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Journal Dynamics of Complex Systems - XXI century №4 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
The principal problem questions of an electricity of a field communication node
I. I. Snytkin - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Academic, Branch of MAC (Krasnodar) E-mail: timursnytkin@gmail.com Yu. D. Mishin - Ph.D. (Law), «Electroavtomatica» Ltd. (Stavropol) E-mail: el-avt@mail.stv.ru T. I. Snytkin - Senior Research Scientist, FSI «27 CSRI» (Moscow) E-mail: djammell@mail.ru
Exist field communication systems of various control links (field communication centers (FCC) of operations control rooms possessed low ef-fectiveness on indexes of mobility, stability (survivability, reliability) and reconnaissance securities. This problem acquired a special role now, when the task of creation and usage of uniform information field (UIF) dared at territories of guiding of operations by any power structures, because UIF at the organization and usage demanded the considerable extension of the nomenclature of the electric power at execution of requirements of essential reliability augmentation and effectiveness of an electrical supply as a whole. Proceeding from it, the purpose of work are definition of ways of increase of efficiency of functioning of FCC on the basis of improvement of design quality, workings out, functioning and material support of independent systems of an electrical supply. For achievement of an object in view the analysis of the basic problems of an electric power system of field communication centers are carr out, was developed methodological bases of research of effectiveness of an electrical supply system, including methods of analytical and functional modeling, was formulated organizational, functional and technical requirements to electrical supply systems of communication centers, their elements, lines and objects of communication, was systematized indicators and criteria of an estimation of efficiency.
Pages: 61-71


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