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Journal Dynamics of Complex Systems - XXI century №3 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Research information and conceptual data model engineering data management systems product proposed standard application protocols
M.A. Shalumov - Ph. D. (Eng.), Research Scientist, Department of Information Technologies, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (Vladimir branch). E-mail: ALS140965@mail.ru
The article deals with the standard ISO 10303 Standard for the Exchange of Product Model Data (STEP) (GOST R ISO 10303-1-99), which determines the shape of a clear representation of machine-oriented data about the product and the exchange of these data throughout the life of the product for evaluation the possibility of using information and conceptual data models in the automated control system modeling of complex radio-electronic means. The basis STEP is the language Express. It is the language of a unified view of data and data exchange in computing environments. One of the most important application protocols AP203 is Configuration controlled design with controlled configuration), which regla-mentary conceptual data model for management of product data. The cornerstone of the present information about the product is IO «the product». Each product can have one or several versions. IO each «version» can have one or multiple representations. With all the advantages of the information-conceptual data models should be noted the following disadvantages: 1. Information model data, the proposed application Protocol AP209 not provide the description in a structured form mathematical models of complex RES on a macro level. 2. The information model of the data described by application protocols AP203 and AP209, do not provide a structured description template standard RES with a description of their structure. 3. The data model is described in application Protocol AP209, providing independent management tasks for design and analysis product allows you to create templates of the methods of design and analysis.
Pages: 45-49


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