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Journal Dynamics of Complex Systems - XXI century №5 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Technique of application of the system ASONIKA in modeling thermal processes of units and printed circuit boards
A.N. Semenenko - Post-graduate Student, Department «Electronics and telecommunications», MIEM HSE. E-mail: asemenenko@hse.ru B.L. Linetskiy - Head of Department Department of Scientific Research, HSE. E-mail: blinetskiy@hse.ru I.A. Ivanov - Deputy Head of Department «Electronics and telecommunications», MIEM HSE. E-mail: i.ivanov@hse.ru S.U. Uvaysov - Head of Department «Electronics and telecommunications», MIEM HSE. E-mail: s.uvaysov@hse.ru
Modern radio electronic means have difficult structure, so they can contain many printed circuit boards. Each printed circuit board can consist of hundreds electronic components. The problem of ensuring the reliability of radio electronic means is an actual task for engineers. Reliability of electronic devices depends of different conditions, especially of thermal mode. Temperature is one of the most important negative factors, which is the reason of appearances of rejections of radio electronic means. That-s why engineers, who develop electronic devices, should model of radio electronic means on thermal effects on preliminary stage of the development. For modeling of electronic devices engineer must have special program complex. One of these complexes is the system ASONIKA, which can help realize computer-aided design and an integrated computer simulation of highly reliable radio electronic means of moving objects in accordance with the requirements of CALS-technologies at the stages of engineering-production-exploitation. Also engineers should have a special technique of the program complex. So, as follows from the title, in this article such technique of application of the system ASONIKA in modeling of thermal processes of units and printed circuit boards is presented. Also in article an example of calculation of the unit and printed circuit board for thermal effects under steady-state thermal mode in according to the technique described in the system ASONIKA is presented. This paper presents conclusion about the correctness of constructions of the unit and printed circuit board.
Pages: 3-9


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