V.O. Novitsky1, D.A. Zinoviev2, K.N. Samarskij3
1–3 Moscow State University of Food Production (Moscow, Russia)
Currently in Russia there is a demand for automated information systems (AIS) of a universal type for an enterprise. At the same time, the solutions present on the market have a number of architectural and functional flaws.
Target – Conduct an analysis of existing AIS of various types (ERP, PLM, CRM and BPMS) in terms of functional composition, demand for functionality according to the domain of the implementation site and architectural features of the system. Based on the analysis, describe the functional composition and architecture of the universal modular cloud automated information system (AIS) for the enterprises.
The results of the study (the classification of methods for assessing the quality of user interfaces developed by the authors, the key criteria for assessing the quality of the interface of educational applications for younger students determined as a result of the study) may be of interest both to specialists involved in the design of interfaces of electronic educational resources, and for specialists involved in evaluating their quality.
The analysis revealed the advantages and disadvantages of solutions presented on the market. Based on this analysis, we formulated the concept of the system, which is designed to incorporate the advantages of the considered systems and minimize their flaws.
Novitsky V.O., Zinoviev D.A., Samarskij K.N. Analysis and configuration of information systems for enterprises management using cloud technologies. Dynamics of complex systems. 2023. V. 17. № 2. P. 41−50. DOI: 10.18127/j19997493-202302-05 (in Russian)
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