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Journal Dynamics of Complex Systems - XXI century №2 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Managing material resources of an industrial enterprise in modern world
O.V. Loginovskiy - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Head of Department, South Ural State University (Chelyabinsk). E-mail: loginovskiyo@mail.ru A.A. Maksimov - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, South Ural State University (Chelyabinsk). E-mail: maximov@kfw.ru K.S. Khaldin - Post-graduate Student, South Ural State University (Chelyabinsk). E-mail: lar3811@yandex.ru
In connection with the realization of the significance of environmental effects of production-governmental process and the changes in the material resource efficiency concept (such as raw materials, machinery, energy, etc.), there was a need to review existing approaches and methods to the management of these resources. The situation is also complicated by the fact that developed in western management techniques do not work effectively in the domestic enterprises in the power inherent in the Russian national characteristics, as well as the characteristic of the phenomena of our times of uncertainty, the global economic crisis, the strength of political and social relations, etc. The research system of production factors, the dynamics of change in views on the structure and essence allows us to say that the emergence (or rather, the recognition of) a new factor - the environment - is a natural, a natural phenomenon, as well as the gradual increase of its significance. Accordingly, material management as a separate factor of production, has a double impact on the profitability of the enterprise: direct (cost of raw materials, equipment, energy, etc.) And indirectly (incentives and sanctions related to the generation of waste and energy consumption). The analysis used information resource planning allows us to say that their feature set does not include the mining production process parameters and of themselves they are not able to support the decision-making on a qualitative change in these parameters. Mining Problems are solved with the help of specialized systems, but at the current level of integration can not speak of an effective security management process. One way to solve this problem is to design and equipping of ERP systems with additional modules, which are based on the latest mathematical models and methods of analysis of efficiency of use of material resources should be put.
Pages: 33-38


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