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Journal Dynamics of Complex Systems - XXI century №1 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Intersectorial collaboration: regional peculiarities and problems
O.B. Digilina - Dr.Sc. (Econom), Professor, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (Vladimir branch). E-mail: o.b.digilina@mail.ru
I.B. Teslenko - Dr.Sc. (Econom), Vladimir State University n.a. A.G. and N.G. Stoletov. E-mail: iteslenko@ inbox.ru
In the mixed economy different problems may appear in the process of interaction between different economic sectors. The reason for these problems is the difference in interests of the sectors. The governmental sector is interested in the improvement of economic indexes of the country; commercial sector is interested in gaining profit. Noncommercial sector should fill in the gaps between the interests of the governmental and commercial sectors. The difference in the interests may lead to confrontation or it may lead to collaboration or partnership. It is possible to judge about the maturity of interrelation between government and society by their ability to overcome the conflicts on a compromise basis. In Russia the practice of interaction between all the 3 sectors is not as common as it is abroad. In most cases intersectoral interaction is organized in the form of public-private partnership (PPP) created by government and business. There are also examples of interaction between the government and noncommercial sector. Regions have good possibilities for intersectoral partnership. In the Vladimir region public-private partnership is being actively developed since 2009. Nowadays the following projects exist in the region: heat supply system development in Vladimir and in the Vladimir region - the project of housing and communal services, which is funded by means of the budget of the region, the Investment Fund of the Russian Federation and by OJSC «Vladimir communal systems»; long term program «Clean water»; construction of poultry complex in Kameshkovo; creation of agro-industrial park «Stavrovsky» in Stavrovo. The mechanism of intersectoral partnership should include a clear integral concept, legislative basis, a system of organizations (on the federal and the regional levels), methods and instruments of interaction, stimulation of participants, partnership data monitoring, information about best practices, methods of interaction effectiveness valuation.
Pages: 25-29

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