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Journal Dynamics of Complex Systems - XXI century №1 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
The development of the notion of composite thing in civil law
E. V. Basos - Post-graduate Student, Russian Legal Academy of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation
The notion of things, as well as the analysis of interrelations of its constituent parts (elements) with each other and with the whole, is an ancient philosophical question. But the legal significance of constructive communication elements thing gave the Roman law. In ancient Rome conventional classification of things was divided into simple, compound and cumulative. However, it should be noted, that such separation seems to be a legal fiction, because in addition to the elementary particles all other objects in its structure are complex education. Based on the wording of article 133 of the CC RF, allowing the category of things only in the form of communio pro diviso, the greatest interest is is the concept of compound things, like things with other things (and thus independent objects of civil rights), material connected to each other in a single whole. In addition, the relevance of the concepts of an integral of things is determined by the needs of the civil turnover, which has so far played a major role composite objects of real estate. The concept of compound things analysed as Roman and domestic lawyers. Comparative historical research method allows to trace both continuity and fundamental differences in the views of scientists on the concept and the legal regime of the compound things. The results of the study concludes that in russian legislation there is no technically (legally) the classification of things simple, compound and collective, known to the Roman law, and furthermore there is no concept «part of things», and therefore, the term «constituent part of things» is used without any correlation with the concepts of «stacked thing» and «part of things.» Therefore the author offers understood as an integral thing, parts of which are mechanical connection with each other, but are independent objects of civil rights. This definition is appropriate and relevant.
Pages: 12-15

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