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Journal Dynamics of Complex Systems - XXI century №4 for 2024 г.
Article in number:
Analysis of the current state of problems of integration of corporate information systems at high-tech industrial enterprises
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: 10.18127/j19997493-202404-05
UDC: 004+651

D.A. Kalacheva1, K.I. Porsev2

1,2 Yaroslavl State Technical University (Yaroslavl, Russia)
1 kalachevada@edu.ystu.ru, 2 porsevki@ystu.ru


Currently, in order to ensure high product quality, increase productivity and uptime of machine-building products, it is necessary to introduce specialized software that will cover all departments of the enterprise and the life cycle processes of high-tech products. The main systems in this case are: product lifecycle management systems, enterprise management and production process management.

Often these systems are not integrated into a single platform due to the lack of a single data integration standard. At the same time, there is a need to form a single information space for all participants in the product lifecycle processes.

To implement a single information space, it is necessary to combine the main systems, which will ensure fast and efficient information exchange, as well as full-fledged management of design and technological preparation of production.

According to the GOST R IEC 62264-1-2014 standard, based on the IEC 62264-1:2003 standard, the functional hierarchy of production consists of the following levels: levels 2, 1 and 0 represent the functions of dispatching control of production modules or production lines, operational management functions and process control functions; levels 4 and 3 are the functions of business planning, logistics, production management, workflow in the production of required products.

The main advantages of integrating corporate information systems:

a) Full control over the product from the customer's order to the delivery of the goods, which ensures the parallelism of the manufacturing processes of high-tech products.

b) The transition from traditional production to individual «customized», in such companies, customers can make changes to the design and production processes.

c) Saving time and costs becomes possible by getting rid of multiple data entry, improving coordination between business departments.

d) Improvement of the quality management system through the integration of information systems and the transition to «smart factories».

Problems that need to be solved when organizing a single information space:

a) Organizational problems associated with the transition to «smart factories» and the heterogeneity of the levels of intellectualization of enterprises.

b) A large selection of information systems from foreign and domestic, implemented as a ready-made solution or with modification «on the spot», as well as having different functionality.

c) The lack of methodological elaboration without taking into account the advantages of new technologies, limited resources, the need to inspect the enterprise before the introduction of information systems.

d) Lack of technical modernization and financial opportunities, lack of computer equipment and software, outdated technologies, high cost of solutions.

e) The problem of data and its security. A manufacturing company needs to store and manage data changes in information systems, as well as ensure data confidentiality.

As a result of the research, the advantages and disadvantages of organizing a single information space are analyzed, and the direction of further research related to solving the problems of integrating corporate information systems is determined.

Pages: 50-57
For citation

Kalacheva D.A., Porsev K.I. Analysis of the current state of problems of integration of corporate information systems at high-tech industrial enterprises. Dynamics of complex systems. 2024. V. 18. № 4. P. 50−57. DOI: 10.18127/j19997493-202404-05 (in Russian).

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Date of receipt: 12.10.2024
Approved after review: 25.10.2024
Accepted for publication: 20.11.2024