S.S. Vinnikov1, A.N. Nardid2, G.I. Revunkov3, Yu.E. Gapanyuk4
1–4 Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Moscow, Russia)
A metagraph data model is a modern universal tool for describing the subject domain and the relationships between objects within it. Category theory is a well-known and well-developed mathematical apparatus that allows to study properties of relations between objects without the need to study the structure of these objects. Application of category theory to the metagraph model of data will open up new possibilities in the study of this model.
Goal. The goal of the work is to represent a set of metagraphs in the form of a category and to implement the described tool in software.
The paper considers the association operator on the set of metagraphs and metaverses. The category of metagraphs is presented. The program code allowing to work with metagraphs as categorical objects is implemented.
Categorical representation of metagraphs allows to apply the apparatus of category theory to metagraphs for further development and research of properties and features of metagraph data model, as well as to implement the software implementation of metagraph model in Haskell programming language.
Vinnikov S.S., Nardid A.N., Revunkov G.I., Gapanyuk Yu.E. Representation of a metagraph model as a category. Dynamics of complex systems. 2023. V. 17. № 3. P. 72−77. DOI: 10.18127/j19997493-202303-10 (in Russian).
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