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Journal Dynamics of Complex Systems - XXI century №3 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
A simulation evaluation with attention focusing
V.V. Smirnov - Ph. D. (Eng.), Consultant, «Delis Arkhiv Ltd.» (Moscow). E-mail: vitaly_smirnov@mail.ru
The paper discusses the basic principles of modeling of processes occurring on estimated perception level when a conflicts are take place. It is suggested that a necessary condition for the implementation of the evaluation is the existence of relations (conscious or unconscious) between needs and properties of evaluated object. It is noted that traditionally particular cases of this relations are included in a needs model or in a evaluated object model, and each model of evaluation focused only on certain classes of objects. The paper highlighted two approaches to evaluation. In the approach number one the resulting estimate is an estimate of the final or intermediate result towards the goal, and the result is presented in the assessment as a summary of behavior. In the approach number two, called needs-oriented, the resulting estimate is an estimate of the object, which is destined to meet the needs. It is proposed an approach to the formalization of the evaluation process, in which a needs model and an object model are considered as independent models. A comparison of a needs model and an object model occurs directly in the evaluation process. This approach is more corresponded to the psychology of evaluation than the traditional approach in which the needs model and evaluated object model are inseparable from each other and often even from the model of the evaluation process. It is proposed a model of needs-oriented evaluation, which includes the main types of information processes (extraction, submission, storage and processing of data and knowledge). Unique element of model is secondary needs which are generated due to any limits of information processes resources or because of conflicts, ensuring their resolution by analogy with the way it does in the central nervous system. Information processes resources are understood possibilities for extraction, representation, storage and processing of data and knowledge. Examples of such resource limitations in the human brain may serve as a time during which a neuron can be in the excited state, the number of neurons in the brain, the speed of information exchange between the hemispheres of the brain, etc. Similar restrictions of information processes resources take place in computers. Examples of these limitations are time and memory for each thread in the multithreaded tasks. The paper presents an estimation process model applicable to any needs and any estimated objects which involve the evaluation of perception with attention focusing.
Pages: 36-46


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