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Journal Dynamics of Complex Systems - XXI century №4 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Mathematical models of automated banking systems of the remote customer service
V. А. Krasnikova - Assistant, Base of Department «Computing systems real-time», Technical University MIREA. E-mail: lola006@ya.ru
Information technology is deeply embedded in the banking sector of the financial industry. It is connected with the struggle of the banks for clients in all areas of banking activities, the expansion in financial services, improved quality, reduced maintenance time. Banks are constantly looking for ways to reduce the costs of certain financial services and products to customers, and to improve the quality of all work. The main direction of the effectiveness of the system «client-Bank» is the improvement of banking automation. Obviously, this can be achieved only on the basis of system approach and taking into account numerous risks to the choice of parameters of computing system that is used in ABS. Urgent task is the development of mathematical models ABS, allowing evaluation of the effectiveness of systems «client-Bank» with a different architecture. Under the mathematical model in this paper is a set of mathematical expressions that describe the regularities of functioning of the system. The task of the development of mathematical models ABS focus of this work.
Pages: 9-13


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