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Journal Dynamics of Complex Systems - XXI century №3 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
The quantum hydrodynamics equation with the spin-current and spin-orbit interaction
quantum hydrodynamics equations
spin-orbit interaction
nonlinear Schrodinger equation
many-body physics
Bloch equation
In article represented derivation the quantum hydrodynamics equation to system of many charged particles with the magnetic moment on foundation of the many-body Schrodinger equation. In basis Schrodinger equation taken in to account both interaction with the external electromagnetic field and Coulomb, spin-spin, spin-current, spin-orbit interaction between particles. Was found macroscopic one-particle nonlinear Schrodinger equation due to quantum hydrodynamics equation in self-consistent field approximation. Has leads comparison of equation for density of current and magnetic moment derived directly from many-body Schrodinger equation and from one-particle Schrodinger equation. The contribution of magnetic moment diffusion has establishment for collective model of spin-orbit interaction. The equation obtained for current, magnetic moment and energy can be used like basic equation to investigation transport phenomena of quantum physical systems. This equation are correct not only under condition ballistic or diffusive motion of particles through sample. They are right for arbitrary angle of spin precession.
Pages: 3-30
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