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Journal Dynamics of Complex Systems - XXI century №2 for 2022 г.
Article in number:
Organization and economic mechanism of the adaptation management of the industrial organization
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: 10.18127/j19997493-202202-07
UDC: 658.5

L.S. Zelentsova1, G.S. Matveev2

1 State University of Management (Moscow, Russia)
2 Stock Company, Scientific Research Institute “Kulon” (Moscow, Russia)


The existing management tools do not allow responding promptly and adequately to the global challenges of the XXI century associated with globalization and digitalization of the economy, the increasing speed of change.

Based on the analyzed processes of formation of adaptive characteristics of an industrial organization and an enlarged scheme for the formation of the composition of indicators, methods of dynamic assessments, pairwise comparison, conjugation of components of formulas and analysis of the repeatability of indicators of functional areas, a set of key indicators for assessing the adaptive properties of an industrial organization by functional areas of management of an industrial organization, within which the stability and stability of its functioning are ensured.

Due to the need to have a holistic view of the actual state of the management object, the interrelationships of its elements, the ongoing processes, as well as to have methodological tools to form alternative scenarios for the adaptation of the organization to the changing conditions of its functioning, an organizational and economic mechanism for managing the adaptation of an industrial organization was developed, representing a combination and interaction of various parts of a functional and supporting nature. The organizational component of the mechanism provides optimal combinations of modules for the formation and control of the implementation of the adaptation strategy, diagnosis and prediction of adaptation characteristics, and the economic component allows you to determine the acceptable values of key indicators of adaptability, which leads to a reduction in the risks of loss of stability of the functioning of the economic system.

The adaptation management mechanism makes it possible to coordinate the participation of all stakeholders on the basis of assigning them the functions of management, maintenance and formation of adaptation characteristics. Recommendations have been developed for monitoring the adaptability of an organization taking into account risk and an algorithm for ensuring the effectiveness of risk management while maintaining indicators within the target interval has been illustrated.

Pages: 59-67
For citation

Zelentsova L.S., Matveev G.S. Organization and economic mechanism of the adaptation management of the industrial organization. Dynamics of complex systems. 2022. V. 16. № 2. P. 59−67. DOI: 10.18127/j19997493-202202-07 (in Russian)

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Date of receipt: 28.04.2022
Approved after review: 16.05.2022
Accepted for publication: 23.02.2022