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Journal Dynamics of Complex Systems - XXI century №4 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Classification of texts language identification programs
S.N. Kalegin - Post-graduate Student, Head of Sector of STD, JSC «MNITI» (Moscow) E-mail: ksn@mniti.ru
With increasing amounts of unstructured multilingual data in the modern technogenic world and the evolution of communications media, such as television, the Internet, etc., increases the need for the development of the language identification systems. The article presents classification of texts language identification programs on the basis of their identification principles and a comparative test, which revealed the relevant features. This allow developers to more sensible approach to the design of this software, and consumers more consciously choose it. In addition, the grading of language identifiers can be used in teaching and thematic books for students of technical faculties, specialists in the field of the artificial intelligence, etc., as well as in the development of new language identification systems.
Pages: 27-33


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