350 rub
Journal Dynamics of Complex Systems - XXI century №3 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Issledovanie ehffektivnosti sistem programmirovanija dlja graficheskikh uskoritelejj
M.V. Zibul O.N. Molchanov
The article deals with the analysis of the effectiveness of the programming of graphics processing units and effectiveness of GPU in parallel computing technology with CUDA. Presents comparative data programming in Fortran and C / C ++.
Pages: 163-171


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  2. Zibul M.V. Primenenie graficheskikh uskoritelejj v ehmuljatorakh vneshnikh ustrojjstv// Uspekhi sovremennojj radioehlektroniki. 2012. №7.
  3. CUDA NVIDIA. URL:http://www.nvidia.ru.
  4. ASUSvypuskaet videokartu GTX 560 TiDirectCUIIs 448 CUDA-jadrami. URL:http://ru.asus.com/News/8j34fY9BiElkZCku/
  5. NVIDIA Tesla M2090 bjot rekordy v oblasti nauchnykh vychislenijj. URL:http://www.3dnews.ru/news/611313.
  6. Visual Studio Universalnyjj nabor instrumentov, pozvoljajushhijj raskryt tvorcheskijj potencial i sozdavat ehffektivnye reshenija. URL:http:// www.microsoft.com/ visualstudio/ru-ru/products
  7. NVIDIA GPU Computing Documentation, URL: http://developer.nvidia.com/cuda/nvidia-gpu-computing-documentation
  8. PGI Optimizing Fortran, C and C++ Compilers & Tools. URL: http://www.pgroup.com/