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Journal Dynamics of Complex Systems - XXI century №4 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
About formation of an assessment of indices of reliability of object complexes of technical means of a security signaling
A.V. Telnyy - Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department of Informatics and Information Security, Vladimir State University named after A.&N. Stoletovs E-mail: andre.izi@mail.ru M.Yu. Monakhov - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of Department of Informatics and Information Security, Vladimir State University named after A.&N. Stoletovs E-mail: mmonakhov@vlsu.ru
This article offers a model for dynamic evaluation of reliability indicators for technical components of security alarm systems. In this article «reliability» of object complexes is interpreted as a probabilistic value describing «object-mean» probability of triggering the security alarm and transmitting the alarm signal from the object to the centralized security station (CSS) through the entire time of use of technical components of security alarm systems (TCSAS). The model for the TCSAS reliability (the probability of alarm transmission) can be methodically viable as it establishes mathematical dependencies between TCSAS reliability indicators and a mul-titude of parameters and factors, which influence TCSAS through their use, such as usage conditions, structure of TCSAS, quality of service, etc. Nomenclature and characteristics of primary reliability indicators for hardware components of object TCSAS complexes are determined by government standards and organizational regulations. Security alarm system, as from the secured part of the building (or of the room space) to the CSS operator, can be viewed as a chain of n sequentially connected elements. Main components of the TCSAS complex are: detectors (the probability of detection corresponds to each detector); cables of alarm buses (i.e. address line) with means for commutation; controlling receivers or TCSAS controllers; object-related devices of the alarm transmission system; communication links of the alarm transmission system; the CSS. All components of the security alarm system are connected as a sequence, therefore it is necessary for every component to work faultlessly. In this article we consider the destabilizing factors influencing the reliability of TCSAS object complexes as following: usage conditions (climate conditions such as temperature, humidity, wind etc.; destructive influences such as vibrations, electromagnetic fields; changes in illumination, noise levels, overload and so on); TCSAS complexes installation errors: configuration errors or errors during the tuning starts for detectors; TCSAS structure (radial or address line); incorrect choice of parameters or configuration errors for controllers or controlling receivers; noncompliance as to the volume and terms of technical service of TCSAS; noncompliance as to the terms and quality of object examinations for monitoring the TCSAS conditions; noncompliance as to the quality requirements for powering the TCSAS; the type of communication link and alarm transmission system, correctness of alarm transmission system configuration; aging, wear and other factors.
Pages: 34-41


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