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Journal Dynamics of Complex Systems - XXI century №2 for 2022 г.
Article in number:
Intellectual capabilities of cluster analysis 5G-6G Transition Neuroprocessor Resource Architectures
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: 10.18127/j19997493-202202-02
UDC: 004.032

V.N. Ruchkin1, B.V. Kostrov2, V.A. Fulin3

1,3 Ryazan State University named after S.A. Yesenin (Ryazan, Russia)
2 Ryazan State Radio Engineering University n. a. V.F. Utkin (Ryazan, Russia)


The article describes the natural evolutionary process of transition from the old 5G to the new 6G. The current version of 5G is many times faster than the original version of 5G LTE in terms of data download speed and has the prospect of increasing it in the future. According to the forecasts of experts in 6G, this speed will be 100 times higher than 5G. This will increase the throughput and quality of communication in general. 6G will deepen the connectivity and integration of the digital and physical worlds. In essence, 6G, building on modern technologies being introduced with the rollout of 5G networks, will provide users with new opportunities far beyond 5G.

The main task of the transition process from 5G to 6G is to ensure the continuity and compatibility of the transition in both hardware and software. In addition, the use of artificial intelligence in 5G to optimize the dynamic resource allocation and data processing in 6G will ensure the adoption of modern technologies so that they become even more perfect.

Implementation of the intellectual capabilities of cluster analysis architecture of neuroprocessor resources transition 5G – 6G requires the solution of five important problems:

1) problems encryption key management, integrity metrics protection and reporting, virtual security environment, cloud computing platform health attestation service, and biometric security are provided.

2) problems Various encryption algorithms, the process of encoding, decoding information using standard and non-standard means, for example, symmetric key block encryption according to GOST 28147-89 with a 64-bit size and a 256-bit key, are analyzed.

3) problems is proposed to use a heterogeneous multi-core chip 1879VM8Ya resistant to external influences for encoding and decoding information in the form of an MC 127.05 module using the NeuroMatrixCore (NMC) digital signal neuroprocessor core.

4) problems A 64-bit RISC processor with VLIW, EPIC, SIMD and superscalar architectures is used to greatly enhance the security and privacy of computing platforms using Windows 10 and Windows 11 for 5G-6G transition.

5) problems Programming of algorithms for managing coding keys is carried out using the example of encoding information in NMC assembly language, which as a whole constitute a library of macros.

Pages: 10-18
For citation

Ruchkin V.N., Kostrov B.V., Fulin V.A. Intellectual capabilities of cluster analysis 5G-6G Transition Neuroprocessor Resource Architectures. Dynamics of complex systems. 2022. V. 16. № 2. P. 10−18. DOI: 10.18127/j19997493-202202-02 (in Russian).

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Date of receipt: 29.04.2022
Approved after review: 13.05.2022
Accepted for publication: 23.05.2022