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Journal Dynamics of Complex Systems - XXI century №4 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Organization measurements in biosistems
N. V. Selezneva - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Computer Science
All processes of control internal states and purposeful behavior of living beings require quantitative information about physical quantities. Measurement is an inherent property of living organisms. As measures used average values of physical quantities. This provides traceability for animals that have a common habitat, and helps them coordinate their relationships. Each sense organ has a special channel that produces the average value of the measured value, which is taken as the origin. To determine the scale of the image, visible eyes, used reference objects, characteristics and geometrical dimensions of which are stored in the visual memory. Dimensions reference objects defined in the process of growth and human development with your own fingers, hands and body, which function as \"legal\" part of being units. When the size and proportions of the body change, images of reference objects are corrected. To determine the magnitude and direction of the vector of parameters used in the body of the triad sensors directed axes of sensitivity, physically are played three reference systems: one of them is associated with the axes of the sensors, the second - with the axes of symmetry of the head, the third - with vertical space and external benchmarks. Transformation of the measured data from one coordinate system to another is carried out in the medulla oblongata. All errors and disorders related with reference objects and reference systems cause persistent visual and spatial illusions, vertigo and motion sickness phenomena.
Pages: 47-54


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