M.E. Kulikova1, P.V. Platonov2, I.O. Starikova3, K.A. Ivanova4
1–4 Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Moscow, Russia)
1 kulikova.m@bmstu.ru, 2 pavelplatonov@bmstu.ru, 3 starikova.i@bmstu.ru, 4 kaivanova@bmstu.ru
Recently, it has become relevant to use unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in various industries as a way of sustainable development of the main economic indicators of the country's industry.
Purpose. Study the capabilities of civilian UAVs and determine key indicators when achieving competitive positions in the world market for the implementation of the import substitution strategy.
The key areas of use of civilian UAVs in industry were considered, their impact on the environmental, social and economic aspects of development was analyzed, problems and prospects for their implementation and application were identified.
The role of UAVs as the main indicator of sustainable industrial development to achieve leading positions in the international market, as well as in the processes of implementing port substitution programs in the domestic market of the country, was studied. Import substitution of components for UAVs within the framework of sustainable development of the country's industry is an improved methodology for a systematic approach to organizing production processes and introducing the products obtained from the point of view of a stable balance between solving social, economic and environmental problems.
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