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Journal Dynamics of Complex Systems - XXI century №2 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
The mechanism of interaction between the participants of realization of the strategy of development of housing-and-communal services of the municipal education: synergetic approach
A.A. Posazhennikov
Formation mechanism of interaction between the participants of the strategy of development of housing and communal services of the municipality, using the synergetic model of governance based on the prevailing conditions of functioning of municipal services, as a key factor in the development of the city as a whole is considered. To realize this goal requires specific mechanisms and tools adapted to the synergistic model are required. A distinctive feature of the synergistic approach is a commitment to unstable non-equilibrium states of the system. This eliminates the static models and use such terms as bifurcation and attractor instability. The research problem is a fundamentally new organization of interaction between participants of the strategy based on the latest principles and effects for the formation of practical forms of organization of social and economic systems. Due to this organization it is possible to carry out strategic changes in related industries. With this approach, in the long run you can count not only on the co-evolution of the participants of the strategy development of housing of Defense, but also co-organizing the development of several regions on the basis of public utilities. Separating the three most important members of the Housing Strategy Defense interested in the development of the industry and in achieving synergies, we specifically do not differentiate them in more detail. This will create more options for interaction. Synergy can occur where there is interaction, respectively, than the more shapes, forms and mechanisms of interaction, the greater the chance of occurrence of the effect. With this approach, it may be that to achieve maximum synergies are not conjugate with the most efficient implementation of the goals and objectives of the strategy development of housing MO.
Pages: 55-57

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