350 rub
Journal Dynamics of Complex Systems - XXI century №1 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
The reasons of not return of debts and modern method of prevention of bankruptcy of debtor
N. V. Vlasova - Ph. D. (Econom.), Associate Professor, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Vladimir branch). E-mail: vlasovavib@mail.ru
Active development of the both parts of consumer credit market: the types and volume of credits, in the last few years led to a substantial increase of debts of Russian citizens to the credit institutions. Not always the borrower can pay out the credit. There are a lot of reasons for that: Insufficient revise of the borrowers trustability by the credit organizations; The poor functioning of communication channels between different creditors about the borrowers paying ability ; The absence of the effective procedures of the repayment of the debts from the insolvent citizens, both at the level of the credit institutions, as well as at the state level; Unexpected circumstances which influence badly on the financial condition of the borrower (dismissing from the work; disease, disease of close relatives; cheating by contractors); High qualification of fraudsters - planned (false) inconsistency of a citizen. We propose the following measures to prevent insolvency (bankruptcy) of a citizen: At the level of commercial banks: to identify the problem loans at the stage of making decision to issue the credit or not; to follow the first signs of insolvency of a citizens in step of repayment of the loan, permanently monitor the credits; At the level of society: to prevent the appearance of bad loans by increasing the financial education of the citizens; At the national level: to develop the methods of recovering the overdue debts by creation a civilized Russian collector market for collection the overdue debts, to adopt a law on insolvency (bankruptcy) of citizens. The development of methods of prevention of bankruptcy and introduction it in to the daily practice can make the Russian credit market more civilized.
Pages: 48-52

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