B.S. Goryachkin − Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor,
Department of Information Processing and Management Systems, Bauman Moscow State Technical University
E-mail: bsgor@mail.ru
M.A. Savelyeva − Master,
Department of Information Processing and Management Systems, Bauman Moscow State Technical University E-mail: mashka4711@rambler.ru
Problem definition: at present, during the peak development of computer technologies and General computerization in General, a person of almost any profession is forced to face working at a computer. Moreover, the work is associated with constant stress, primarily visual, which leads to eye fatigue and consequently reduces performance. And for people who do not have absolute vision, in particular, people with optical aberrations see only a blurry image, this problem is multiplied. Modern methods of creating displays with aberration correction, using multi-layer pre-filtering and light field displays, do not give the full desired effect.
Purpose: defining a method for creating specialized screens for visually impaired people (people with optical aberrations).
Results: in this article, various approaches to designing displays for the visually impaired were considered , namely, light field displays, multi- layer displays with pre -filtering, and a new combined approach was analyzed, which is a combination of the two above- mentioned approaches. The simulation data obtained from the experiment for three different saturated images, estimated on the basis of the qmos error metric, showed that the light field pre-filtering screen, i.e. the combined screen (combined method), actually works, showing good results on images with different content.
Practical significance: the analyzed and tested light field pre-filtering screen, i.e. combined screen, can be used effectively by people with optical aberrations.
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