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Journal Dynamics of Complex Systems - XXI century №2 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Variations structure of the Earth-s electric field in the frequency bandwidth 10<sup>&#8722;5</sup>?2,5&#8729;10<sup>&#8722;5</sup> Hz
V.A. Efimov - Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department of Radio Engineering and Radios Systems, Vladimir State University named after A.&N. Stoletovs. E-mail: vladefimov48@mail.ru L.A. Kalygina - Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department of Computer Engineering, Vladimir State University named after A.&N. Stoletovs
According to Wilson-s hypothesis, lithosphere is the lower conducting mantle and ionosphere is the upper one of the natural spherical capacitor ionosphere - the Earth. Redistribution of electric charges forming the electric field takes place in this capacitor constantly through the influence of forces delivering energy there. The electric field is potential and always directed vertically, i.e. practically there is only a vertical component of its potential gradient or field strength Ez. Depending on the meteorological, geophysical and anthropogenic phenomena in the Earth-s atmosphere Ez departure (variation) from mean value is observed at different time intervals. Among the daily intervals the most known are the unitary variation (Carnegie curve) and Ez synchronous variation which is considered the evidence of the existence of the global atmospheric pump loaded with the natural capacitor. The variable component in the global capacitor-s performance results in the appearance of intrinsic oscillations observed in the form of Schumann resonances or Ez magnitude variations at the frequencies from 7 Hz and more in the dynamic system ionosphere - the Earth. Moreover, in the atmosphere there are wide-scale oscillations of another kind which appear as the effect of Newtonian attraction forces of the Moon and the Sun (tidal phenomena), the Sun-s heating effect, the Earth-s intrinsic oscillations leaving their mark in Ez variations. Long observations of the atmosphere-s electric state have enabled to get the estimation of harmonic signals amplitude in Ez variations at the tidal phenomena frequencies. However, the received results are tentative and do not allow to establish the interrelation between geodynamic processes and atmospheric electricity. This article gives the results of the additional research of Ez variations structure. The use of the narrowband signal detection filtering for the non-stationary random processes analysis is substantiated. It is shown that the Earth-s electric field dynamics in the frequency bandwidth 10−5-2,5∙10−5 Hz is determined by the assembly of harmonic oscillations which can be chosen in the real time scale with continuous estimation of their amplitudes and phases. Signals amplitudes can vary in time, while phase relations keep constant. Thereby the contribution of random signals (strays) in Ez variations is insignificant.
Pages: 29-37


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