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Journal Dynamics of Complex Systems - XXI century №2 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
The automated system of maintenance of reliability and quality of equipment ASONIKA. Integration of software products ANSYS and ASONIKA for the decision of problems of modelling of physical processes at designing radioelectronic means
A.S. Shalumov, N.A. Shalumova, M.V. Tikhomirov, I.S. Uryupin
In the article results and prospects of development of the automated system of maintenance of reliability and quality of equipment ASONIKA, and also its integration with system ANSYS are considered By means of the automated system of maintenance of reliability and quality of equipment (ASONIKA) the automated designing and complex computer modelling of highly reliable radio-electronic means (REM) mobile objects according to requirements of CALS-technologies at stages designing-manufacture-operation is carried out. System ASONIKA is intended for the decision of 4 basic problems existing by working out modern REM: 1) problems of prevention of possible refusals at operation at early design stages at the expense of complex modelling of diverse physical processes; 2) problems of safety of the person at flights by planes (prevention of air crashes) at the expense of the complex automated analysis of a control system by plane on the basis of the created electronic model at all kinds external destabilising factors, including in critical modes; 3) problems of reduction of terms and expenses for designing at the expense of availability to the developer of equipment of offered software and adequacy of results of modelling; 4) problems of automation of document circulation and creation of electronic model of a product at the expense of integration of offered software within the limits of storage and management PDM-system the engineering data and life cycle of a product (equipment).
Pages: 72-83

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