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Journal Dynamics of Complex Systems - XXI century №2 for 2022 г.
Article in number:
Creation of an information management system for food industry enterprises in the CRM concept
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: 10.18127/j19997493-202202-03
UDC: 004.9:664:007.3

V.O. Novitsky1, A.S. Semenov2

1,2 Moscow State University of Food Production (Moscow, Russia)


Within the framework of the article, the advantages of implementing a food industry enterprise management system (and related industries) in the company's CRM concept for automating sales processes and improving business efficiency were demonstrated. It has been shown that automation of CRM processes can reduce employee work time and the number of errors. The client can form requests himself, which speeds up the order processing time and improves the quality of interaction with customers. In addition, the CRM system provides a single information space for working with clients, which ensures transparency of activities, the level of control and management based on indicators.

It is concluded that the proposed solutions are based on the methodology of the system approach, based on the literature review, which is an effective tool for the analysis and synthesis of complex systems. The high importance and insufficient practical elaboration of the problem of customer-oriented business processes in information management systems at enterprises producing products for direct consumption by the population determine the undoubted novelty and benefit of this work.

Research has shown that the result of applying a customer-oriented strategy is to increase the competitiveness of the food industry and increase its profitability. The main purpose of this system is to increase the efficiency of the company by attracting and retaining customers.

The results of the expert survey showed that users prefer to work with flexible CRM systems, the creators of which have a clear understanding of the client's needs, and also follow the main trends in their field. Customers note an increase in revenue and a reduction in costs as a result of using such systems. Such CRM solutions are characterized by high functionality and a clear interface, they can be adapted to solve various types of tasks.

It is necessary to create high-quality customer bases that will "work" to increase sales by accumulating important information, track the execution of each order, for food industry enterprises, analyze the work of the sales department, see its problem areas and quickly eliminate them, facilitating the management of the sales department and other divisions of the enterprise, ensuring its high efficiency based on customer orientation.

The CRM system optimizes all processes of interaction with customers, analyzes sales, goods, services, allows you to identify potential buyers and predict customer behavior, and also automates the sales process, thereby saving resources for preparing a transaction and strengthening the company's position in the market. The undoubted advantage is that the system can be integrated with various third-party sites, messengers and social networks, configure analytics on these traffic channels and monitor the effectiveness of individual channels, so that the company has the opportunity to invest the advertising budget in the stream from which the main number of target customers comes.

The results obtained are of interest to specialists involved in the creation and implementation of CRM systems, taking into account the concept of customer orientation of the entire activity of the enterprise.

Pages: 19-30
For citation

Novitsky V.O., Semenov A.S. Creation of an information management system for food industry enterprises in the CRM concept. Dynamics of complex systems. 2022. V. 16. № 2. P. 19−30. DOI: 10.18127/j19997493-202202-03 (in Russian).

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Date of receipt: 20.04.2022
Approved after review: 29.04.2022
Accepted for publication: 23.05.2022