V.I. Terekhov1, S.V. Skryl2, A.V. Baldin3, B.S. Goryachkin4, D.D. Ivchenko5
1–5 Bauman Moscow State Technical University (National Research University) (Moscow, Russia)
1terekchow@bmstu.ru, 2skryl@bmstu.ru, 3bal@bmstu.ru, 4bsgor@mail.ru, 5danchiksk@yandex.ru
Automation of information technologies is developing at a rapid pace, the issue of effective interaction between man and machine is becoming increasingly significant and pressing. This paper examines the problem of designing automated control systems for special purposes based on a systems approach and design ergonomics.
Investigate the information display subsystem in a special-purpose automated control system as a separate system, and also consider the influence of this subsystem on the efficiency of human-machine interaction. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of cognitive function and its significance for achieving the goals of functioning of the automated system under consideration.
The conceptual foundations of the design ergonomics of automated information display systems are presented. The key stages of implementing the concept of design ergonomics of the above-mentioned systems are studied, including problem analysis, formulation of theoretical foundations, study of the effectiveness of interaction in the “man-machine” system and development of design technology.
The developed concept of design ergonomics of automated information display systems can serve as a basis for the creation of more efficient control systems that provide improved interaction between man and machine, which helps to increase operator efficiency and improve the overall performance of automated control systems for special applications.
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