V.I. Terekhov1, B.S. Goryachkin2
1,2 Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Moscow, Russia)
The study of the current state of the department, in particular the development of its scientific areas, gives an understanding of the historical continuity and the vector of its further development. The projects presented in the article show the continuity of scientific schools, which started from computing technology, further developed in the field of systems automated management and came to artificial intelligence systems and big data processing. The materials of these projects are the generator of new educational programs and methodological support of basic disciplines, they are actively used in the educational process, implementing the unique education system of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University – learning through practice – or the “Russian method of teaching crafts”. The object of the study is the scientific projects of the department “Information Processing and Management Systems” of the BMSTU. The aim of the work is to present the main projects of the department “Information Processing and Management Systems” at the present stage of development of its scientific areas related to the development of artificial intelligence systems and big data processing for systems automated management for various purposes.
The scientific projects of the department are presented, showing the main directions of development at the present stage: 3D data processing, image processing, decision support systems based on artificial intelligence methods, expert and predictive systems, as well as methods for modeling computer systems. Descriptions of projects, their relevance and tasks to be solved are given.
A general trend has been identified, which consists in the fact that in each project of the department, methods of artificial intelligence and big data processing are used to solve the tasks.
Terekhov V.I., Goryachkin B.S. Development of relevant scientific areas as a continuation of the scientific schools of the department “Information Processing and Management Systems” of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Dynamics of complex systems. 2023. V. 17. № 3. P. 25−33. DOI: 10.18127/j19997493-202303-04 (in Russian)
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