K.S. Myshenkov1, Nekoula Haddad2
1,2 Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Moscow, Russia)
1 myshenkovks@bmstu.ru, 2 nekoulahaddad@gmail.com
Artificial intelligence (AI) has notably progressed within the healthcare sector, particularly through advancements in natural language processing (NLP), which enhance data analysis efficiency and accuracy. Electronic medical records (EMRs) have become crucial data sources for enhancing healthcare quality, research, and decision-making. However, much of the valuable information within EMRs remains hidden in unstructured text, posing significant challenges for traditional data extraction and analysis methods.
Recent AI-driven innovations in clinical text analysis, employing machine learning and deep learning algorithms, have significantly improved the extraction of meaningful information from extensive medical text data, supplanting less effective rule-based approaches.
The proposed system for analyzing medical text data and evaluating physician prescriptions against standards represents a significant step towards digital transformation in healthcare. It addresses critical factors such as the exponential growth of medical data, the complexity and diversity of information, the need for standard compliance, the importance of accuracy and error minimization, and the speed of data processing. Additionally, it supports decision-making, enhances service quality, and aids scientific research by identifying new patterns and trends in large datasets.
The domain-specific terminology model developed within the system demonstrated better results in terms of data processing speed and classification accuracy compared to existing machine learning models based on the BERT model. The proposed system ensures increased efficiency of physician prescription evaluation processes, compliance with established standards, and improved patient care. The results obtained represent a significant step forward in the development of decision support systems in medicine. With further research and development aimed at improving text vectorization methods and expanding text similarity calculation methods, this approach has the potential to revolutionize evaluation procedures in healthcare, ultimately benefiting both healthcare professionals and patients.
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