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Journal Dynamics of Complex Systems - XXI century №4 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Transmission characteristics of terahertz band mesh polarizers
S.A. Alaverdian, S.I. Bokov, V.M. Isaev, I.N. Kabanov, V.V. Komarov, A.P. Krenitskiy, V.P. Meshanov, S.A. Savushkin, A.S. Yakunin
The model of mesh polarizer representing a 1D metal grating with rectangular shaped bars is considered. Polarizer made by jet etching technology is intended for application in terahertz range. Electrodynamic characteristics of polarizer are analyzed numerically using finite difference time domain method implemented in Quickwave-3D software. Testing of 3D model has shown a good agreement with experimental data and analytical approaches. Dependence of polarizer transmission characteristics on grating bars sizes is evaluated.
Pages: 89-94
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