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Journal Dynamics of Complex Systems - XXI century №2 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
The content of the concepts used to describe the professional development of students - future civil servants
L. E. Petrova - Expert, Russian Public Service Academy (Vladimir branch). E-mail: lika0801@yandex.ru
In connection with the reform of the civil service system in the Russian Federation today the problem the personnel training for this kind of professional activity is a very urgent. Traditionally, the universities provide the training of future specialists of the system of state and municipal government. Requirements for the civil servant were described in the form competencies in the federal state educational standards, that is a main guiding in the educational process today. But university graduate is must not be a simple specialist, which successfully fulfilling its responsibilities, but he should be a personality self-developing, which can to quickly adapt to changing conditions of life and activity. According to Shadrikov, precisely professionally important personal qualities the student, in combination with knowledge, skills and abilities, not only determine the competencies formation of the future specialist, but also help to solve the widest range of professional issues. The importance of a differentiated perception of these concepts is due to the lack of uniqueness of their interpretation, and hence the use. Analysis of the works of researchers from Russia has allowed us to clarify the meaning of such concepts as «competence», and «professional qualities.» The above concepts are closely related to each other and allow describe adequately the professional development the personality of the specialist, in particular, formation the personality of the modern specialist system of state and municipal management.
Pages: 38-41

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