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Journal Dynamics of Complex Systems - XXI century №1 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Reducing the computational complexity of image registration in the aircraft technical vision systems
combining disparate images
by combining the horizon
the model field of view
reducing the computational complexity of combining
A.A. Loginov - Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department of Computer, Ryazan State Radio Engineering University. E-mail: loginal@mail.ru
E.R. Muratov - Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department of Computer, Ryazan State Radio Engineering University. E-mail: Myratov_erl@mail.ru
M.B. Nikiforov - Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Deputy Head of Department of Computer, Ryazan State Radio Engineering University. E-mail: nikiforov.m.b@evm.rsreu.ru
A.I. Novicov - Ph. D. (Econ.), Associate Professor, Department of Higher Mathematics, Ryazan State Radio Engineering University. E-mail: novikovanatoly@yandex.ru
Analysis of real images showed that of the 6 parameters (roll, pitch, yaw, altitude, latitude and longitude), which should be the com-bination, the greatest discrepancy cause error in determining the roll, pitch and altitude. Proper identification of these parameters would reduce the dimensionality of the six-dimensional parameter space to three. To obtain the correct count roll, pitch and altitude of the proposed combination algorithm includes sequential multistep procedure verifying the true values of these parameters.
The proposed approach to the problem allows us to find a satisfactory evaluation of three of the six navigation parameters at a low computational complexity. At the same time there are still rough estimates two parameters to the coordinates x and y. Clarification of the three options offered to produce 6 within the correlation methods of combining, but found in the vicinity of the point in the six-dimensional space at fixed values of pitch and roll angles and altitude.
Pages: 33-40
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