekran» (Samara)


Design of a complex for finding of and resistance to unmanned aerial vehicle

G.V. Ershov – Head of Sector, 

JSC «Central radio-research institute named after academician A.I. Berg» (Moscow)


Yu.Yu. Korobkov – Head of Department, 

JSC «Central radio-research institute named after academician A.I. Berg» (Moscow)


A.R. Murlaga – Leading Engineer, 

JSC «Central radio-research institute named after academician A.I. Berg» (Moscow)


Investigation of the error in estimating the angular coordinates of an object from two reference points using a camera and an inertial measuring unit

A.I. Kalinkin – Post-graduate Student, 

Department «Radio Systems», Ryazan State Radio Engineering University named after V.F. Utkin


I.S. Kholopov – Ph.D.(Eng.), Dean of Department «Radioengineering and Telecommunications»,  Ryazan State Radio Engineering University named after V.F. Utkin E-mail:

Multi-relaxation temperature model of the complex dielectric constant of bentonite clay in the frequency range from 15 MHz to 15 GHz

V.L. Mironov – Dr.Sc.(Phys.-Math.), Corresponding Member of RAS, Main Research Scientist,  Kirensky Institute of Physics (Krasnoyarsk)


Yu.I. Lukin – Junior Research Scientist, 

Kirensky Institute of Physics (Krasnoyarsk)


Spectral efficient signals based on phase pulses of the shape sinp x

S.B. Makarov – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, 

Higher School of Applied Physics and Space Technologies of Peter The Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University E-mail:

A.M. Markov – Leading Engineer, 

Peter The Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University E-mail:

Selection methods of maxima of procedure of the period value definition of digital steams of the coded speech messages

I.N. Kryukov – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor

A.N. Gomonov – Ph.D.(Eng.), Associate Professor

D.V. Gerasin – Post-graduate Student

K.D. Galev – Post-graduate Student

The speed electromagnetic wave propagation in the snow-ice underlying surface

V.A. Malyshev – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, 

Department of Common Military Discipline, MESC «Zhukovsky–Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh) E-mail:

V.G. Mashkov – Ph.D.(Eng.), Associate Professor, Dr.Sc.Candidate, 

Department of Operation of Radio Equipment (Flight Support), MESC «Zhukovsky–Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh) E-mail:

Development of the method of auxiliary sources in 2D problems of scattering by PEC cylinders and thin screens

D.A. Borisov − Student, 

Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University)


S.P. Skobelev − Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Leading Research Scientist,  PJSC «Radiofizika»; 

Associate Professor, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology E-mail:

Bearing direction finding absolute errors with placement of the three-element antenna array on the unmanned vehicle

A.S. Samodurov − Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, 

Design and Manufacture of Radio Department, 

FSBEI of HE «Voronezh State Technical University» (Voronezh, Russia)


D.S. Pogrebnoi − Bachelor of Science, Master Student,

Radioelectronic Devices and Systems Department, 

FSBEI of HE «Voronezh State Technical University» (Voronezh, Russia)


S.A. Antipov − Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor,

Physic Department, FSBEI of HE «Voronezh State Technical University» (Voronezh, Russia) Е-mail:

A.I. Klimov − Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor,

Design and Manufacture of Radio Department, FSBEI of HE «Voronezh State Technical University» (Voronezh, Russia)

Radiovisor based on millimeter radiation receivers with pyramidal horn antennas

A.S. Oleynik – Dr.Sc.(Eng), Professor, Leading Research Scientist,

NIKA-Microwave, Ltd (Saratov)


V.S. Andreev – Bachelor, 

Department «Electronic devices», Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov  E-mail:

Configuring multi-element periodic magnet focusing system based on optimal magnet placement

A.A. Shvachko − Ph.D.(Eng.), Associate Professor, 

Department of Electronic Devices, Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov


A.A. Zakharov – Dr.Sc.( Eng.), Professor, 

Department of Electronic Devices, Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov


A.A. Potapov - Postgraduate Student

Department of Electronic Devices, Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov


Quasi-analytical calculation of wave impedance of rectangular waveguide with two dielectric slabs located symmetrically near its narrow walls

A.A. Skvortsov – Ph.D. (Eng.), Associated Professor, 

Department «Radio Electronics and Telecommunications», Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov E-mail:

Modification of the method of auxiliary sources for analysis of H-polarized wave scattering by thin screens

D.A. Borisov − Student, 

Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (National Research University) (Dolgoprudny, Russia)


S.P. Skobelev − Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Leading Research Scientist, 

PJSC «Radiofizika»; 

Associate Professor, 

Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (National Research University) (Dolgoprudny, Russia) E-mail:

Single passive location and navigation method with provision for received signal cycle evolution

Yu.G. Bulychev 1, A.A. Mozol 2, A.V. Yachmenev 3

1-3 JSC «All-Russian Scientific Research Institute «Gradient» (Rostov-on-Don, Russian)

1, 2, 3

Modelling of deviations in fresnel's laws for the reflected wave

V.P. Krylov 1

1 AO «ONPP «Technology» named after A.G. Romashina» (Obninsk, Russia)


Approaches to variation of the profile of the radiating opening of a diffractive antenna radiation to improve directional characteristics

D.Yu. Kryukov1, A.V. Ostankov2, S.A. Antipov3, K.A. Razinkin4

1-4 Voronezh State Technical University (Voronezh, Russia)

Synthesis of the UWB receiver and ROC estimation for small low flying objects in the earth lower atmosphere

А.V. Мoroz1, V.P. Savchenko2

1–3 “Academician A.L. Mints Radiotechnical Institut” JSC (Moscow, Russia)

Incoherent reception «in a whole» of spectrally effective signals formed on the basis of phase pulses of the shape sinpx

S.B. Makarov 1, A.M. Markov 2

1,2 Higher school of applied physics and space technologies,

Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)

1; 2

The estimation of effective values of the underlying surface dielectric permittivity

A.S. Yashchenko 1, S.V. Krivatsevich 2

1,2 Institute of Radiophysics and Physical Electronics, Omsk Scientific Center SB RAS (Omsk, Russia)

1; 2

Some aspects of effective optimization of modern websites

V.E. Drach – Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department «Design and manufacturing of electronic equipment»,

Kaluga branch of the Bauman MSTU


A.V. Rodionov – Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department «Computer systems and networks», 

Kaluga branch of the Bauman MSTU


I.V. Chukhraev – Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Head of Department «Computer systems and networks»,

Kaluga branch of the Bauman MSTU


System for monitoring network activity of personnel based on a proxy server

S.V. Lokhin – Undergraduate, Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University n.a. R.E. Alekseev


A.V. Semashko – Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University n.a. R.E. Alekseev


A.I. Egorova – Post-graduate Student, Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University n.a. R.E. Alekseev


The study of interference phenomena in electric breakdown of a dielectric

L.S. Beckel – Assistant, Kaluga branch of the Bauman MSTU


V.D. Shhkilev – Ph.D.(Eng.), Associate Professor, Kaluga branch of the Bauman MSTU


A.P. Korzhavyi – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, Kaluga branch of the Bauman MSTU E-mail:

On the safety of using compressed multimedia files as components of a digital educational environment

T.I. Alieva – Ph.D.(Pedagogic), Leading Research Scientist, Center for Analytical and Statistical Studies,  SRI – Federal Research Centre for Projects Evaluation and Consulting Services (Moscow) E-mail:

Experimental study of influence of air and fluid at the results of a study of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity with a resonance near-field microwave tomography

E.A. Durnovo – Dr.Sc.(Med.), Professor, Director of Stomatology Institute of Privolzhsky Research Medical University


M.S. Marochkina – Ph.D.(Med.), Assistant, Department of Surgical Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery, 

Privolzhsky Research Medical University


S.V. Shashurina – Ph.D.(Med.), Assistant, Department of Surgical Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery, 

Privolzhsky Research Medical University


I.A. Glyavina – Assistant, Department of pediatric dentistry, Privolzhsky Research Medical University; 

Head of Department of Maxillofacial Surgery, Nizhniy Novgorod Region Children’s Clinical Hospital


A.G. Galka – Research Scientist, Institute of Applied Physics of RAS (N. Novgorod)


D.V. Yanin – Ph.D.(Phys.-Math.), Research Scientist, Institute of Applied Physics of RAS (N. Novgorod) E-mail:

The effect of continuous THz-radiation on behavioral reactions of white male rats in conditions of long-term hypokinetic stress

V. F. Kirichuk  Dr. Sc. (Med.), Professor, Honored Worker of Science, Head of the Department of Normal Physiology n. a. I.A. Chuevsky, Saratov State Medical University n. a. V.I. Razumovsky Russian Ministry of Health  E-mail:  

O. N. Antipova  Dr. Sc. (Med.), Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Normal Physiology n. a. I.A. Chuevsky, Saratov State Medical University n.a. V.I. Razumovsky Russian Ministry of Health  E-mail:  

A.R. Nogerov  Student, Pediatric Faculty, Saratov State Medical University n. a. V.I. Razumovsky Russian Ministry of Health  E-mail: alim_07  

A.A. Tsymbal  Dr.Sc. (Med.), Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Pathophysiology, Medical Faculty, Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow  E-mail:  

I.V. Smyshlyaeva  Ph. D. (Med.), Associate Professor, Department of normal physiology n. a. I.A. Chuevsky  

Information-analytical system for control of the individual everyday nutrition

E.A. Yumatov  Dr.Sc. (Med.), Professor, Member of International AS (IAS),  Research Institute Normal Physiology P.K. Anohin; National Research University «MEI» (Moscow)  E-mail:  

The concept of the quantitative theory of homeostasis in relation to the assessment of changes in the aerobic efficiency of a person after being in the conditions of 17-day isolation (SIRIUS-17)

A.M. Nosovskii – Dr.Sc. (Biol.), Leading Research Scientist, State Centre of Science of the Russian Federation – Institute of Medical and Biologic Problems of the Russian Academy of Science (Moscow)


E.V. Fomina – Dr.Sc. (Biol.), Leading Research Scientist, State Centre of Science of the Russian Federation –  Institute of Medical and Biologic Problems of the Russian Academy of Science (Moscow); Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (Мoscow); Moscow State Pedagogical University


S.K. Rezvanova – Junior Research Scientist, State Centre of Science of the Russian Federation – Institute of Medical and Biologic Problems of the Russian Academy of Science (Moscow); Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism (Scolipe) (Мoscow)


N.Yu. Lisova – Ph.D. (Biol.), Research Scientist, State Centre of Science of the Russian Federation – Institute of Medical and Biologic Problems of the Russian Academy of Science (Moscow) E-mail:

A comparative analysis for research results of processing methods of a single-channel ECG in CHD detection tasks

E.M.A. Taleb – Post-graduate Student, Department of Biomedical and Electronic Systems and Technology,  Vladimir State University n.a. Alexander and Nicolay Stoletovs


L.T. Sushkova –D.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of Department of Biomedical and Electronic Systems and Technology,  Vladimir State University n.a. Alexander and Nicolay Stoletovs E-mail:

R.V. Isakov – Ph.D.(Eng.), Associate Professor, Department of Biomedical and Electronic Systems and Technology,  Vladimir State University n.a. Alexander and Nicolay Stoletovs


W.A. Al-Haidri – Ph.D. (Eng.), Senior Lecturer, Department of Biomedical and Electronic Systems and Technology,  Vladimir State University n.a. Alexander and Nicolay Stoletovs 


A.R.A. Abdulraqeb – Ph.D. (Eng.), Assistant, Department of Biomedical and Electronic Systems and Technology, Vladimir State University n.a. Alexander and Nicolay Stoletovs


System of remote physical rehabilitation based on mobile technologies

A.V. Alpatov – Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department «Micro- and Nanoelectronics», V.F. Utkin Ryazan State Radio Engineering University


M.S. Ashapkina – Post-graduate Student, Department «Micro- and Nanoelectronics»; Assistant, Department «Automation  and Information Technologies in Management», V.F. Utkin Ryazan State Radio Engineering University


A.V. Fedoseev – Dr. Sc. (Med.), Professor, Head of the Department General Surgery, Ryazan State Medical University n.a. Acad. I.P. Pavlov


A.A. Chekushin – Ph.D.(Med.), Assistant, Department «General Surgery», Ryazan State Medical University n.a. Acad. I.P. Pavlov


Digital biometric complex estimation assessment of the pilot functional state aircraft

D.S. Koptev – Post-graduate Student, Teacher, Department of Space Instrumentation and Communication  Systems, South-West State University (Kursk) 


I.E. Mukhin – Ph.D. (Eng.), Professor, Senior Research Scientist, Department of Space Instrumentation and Communication Systems, South-West State University (Kursk)


I.G. Babanin – Senior Lecturer, Department of Space Instrumentation and Communication Systems,  South-West State University (Kursk) 


The use of digital technologies for personalized guidelines for the heart failure treatment

D.S. Gazizova – Dr. Sc., Academician of Medical and Technical Academy, Chief Research Scientist, Bakulev National Medical  Research Center for Cardio-Vascular Surgery of the Russian Ministry of health (Moscow).


L.V. Sazykina – Ph.D. (Biol.), Leading Research Scientist, Bakulev National Medical Research Center for Cardio-Vascular Surgery  of the Russian Ministry of health (Moscow)


S.N. Makoveev – Director TOGBU “Computer center” (Tambov)


Ji. Kofranek – Professor, Biocybernetics Laboratory, Institute of pathophysiology, Charles University (Prague, Czech Republic) 


B.I. Leonov – Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, President of Medical and Technical Academy, General Director of OJS “Company Scientific and Production Association “Screen” (Moscow)

Neural network synapses analysis technology for input features study

R.V. Isakov – Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department of Biomedical and Electronic Means and Technologies, Federal state budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education  «Vladimir State University named after A.G. and N.G. Stoletovs»


Using of the neural network modular architecture for decision making in the diagnosis of myographic diseases

N. T. Abdullaev – Ph.D. (Eng.), Head of Department of Biomedical Engineering, Azerbaijan Technical University (Baku)


K. Sh. Ismaylova – Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry (Baku)

Investigation of the influence of bio-acoustic correction on intellectual performance

M.K. Leonova – Laboratory Assistant, Institute of Experimental Medicine (Saint Petersburg)


Investigation of the influence of bio-acoustic correction on intellectual performance

M.K. Leonova – Laboratory Assistant, Institute of Experimental Medicine (Saint Petersburg)


Determination of spatial location hidden conductive materials inside a biological object

T.A. Zhilnikov1, V.I. Zhulev2, A.A. Zhilnikov3

1,3 Academy of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia (Ryazan, Russia)

2 Ryazan State Radio Engineering University named after V.F. Utkin (Ryazan, Russia)

Isolation of the isoline drift of the electrocardiosignal based on complex discrete samples and multi-speed low-frequency filtering

Yu.A. Bulgakov1, T.A. Vityazeva2, A.A. Mikheev3

1–3 Ryazan State Radio Engineering University named after V.F. Utkina (Ryazan, Russia)

Physical rehabilitation remote support methods for mobile systems

M.S. Ashapkina1

1 Ryazan State Radio Engineering University named after V.F. Utkin (Ryazan, Russia);

Phenomena of bistability and self-organization during functional films deposition by magnetron sputtering

A.Kh. Abduev1, A.Sh. Asvarov2, A.K. Akhmedov3, S.V. Agasieva4, V.V. Belyaev5, D.V. Generalov6, D.V. Nikolaeva7, E.A. Smetanin8, Jonathan Andes Tirado Rosero9

1,4–9 Peoples Friendship University of Russia (Moscow, Russia)

2,3 Institute of Physics of Dagestan Federal Research Center of Russian Academy of Sciences (Makhachkala, Russia) 5 Moscow Region State University (Mytishchi, Russia)

Emotions from the point of view of the pragmatic theory of information and communication

L.P. Ilieva1, S.D. Iliev2

1 University of Telecommunications and Posts (Sofia, Bulgaria)

2 Institute of Mechanics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Sofia, Bulgaria)

The Arctic and Southwestern part of Siberia regions soil’s dielectric characteristics

S.A. Varnakov1, K.N. Suslov2, A.S. Yashchenko3, S.V. Krivaltsevich4

1-4 Omsk Scientific Center SB RAS (Institute of Radiophysics and Physical Electronics) (Omsk, Russia)

Dementia simulation based on the disruption imitation of neural network synaptic connections

A.E. Krasnov1, T.N. Krasnova2

1 Russian State Social University (Moscow, Russia)

2 Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov (Moscow, Russia)

Hardware in artificial intelligence

N.A. Andriyanov1

1 Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Russia)

Matching method of flat layered-uniform lenses

B.D. Manuilov1, M.B. Manuilov2, S.A. Strelchenko3

1,3 FSUE «RNIIRS» (Rostov-on-Don, Russia)

2 Southern Federal University (Rostov-on-Don, Russia)

Efficiency and performance study of computer vision algorithms in pollen grain recognition problems

N.A. Andriyanov1, Yu.B. Kamalova2

1,2 Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Russia)

The value of wave propagation constant along the conductor of decametric wave band near-ground antennas

Y.A. Kostychov¹, A.S. Yashchenko², S.V. Krivaltsevich³

1−3 Omsk Scientific Center SB RAS (Institute of Radiophysics and Physical Electronics) (Omsk, Russia)

Numerical method for approximate solution of problems of modeling physical characteristics of radio-absorbing materials

I.Yu. Bratukhin1, A.F. Kriachko2

1 Joint-stock company «Signal» (St. Petersburg, Russia)

2 St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation (St. Petersburg, Russia)

Speech and music perception with Cochlear Implant

M.A. Stefanovich
Leading Engineer, JSC "Research Institute
of a Long-distance Radio Communication" Scientific-Industrial Complex” (Sankt-Petersburg)

S.V. Levin
Ph.D. (Med.), Senior Research Scientist, Saint-Petersburg Institute of Ear, Nose, Throat, and Speech


Hardware-software complex for measuring of emotional priming effect on characteristics of evoked potentials in response to subthreshold presentation of facial stimuli

I.E. Kanunikov
Ph.D. (Biol.), Associate Professor,
Department of
Higher Nervous Activity and Psychophysiology, St.-Petersburg State University

D.A. Fomicheva
Post-Graduate Student,
Department of
Higher Nervous Activity and Psychophysiology, St.-Petersburg State University

V.M. Rudenko
Bachelor, Department of Problems of Convergence of Natural and Human Sciences, St.-Petersburg State University

Detection of ischemic heart disease by one-channel ECG based on artificial neural networks

Emad Mahmood Ahmed Taleb
Post-graduate Student, Department of Biomedical and Electronic systems and technology,
Vladimir State University named after A.G. and N.G. Stoletovs

L.T. Sushkova
D.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of Department of Biomedical and Electronic systems and technology,
Vladimir State University named after A.G. and N.G. Stoletovs

Walid Ahmed Al-Haidri
Ph.D. (Eng.), Assistant, Department of Biomedical and Electronic systems and technology,
Vladimir State University named after A.G. and N.G. Stoletovs

R.V. Isakov
Ph.D.(Eng.), Associate Professor, Department of Biomedical and Electronic systems and technology,
Vladimir State University named after A.G. and N.G. Stoletovs


Classification blood pressure signals with artificial neural networks

N.A. Al-Khulaidi, A.A. Sallam, A.R.A. Abdulraqeb, L.T. Sushkova

Antenna array with partial adaptation based on Recursive Least Squares algorithm in real-valued arithmetic

V.I. Djigan1

1 Institute for Design Problems in Microelectronics of RAS (Zelenograd, Moscow, Russia)

Analysis of planar absorbing periodic structures formed by spherical magneto-dielectric black holes

Ya.I. Chizhevskaya1, S.P. Skobelev2

1,2 PJSC Radiofizika (Moscow, Russia)

1,2 Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (National Research University) (Dolgoprudny, Russia)

Self-timed pipeline optimization

Yu.A. Stepchenkov1, Yu.G. Diachenko2, N.V. Morozov3, D.Yu. Stepchenkov4, D.V. Khilko5, D.Yu. Diachenko6

1–6 FRC “Computer Science and Control” of RAS (Moscow, Russia)

Mathematical foundations for the application of quantum photonic computer technology for solving computational problems of high-availability systems

F.K. Aliev1, A.P. Baranov2, A.V. Ivakhin3, A.V. Korolkov4, V.I. Rudskoy5, A.G. Sentsov6

1 Department of Information Systems of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Russia)
2 JSC «Design Bureau «Korund-M» (Moscow, Russia)
3 JSC «SberTech» (Moscow, Russia)
4 FSBI VO Russian Technological University – MIREA (Moscow, Russia)
5 Technical Committee (TC26) «Cryptography and security mechanisms» (Moscow, Russia)
6 Institute of Nanotechnologies of Microelectronics RAS (Moscow, Russia)

Analysis of the instrumental support for heterogeneous computing using neural network modeling

A.A. Petrov1, S.V. Chernomordov2, M.A. Kabanov3

1–3 Bunin Yelets State University (Yelets, Russia)

Adaptive space filtering scheme with allocated main channel in digital phased antenna array

A.K. Кiriakmasov1

1 JSC "VNIIRT" (Moscow, Russia)

A method of window filtering of speech signals based on decomposition into empirical modes for systems for assessing a person's psychoemotional state

A.K. Alimuradov1, P.P. Churakov2, A.Y. Tychkov3, S.Y. Tverskaya4

1-4 Penza State University (Penza, Russia)

Nuclear reactor’s neutron flux modeling application in case of technological characteristics random perturbations

A.M. Zagrebayev1

1 Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Vocational Education National Research
  Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow, Russia)

The solution of the classification problem it professionals based on the model of the socio-personal competences

A.I. Guseva1, V.S. Kireev2, A.N. Silenko3

1–3 Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Vocational Education National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow, Russia)

Stability analysis of trajectories for three-dimensional nonlinear dynamical systems

O.V. Druzhinina1, E.V. Lisovsky2

1 FRC “Computer Science and Control” of RAS (Moscow)

1 V.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences of RAS (Moscow)

2 Kaluga branch of the Bauman MSTU (Kaluga, Russia)

An active system for measuring the complex dielectric permittivity of functional materials based on the FabryPerot resonator

I.Yu. Bratukhin1

1 SUAI (St. Petersburg, Russia)

Development of a decision support system for the organization of a medical worker's working time based on artificial intelligence methods

S.Yu. Zhuleva1, A.V. Kroshilin2, S.V. Kroshilina3

1–3 Ryazan State Radio Engineering University named after V.F. Utkina (Ryazan, Russia)

Real-time formation of complex discrete samples of the isoline drift of the electrocardiosignal under conditions of variability of the sampling period

Yu. A. Bulgakov1, A.A. Mikheev2

1,2 Ryazan State Radio Engineering University named after V.F. Utkina (Ryazan, Russia)

Method of optimization and planning of resource use information security systems of socio-economic organizations

L.E. Mistrov1

1 Central branch of RPMU (Voronezh, Russia)

The role of the microbiome in colorectal cancer development

R. Schwab1, N. Salim2, A.N. Danilov3, K.O. Tumanova4, A.V. Chjao5, P.V. Koposov6

1 MIND Brain-gut Center (Budapest, Hungary)

2–6 European Medical Center (Moscow, Russia)

2 Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education (Moscow, Russia)

3 ASTRA-77 LLC (Moscow, Russia)

Comparative clinical and laboratory analysis of serum zonulin in healthy donors, patients with Crohn's disease and other inflammatory bowel diseases

E.P. Salyanova1, N.N. Zybina2, D.V. Rogozhin3, T.A. Skvortsova4, E.L. Nikonov5

1 A.I. Evdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry
of the Ministry of Health of Russia (Moscow, Russia)

2 A.M. Nikiforov All-Russian Center for Emergency and Radiation Medicine
Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia (St. Petersburg, Russia)

3 N.N. Blokhin National Medical Research Center for Oncology
of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Russia)

4,5 N.I. Pirogov Russian National Medical Research University of the Ministry of Health of Russia (Moscow, Russia)

Features of the trajectory signal processing in the distributed radar when rotating the joint set of transmitting and receiving antennas

B. G. Tatarsky1, А. V. Arkhipov2
1 Concern Vega JSC (Moscow, Russia)
1, 2 Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) (Moscow, Russia)
1 MIREA – Russian Technological University (Moscow, Russia)

Methods of data analysis using artificial neural networks

M.V. Dobrina1

1 Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Russia)

Possibility of increasing the reliability of determining the value of the wave propagation constant along the radiator of near-ground HF antennas

Y.A. Kostychov1, A.S. Yashchenko2, S.V. Krivaltsevich3

1–3 Omsk Scientific Center SB RAS (Institute of Radiophysics and Physical Electronics) (Omsk, Russia)

Studies of the gradient of ionization losses using a tissue-equivalent multi-chamber electron detector during testing of anti-radiation materials

M.N. Lifanov1, Yu.M. Burmistrov2, S.I. Potashev3, V.N. Ponomarev4, E.A. Albats5

1–4 Institute For Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia)
5 Joint Stock Company “PTS” (Moscow, Russia)

Methodology for forming a constructive basis for on-board radars of UAVs

A.S. Kuznetsov1, M.N. Ushkar2

1,2 Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) (Moscow, Russia)

Modeling of the breast tumor detection process with electroimpedance spectroscopy

A.A. Satanenko1, I.A. Kudashov2, A.P. Nikolaev3

1–3 Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Moscow, Russia)

1, 2, 3

Attenuation of electromagnetic radiation in conductive heterogeneous soils of low moisture

A.V. Morozov1

1 Rostov State Transport University (Rostov-on-Don, Russia)


Influence of the cross-sectional shape of conductors of multiconductor transmission lines on the accuracy of their parameters and characteristics calculation

A.E. Maksimov1

1 Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radio Electronics (Tomsk, Russia)


Analysis of non-functional requirements of the speech recognition system

B.S. Goryachkin1, A.A. Andrianov2, D.V. Mozhaev3

1–3 Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Moscow, Russia)

1, 2, 3

Variations of the groundwaves field at LW-MW bands for 19982009 years

V.P. Melchinov1, A.A. Pavlov2

1,2 North-Eastern Federal University (Yakutsk, Russia)

1; 2

Modern mathematical methods for building trusted medical decision support systems

I.A. Kuznetsov1

1 Design Information Technologies Center Russian Academy of Sciences (Odintsovo, Moscow oblast, Russia)

Study of methods to ensure information security of wireless networks

N.C. Vanroye1, V.O. Zacharova2, V.A. Shakhnov3

1–3 Bauman Moscow State Technical University (National Research-Tel University) (Moscow, Russia)
1, 2, 3, 4

Matching method of flat layered-uniform lenses

B.D. Manuilov1, M.B. Manuilov2, S.A. Strelchenko3

1,3 FSUE «RNIIRS» (Rostov-on-Don, Russia)

2 Southern Federal University (Rostov-on-Don, Russia)


Information tests of a computer personality solving a non-standard physical problem

A.I. Vlasov1, A.N. Orekhov2, L.V. Tetik3

1 Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Moscow, Russia)

2 Foundation for Assistance to the Creation and Implementation of Computer Psyche (Moscow, Russia)

3 Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov (Moscow, Russia)

1, 2, 3

A methodology for detecting digitally morphed photographic portraits based on an artifact segmentation model

A.G. Khalin

Determination of the splitting function by signal spectrum

A.A. Zorin1

1 JSC Scientific and technical center «Raduga» (Moscow, Russia)


Monitoring of peritoneal protein loss in patients with end-stage renal disease

G.A. Konoplev1, A.I. Kuznetsov2, V. Korsakov3, O.S. Stepanova4, N.V. Roschina5, N.A. Ovsyannikov6, D.O. Lyalin7, N.S. Lyfar8, R.P. Gerasimchuk9, Z.M. Rustamova10, A.N. Isachkina11, A. Frorip12

1,4–8 St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University "LETI" (Saint Petersburg, Russia)
2,12 Ldiamon AS (Tartu, Estonia)
3 Jeko Disain OÜ (Tartu, Estonia)
9 Saint-Petersburg City Mariinsky Hospital (Saint Petersburg, Russia)
10,11 North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov (Saint Petersburg, Russia)
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Features of sampling frequency selection according to Kotelnikov's theorem for periodic signals with a limited spectrum

P.А. Моrоzоv1, R.А. Аniкin2, V.А. Pеtrov3

1–3 Yaroslavl Higher Military School of Air Defense (Yaroslavl, Russia)

1, 2, 3

A quantum approach to the periodic table

L.V. Lysenko1, V.K. Shatalov2, A.K. Gorbunov3

1–3 Kaluga branch of the Bauman MSTU (Kaluga, Russian)


Psycho-influence as a means of rehabilitation of operator activity in vagotoniks

S.Ya. Klassina

P.K. Anokhin Research Institute of Normal Physiology (Moscow, Russia)

Modern complexes of monitoring and alerting of events: ensuring optimum use of resources and functioning of information systems and processes

M.A. Panov1, E.A. Ishchenko2

1 FGBOU HE «Ural State Economic University» (Ekaterinburg, Russia)
2 Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Ural State University of Economics»,
LLC «SKB LAB» (Ekaterinburg, Russia)
1, 2

Application of machine learning methods for analysis of the mental state of a person

L.A. Kovalkova1, A.A. Kochkarov2, E.Yu. Shchetinin3

1–3 Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Russia)

1, 2, 3

Faraday effect in an alternating magnetic field: a mathematical model

A.A. Shvachko1, N.J. Zulfikar2, V.V. Matyushkin3

1−3 Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov (Saratov, Russia),,

Speeding up the calculation process when using parallel information processing

A.F. Ulasen1, P.A. Panasenko2, V.P. Kiselyevich3, O.V. Platonova4, A.A. Ryzhova5

1,2Vasilevsky Military Academy of Air Defense Forces RF (Smolensk, Russia)

3JSC Concern Morinsis-Agat (Moscow, Russia)

4,5RTU MIREA (Moscow, Russia),

Features of creation and application of multidimensional adaptive filtering algorithms in time and frequency domains. Part 1. Filtering

A.D. Vinokurov1, N.A. Kupriyanov2, V.V. Makarenkov3, G.N. Ulyanov4, A.A. Shatalov5, V.A. Shatalova6

1, 4, 5 Mikhailovsky Military Artillery Academy (St. Petersburg, Russia)
2 Krasnodar Higher Military Aviation School of Pilots n.a. Hero of the Soviet Union A.K. Serov (Krasnodar, Russia)
3 Mozhaisky Military Space Academy (St. Petersburg, Russia)
6 St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications n.a. Professor M.A. Bonch-Bruevich (St. Petersburg, Russia)
1, 3

Functions and architecture of the expert-analytical system in the field of educational and personnel processes

K.A. Kuznetsova1

1National University of Science and Technology “MISIS” (Moscow, Russia)

Investigation of the stability of trajectories for three-dimensional nonlinear dynamic system using an accompanying coordinate reference

O.N. Masina1, O.V. Druzhinina2, E.V. Lisovsky3

1, 2 Bunin Yelets State University (Yelets, Russia)
2 FRC «Computer Science and Control» of RAS (Moscow)
2 V.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences of RAS (Moscow)
3 Kaluga branch of the Moscow State Technical University n. a. N.E. Bauman; 2;

Correlation properties of complete code of binary spread spectrum phase-shift keyed signals with polarization coding

V.V. Liventsev1, O.V. Bespalov2, R.V. Semenov3

1,3 JSC “Concern “Sozvezdie” (Voronezh, Russia)

2 JSC “Module-V” (Voronezh, Russia)

1; 2; 3

Setting the task of managing integration processes in the field of educational and personnel policy by the method of cognitive graphs

K.A. Kuznetsova1

1 The National University of Science and Technology MISIS

Theoretical foundations for creating a quantum photon computer

F.K. Aliev1, A.P. Baranov2, A.V. Ivakhin3, A.V. Korolkov4, V.I. Rudskoy5

1 Department of Information Systems of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Russia)

2 Analytical Center JSC (Moscow, Russia)

3 SberTech JSC (Moscow, Russia)

4 FSBI HE Russian Technological University – MIREA (Moscow, Russia)

5 Technical Committee for Standardization "Cryptographic Information Protection" (TK26) (Moscow, Russia)

1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Application of wavelet transformation and singular spectral analysis in time series decomposition

A.V. Gulyaev1, S.V. Pivneva2

1,2 Russian State Social University (Russia, Moscow)

Formation of complex discrete samples for electrocardiogram isoline drift extraction devices

Yu.A. Bulgakov1, A.A. Mikheev2

1,2 FSBEI HE Ryazan State Radio Engineering University named after V.F. Utkin (Ryazan, Russia)

1, 2

Development of a biotechnical system for intraoperative diagnosis of perfusion and metabolic parameters of biological tissues during minimally invasive surgical interventions

E.V. Potapova1

1 Research and Development Center of Biomedical Photonics, Orel State University

Study heavily icy deposits with recurrent ice wedges by ground penetrating radar

D.E. Edemsky1, V.E. Tumskoy2, I.V. Prokopovich3

1,3 Pushkov Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation of RAS (Moscow, Troitsk, Russia)
2 Melnikov Permafrost Institute, SB RAS (Yakutsk, Russia)
1; 2; 3

Using machine learning methods to detect depression among users of the social network Reddit

V.G. Lyalikova1, М.М. Bezryadin2, D.Yu. Golovanov3

1–3 Voronezh state university (Voronezh, Russia)

1, 2, 3

Parameterization of the influence of modified gravity theories on the characteristics of cosmological perturbations

I.V. Fomin1

1 Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Moscow, Russia)

Algorithm for receiving signal source tracking using signal phase perturbations in symmetrical antenna arrays

V.I. Djigan1

1 Institute for Design Problems in Microelectronics of RAS (Zelenograd, Moscow, Russia)


Quantum rings in a magnetic field: selection rules, quantization of persistent current and possibility to control the state of the electron

A.M. Mandel1, V.B. Oshurko2, S.G. Veselko3, K.G. Solomakho4, A.A. Sharts5

1–5 Moscow State University of Technology «STANKIN» (Moscow, Russia)

2 Prokhorov General Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia)


Features of the state of oxidative metabolism in patients with idiopathic male infertility living in the northern region

O.S. Belik1, V.I. Korchin2

1,2 Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – Ugra “District Clinical Hospital” (Khanty-Mansiysk, Russia)

1, 2